Homeopathy Remedy Ammonium Carbonicum


      Chilliness; during the day; in morning, then hiccough; in evening; towards evening, (>) after going to bed; in evening, with bristling of hair, blue hands and nails, chattering of teeth and shaking, sometimes followed by nightly heat and sweat in morning; at night in sleep, (>) on waking; at night, especially in feet; in open air or on entering room; when undressing; C. on going out, fresh air causes sneezing and slight sore throat. Chilliness, with sweat, afterwards heat with thirst; alternating with heat, in bed from 9 to 12 P.M., together with uneasiness; alternating with heat during menses, with sensitiveness to cold, nausea, thirst, pressure at chest, stitches in l. side of chest, tearing in forehead, confusion of head, alternate redness and paleness of cheeks, pressure at stomach, disposition to eructations, violent coryza and sleeplessness.

Shivering; before sleep. Rigor when walking across the street. Rigor, with weakness, then heat in face. Rigor alternating with heat, especially heat in face. Chills and heat for several days, mostly shaking chills, then dry heat, with sweat only in morning. Head gets cold easily. Cold feeling in longitudinal sinus of head. Cold hands and feet. Cold feet; in evening, (<) when going to bed; cold feet, with heat in head.

Heat; at 9 A.M.; in forenoon, before menses, with anxiety; evenings, with headache; at night; from walking in open air. Hectic fever. Orgasms of blood at night. Heat in head when coughing; in sinciput, with pressure; in head and face, with red cheeks; especially in head and face, with burning in lobe of l. ear and around nostrils; in face during and after dinner; in face during mental exertion; especially in abdomen during forenoon. Burning in nape in morning. Burning in back, especially in small of back; on a small spot of upper and lower arm; in hands and feet about noon; in bend of r. knee and along leg with redness and increase of the pain on touch of cold hand. Heat of l. big toe, with pain as if burnt, (<) damp weather and on pressure of boot, (>) resting foot firmly on floor and by walking.

Sweat; in morning; towards morning; night; early every night, and heat in morning; (<) night; profuse, fetid; as from weakness, on forehead; on joints in morning; on legs at night; on scrotum.

Clinical It is a useful remedy in scarlatina, low type, with somnolence and other characteristic symptoms.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.