Homeopathy Remedy Ammonium Bromatum

Ammonium Bromatum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Ammonium Bromatum …

      The Bromide of Ammonia (N H4 Br.) is triturated with sugar of milk for homoeopathic use.

General Action

      Large doses of Bromide of Ammonia produce mental Dullness and physical depression; locally applied, anaesthesia results, in short the general symptoms common to all the bromides. Special attention should be directed to the symptoms of the throat and the cough, so clearly developed by Dr. Cushing’s proving.

Allied Drugs. – Bromine,Ammonium, Causticum, kali-c.


      Circulation excited; with nervous excitement as after wine; vascular excitement, with exhilaration as after morphine, then drowsiness. Feeling as after a dose of opium, though less excited.


      Indescribable pain. Pain in side near l. eye; back of eyes, (<) l.; near r. eye as if a nail were driven in. Feeling of a band above ears, pressing hardest just above ears. Tightness in temples.


      Redness; with soreness; in morning, (<) l., with soreness and with white mucus in corners. R. full of white stringy mucus. Pain around eyes, extending into head. Soreness; r.; sore feeling, with sensation as if sand were in them. Smarting in evening. R. feels as if bathed in hot water. At 3 P.M. bad feeling. Enlarged feeling in evening, with blurred vision; r. feels large and smarts, and he has to wear a shade in the evening to read and write. Balls feel large and sore in evening. Lids, swollen; mucus on lashes; agglutinated; agglutinated in morning; drooping of lids evenings, with pain on raising them. Pain around orbits. Redness between orbit and inner canthus, and appearance as if a membrane were growing over it.


      Sharp pain in lower part of l. at 8 P.M. extending to cheek and neck.


      Stoppage; then discharge of clear fluid. Watery discharge from l. nostril.




      Tongue, Soreness; of top, sides and tip. Smarting as if burnt in morning. Burnt feeling, (<) taking or reading; B. feeling, especially near tip. Biting in l. side of tip. Dryness in morning, with soreness and stiffness. Stiffness. Mouth and throat full of white sticky mucus in morning; white frothy mucus in mouth; stringy tasteless mucus in mouth. Mouth feels burnt; in morning. Mouth dry in morning. Salivation. Taste of food eaten several hours before.


      Redness, Mucus; in posterior fauces; sticky M.; white, sticky, blood-streaked; white thick, Stinging, (>) sneezing, with inclination to cough. Pain in tonsils. Smarting; when hawking up white sticky mucus. Scalded feeling in fauces and top of tongue for half its length. Soreness; (<) l. side; with mottled look, as if diphtheritic deposit were beginning; with white sticky mucus from nose and throat; at 8 P.M. preparing to swallow is painful, but the act of swallowing is not. Irritation; with inclination to cough. Tickling; in morning and at 11 A.M., with inclination to cough; in evening; with cough. Heat at midnight when walking, and in lungs. Feeling as if hot air passed up r. side, though the stomach feels cold. Distress in oesophagus and stomach on swallowing anything cold.


      Eructations of sour gas. Indigestion. Rising of something form pit, impeding breathing and causing faint and disagreeable feeling, (>) eructations; feeling as if something, not wind, were rising from stomach, causing faint feeling. Cutting Distress; (>) afternoon; in upper part of epigastrium, extending to back and hypochondria, with inability to sit still, empty eructations, impeded breathing and general sweat. Sore lame feeling. Faintness in epigastrium or suffocation, in afternoon and evening, rising on sides of sternum to throat, causing sighing, walking about and fear that he might die.


      Uneasiness towards evening, next day diarrhoea and feeling as if distended by flatus. Twisting pain above crest of r. ilium.


      Old haemorrhoid returned with hardness and soreness, but speedily disappeared. Sudden urging to stool and loose stool.

Sexual Organs

      Clinical It has cured neuralgia of the l. ovary.

Respiratory Organs

      Cough, with tickling in throat. Deep C.; deeper in afternoon and evening from tickling below tonsils and causing pain in tonsils; deep from tickling on both sides of throat. Sudden C.; in evening from tickling in throat, (<) sides; from tickling below tonsils; with white mucous expectoration; sudden deep; sudden hacking, in evening, with watery nasal discharge; short sudden, in morning on rising, from sensation of mucus in throat; spasmodic sudden from tickling in throat. Frequent C. Inclination to cough from deep in throat; sudden, from tickling in throat, also causing strangling; sudden, from tickling just below both tonsils; almost constant; Expectoration of white sticky mucus; and occasionally of blood; of gelatinous mucus. Suffocating sensation from lungs, causing him to move around. Inclination to draw a long breath.

Clinical Valuable in the chronic laryngeal catarrh of speakers, or with dry spasmodic cough, which becomes almost continuous, especially at night, with tickling, heat and burning.


      Pain under middle of l. clavicle; in lungs; r. lung; in lungs in forenoon, especially in pleura; worse in upper part of r. lung; constrictive, across chest. Tightness; with pain in lungs. Coldness inside lung.




      Pressure over r. kidney, (>) pressure, but leaving a pulling. Sore spot over r. kidney.


      Weight on r. shoulder at 9 P.M. Pain posteriorly in middle of thigh; l. then r. Pain as from a cord around middle or r. thigh in forenoon, causing limping, the same pain below l. knee in afternoon, in ankle in evening, then in l. foot. Legs ache; from coldness of feet. L. ankle and foot lame.


      Villous and papillated rash in flexures of neck. Prickling.


      Nodding. Slept but two hours at night. Dreamed of trying to pass urine into a bottle, but could not do so on account of being in a crowd of men and women.


      Coldness; with flashes of heat; cold back; cold feet, also in evening. Heat in flashes, as if sweat would break out.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.