Homeopathy Remedy Bryonia

Pleuritic pain in r. breast, to r. of and in intercostal space, two ribs above nipple, (<) during inspiration, (>) during expiration.

Sharp pain in l. inframammary region, (<) during inspiration. Tearings between r. sixth and seventh ribs, near sternum, afterwards they approached pleuritic stitches, with throbbing pain in r. clavicle; pain as if ribs were torn from their union. Griping near sternum. Pinching behind sternum, (<) inspiration and expiration; just about pit of stomach, (<) sitting and bending forward, or in bed, lying upon the side.

Pain; at 9 P.M., (>) emission of flatus, with oppression; in various parts; posteriorly in lower part; at bend of r. lower ribs; in middle of sternum, also during respiration, with cold feet; in l. intercostal muscles at 11 P.M., while sitting; in a spot below r. axilla, (<) touch; in pectoral muscles when writing, with tightness of thorax; throbbing, in a spot between r. tenth and eleventh ribs, (>) touch; in l. side, extending forward, and in region of lower angle of scapula, causing deep breathing; intermittent, at noon on walking; in ensiform cartilage as if injected with blood, in evening on touch; drawing, externally; drawing, in r. muscles. Drawing in pectoral muscles; with tension.

Burning pain in r. side; in a spot in r. ribs at 9 A.M.; along anterior insertion of diaphragm; extending backward from inner surface of sternum. Bruised pain in pectoral muscles on touch; on r. second rib, extending to sternum. Sore pain beneath sternum; in whole length of sternum; on inner surface of sternum; on inner surface of upper part of sternum, (<) breathing; in a spot between l. seventh and ninth ribs, rather externally, (<) touch. Sensitiveness all forenoon, with stitches in l. side on inspiration; S. of anterior muscles; of pectoral muscles on moving hands and on pressure; of pectoral muscles and of pleura, so that inspiration is difficult.

Pressure over whole; in r. wall; in region of r. nipple, (<) expiration; on r. border of sternum, (<) in open air; in region of false ribs, impending respiration, with stitches in region of nipple; as from mucus, and on inspiration stitches in sternum, (>) eating; as from a hand on upper part of sternum, and she believes that she cannot walk in open air without pain there. Heaviness, (>) on eating, with heaviness in body; beneath sternum, extending towards r. shoulders, impending respiration, with oppression of r. side of chest, and stitches in r. axillary glands. Sensation as if too narrow on going to sleep, with sensitiveness. Pectoral muscles do not seem free, (<) on deep inspiration.

Constriction, with necessity to breathe deeply (as if chest were stopped) and on attempting to breathe deeply, pain as if something were being distended which could not be distended completely; C., with heaviness in sternum; after riding over a rough road, compelling to get out of the wagon, with sore pain in inner surface of sternum, bruised feeling in pectoral muscles, and pain on every movement of arms; in upper part; in lower part. Oppression; in morning, with feeling as if clogged by tenacious mucus; in forenoon while sitting and talking; frequent, in forenoon while walking; of r. side, impeding inspiration when walking; T. (across short ribs); on both sides externally, (<) deep inspiration, increasing to a stitch on deeper inspiration, especially below scapulae, (<) when stooping. Sensation as if contents were loose and fell into abdomen. Internal heat; at every inspiration, (<) l. side.

Clinical Pneumonia in the early stage; Bryonia follows immediately after Aconite, high fever, sharp pains, (>) lying on the affected side, thirst, profuse sweat, headache, etc. In pleurisy it is most frequently required (the Bryonia patient sweats easily and freely), extremely sharp pain, (>) pressure and warmth, cannot tolerate the slightest motion. Sometimes useful in pleuritic exudation, when the sharp pains continue.


      Stitches. Aching. Oppression at 6 A.M. Cramp; with rapid pulse. Beating rapidly and violently. Palpitation.

Clinical Pericarditis, endocarditis (very frequently called for). Great oppression over the region of the heart.


      Full, hard and rapid; F., large and quick, two hours after breakfast. Rapid. Feeble. Imperceptible at wrist.


      Tearing in muscles of l. side, down to shoulder. Pain on moving it; in nape as after taking cold; where nape joins occiput, like a pain and weakness together, as if head were weak; sharp rheumatic pain in tendon of l. trapezius on turning head to left; sore on motion, in l. side of nape and neck and muscles of face, and mastication renders turning the had or chewing difficult. Pressure on l. side of nape. Drawing in muscles or r. side, with stiffness. Tension in nape on moving head. Stiffness toward r. shoulder; of l. side; of muscles, with rawness in throat when swallowing; rheumatic, in side towards nape.


      Sticking twitches on both sides near spine when sitting, (<) morning and evening. Stitches at night, and in loins; extending through chest in forenoon; on l. side in afternoon, (<) moving trunk or bending l. arm backward, and especially in l. chest and l. nipple. Tearing, (<) bending and standing, (>) lying, and in lumbar vertebrae. Constrictive pain across, as if bound with bands, almost like cramp, from 4 to 8 P.M. Drawing down when sitting, (>) motion. Tension in forenoon, and in loins. Stiffness on rising, (>) after walking.

Scapulae. – Stitches in r.; intermittent lightning-like, in region of lower angle of r. in evening, (<) in bed; between S., extending forward, in afternoon when lying; scraping, in a spot between on motion. Pains alternately dull and sharp at lower angle of r. Spasmodic pain between, almost like shivering. Rheumatic pain between inferior angles. Pressure between S. when sitting, (>) when walking, and opposite in forepart of chest. Tension between. Drawing between S.; (<) on r. side; between S. on moving trunk, with stitches. Discomfort between S., more internally towards posterior mediasternum, causing frequent motion of shoulders and trunk.

Dorsal Region. – Stitches in spot between tenth and eleventh ribs. Twitching and tearing pain in region of last dorsal vertebra and sacrum. Drawing tensive pain in first dorsal vertebra (where he had suffered fourteen years previously from distortion of spine) extending through chest to lower part of sternum, with difficult respiration.

Lumbar Region. – Stitches in vertebrae; on r. side of lowest part of back; from third to fourth vertebra, extending on both sides of chest, (<) on breathing; drawing, deep in upper part of r. loin. Drawing tearing at union of r. ilium with sacrum in evening. Pain; in r.; (<) walking; in muscles; in vertebrae in forenoon; with fulness; waking him at 1 A.M., with P. in occiput and chilliness in skin, preventing lying outstretched, (<) sitting up, lifting or turning leg, putting on trousers, walking and ascending stairs, (>) at rest, with body bent forward, with exhaustion while walking, afterwards in bed the pain extended along spine and down legs, (<) attempting to raise or stretch legs or to raise body upright and slightest touch of spine, especially in sacral region, with copious, yellowish-red urine, moderate fever, and full, hard pulse and numbness of thighs, (<) r. Jerklike pain, like a cramp, when sitting and lying. Intermittent suppurative pain in region of r. kidney in morning in bed. Coliclike pain extending over hypogastrium. Pain in r. as after long stooping. Tensive pain in r.; T. pain on walking, throbbing, intermittent, above r. ilium. Tension. Rheumatic pain, (<) by exercise, and in limbs; in r. sacro-iliac region, a drawing lameness, and at centre of r. deltoid. Bruised pain; when lying on it; when sitting, (<) lying, (>) motion; and in thigh. Drawing pain, waking him, (<) turning; D. pain in afternoon, with moderate fever; after a meal. Drawing in both, gradually changing to burning on r. side, afterwards extending over inner surface of r. thigh. Sensation of a bladder filled with air in l. supra-iliac region, lying beneath walls of abdomen, (>) lying on back. Sensitiveness of muscles to touch. Pressure; in muscles, with drawing. Heaviness, with dragging in haemorrhoidal vessels. Weariness on r. side of sacrum, (<) walking. Paralyzed feeling. Loss of sensation in forenoon while walking, so that muscles acted automatically.

Coccyx. – Sticking-drawing while walking.

Clinical Severe muscular pains in back, lumbago, etc.


      Swelling on elbow as far as middle of upper and forearm, and on soles. Stretching in afternoon. Jerking in arms and feet while sitting during the day. In r. elbow sensation as if arm were broken, with paralytic pain, then drawing pain, extending to shoulder-joint, and a similar pain in r. thigh. Stitches in l. knee when walking, and in first joint of r. thumb; sudden, in bones, now in l. upper arm, now in r. leg; drawing, in r. great toe and r. thumb; tearing, in r. knee after warm covering, then S. in l. shoulder-joint. Tearing in elbows and in r. middle toes; in tibiae, with swelling of feet and heaviness of arms; jerklike, in first joint of r. thumb and in lowest joint of r. great toe; drawing, now in upper, now in lower, now in ligaments, now in tendinous sheaths of muscles, at first on motion, then also during rest.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.