Homeopathy Remedy Aranea

Aranea homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Aranea…

      The papal-cross Spider (Aranea Diadema), Linn. A tincture is prepared by crushing the live spider and digesting with alcohol.

General Action

      The most characteristic feature of this drug is the tendency to a periodic recurrence of the symptoms at exactly the same hour. continued coldness without reaction characterizes the attack.

Related Remedies-(Tarentula), Camphora (not periodic) Argent met., Arnica, Cedron, Secale cor.


      Weakness with confusion of had.


      Aching; till evening, (>) in open air; (>) smoking in open air; (>) walking, with burning in eyes and heat in face; especially in forehead, (>) smoking; with confusion, both (>) by smoking. Drawing extending down lower jaw. Confusion in evening when studying, and perceive pain, as if on bones of r. temple and upper pat of forehead, (>) resting head on hand; after eating; with weakness. Heat in forehead and eyes, a flickering in them on reading or writing, which aggravated the headache.

Ears and Nose

      Twinging pain in ear and parotid gland, r., then l. Coryza; with thirst.


      Sudden violent pain in all teeth at night after lying down. Sensitive cold sensation in r. lower incisor, at the same hour two days, (<) drawing in air. Sticking in palate and larynx. Taste bitter, (>) smoking; nauseous bitter, with coated tongue; unpleasant T. of milk after drinking it.

Stomach, Abdomen and Stool

      Thirst. Heaviness and fulness in lower abdomen, as from a stone, at the same time two days, with nausea in pit of stomach,. griping is abdomen, heaviness in thighs and confusion in head. Stool fluid, passed only a apart at a time an with straining, with pain in abdomen, which is (>) by rubbing, fermenting in abdomen after the stool.

Sexual and Respiratory Organs

      Menses too early, too strong and too copious. Haemorrhage from the lungs.


      Dull, burrowing bone-pain; in r. arm and tibia in morning in bed and at intervals through the day. Twitching in muscles of l. upper arm in afternoon. In ring and little fingers a feeling as if they had gone to sleep and formication. Dull, burrowing bone pain in r. os calcis on motion,(>) continued motion.


      restless, with frequent waking, and always with a sensation as if hands and forearms were swollen and heavy. (Feverish attacks, consisting mostly of coldness, with pain in long bones, troubles in the abdomen, which are usually accompanied by a chill, and mostly come on towards evening, and pimples here and there.) Heat in face; especially in eyes.

Clinical Tremulous, sensitive, nervous exhaustion, nightly sensation as if her hands and arms were enormously enlarged, often causing her to strike a light to see if it were really so. In headache, continuous for fifteen months, at base of brain, (<) in damp weather. Toothache, (<) in damp weather and as soon as the patient gets into bed. Lumbar abdominal neuralgia, intermittent, from being uncovered at night, (<) from 8 to 11 A., m., with yawning or vomiting. Enlarged spleen, always (<) in damp weather. Diarrhoea, great loss of appetite and sleep. Bronchitis, cough (<) on lying down at night, tickling in throat brought on cough. Asthma, unable to lie down day or night, white, frothy expectoration, nausea and disgust for food. Diseases of os calcis, with boring; digging in that bone; this may be due to simple periostitis or may be associated with caries; sometimes bones feel like ice. Sleeplessness in subjects suffering from asthma; nervous cough. Chronic intermittent fever, with swelling of spleen, living in a damp place, patient chilly day and night always (<) during a rain. Quotidian fever. The attacks recur at the same hour and consist mostly of coldness, which lasts a long time and is not followed by heat or sweat. The patient is exceedingly weak, but while thirsty has none of the restlessness of Arsenic.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.