Homeopathy Remedy Ammonium Carbonicum

Ammonium Carbonicum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Ammonium Carbonicum …

      Carbonate of Ammonium ( volatile salts) is prepared for use by dissolving one part in nine parts of pure water.

General Action

      (Compare Ammonium caust).

Allies.– Kali-c, Ammon-mur.


      Emaciation. Marasmus. Spasms. Tetanus. A jerk in upper part of body and in arms at 3 A.M., with tearing, then faintness. Trembling of whole body when walking. Blackness before eyes, motion of letters and arrest of breathing, with previous lassitude, and upon rising quickly from a seat rigidity of whole body, arms and legs being stretched out, while the fingers were so clenched that he had to use force to stretch them, which mad them again movable. Tearing in whole body, especially in thighs. Bruised feeling in whole body early after rising, with weakness and weeping mood. Pain on motion in bed. Pain in occiput, in chest and from scapulae down along ribs. Rheumatic drawing pain through limbs, hands, feet, nape, head etc. Indisposition in morning; sudden, towards evening, with faintness, (>) walking in open air, but still she felt stitches in r. side.

Restlessness everywhere and success in nothing; R. which becomes a convulsive trembling; in a child every day from 7 till 10 P.M. with waking, tossing about, screaming, bloated and burning, feeling in head, then sound sleep till morning, when the face is covered with spots as if scarlatina would break out. Weakness all day; in morning; morning and forenoon, (>) walking in open air; morning and evening; in forenoon, with sleepiness; evening; after stool; W. on leaving her bed; when walking in open air, with trembling and discouragement; during menses, especially in thighs, with yawning, toothache, pain in small of back, and chilliness; during menses, with pain in thighs as if they would fall off, or as if tendons would tear off, alternating with pain in small of back; with lying down for several hours as if senseless and weary. Numbness of r. side when lying on it.

Clinical Generally useful in great prostration with falling temperature. Haemorrhages, especially under the skin, with general anaemia. Sometimes useful after haemorrhage from the bowels, with very low temperature.

It is of use in poisoning by charcoal fumes; (Arnica is sometimes used in these cases, also Bovista.)

Sensitiveness to open air; in evening. Lying on l. side easier than on r.

Aggravation on r. side of body; in open air. Cannot bear evening air, with heaviness of feet and soreness of whole body; affected by talking much and hearing people talk, her hands and feet becoming cold in consequence of it; talking difficult after dinner; affected by walking in open air; all symptoms relieved after a good meal.


      Does not seem to be in his senses. Dreams at night while awake. Thoughtless in his head. Arrangement of ideas difficult. Absence of mind, with anxiety, and when speaking he is at at loss to finish his speech. Loss of train of thought when telling a story, and hitting upon wrong thoughts and expressions. Incorrect speech, using one word for another. Uses wrong letters and figures in writing and ciphering. Memory lost; with headache when reflecting. Tormented by disagreeable memories.

Anguish as if she had committed a crime, every afternoon between 5 and 6 O’clock, (>) towards evening. Anxiety at 7 P.M.; in evening in bed; afternoons, (>) towards evening, with weakness; at night, as if she had to die, with cold sweat, audible palpitation, lachrymation, inability to move her eyes or speak, audible heavy breathing and trembling of hands; on account of her illness. Apprehension in forenoon, with chilliness. Easily frightened.

Anger; in evening, with scolding. Ill humor; in morning; in forenoon, sometimes with headache. Intolerance of contradiction; of noise. Irritability after the fever, (>) glass of “bishop’, during menses; with reluctance to answer. Obstinacy in a child. Dissatisfaction. Finding fault with everything.

Grief. Weeping mood, with thoughts of death. Sadness; the whole morning; towards evening; with the abdominal complaints that occurred every evening; at night, and sometimes excitement; during cloudy weather; during menses; with no inclination to go out; with restlessness. Excessive mirth. Laughing immoderately at trifles. Excitement. Exaltation; Earnestness. Fear of work. Mood better after supper. Stupor and insensibility.

Clinical Patients requiring this drug are generally listless and lethargic.


      Stitches; here and there deep in brain, (<) r. side, (>) in open air. Aching; morning, with heaviness of forehead, (<) in afternoon; morning in bed, with nausea rising in throat; morning, with nausea, (>) as soon as he took his pipe into his mouth; in afternoon; evening; after dinner; after waking in open air, and lasting through evening; on waking, with cold in head; (>) after supper; with pale face, pain in stomach and ill humor; over whole head after getting heated; now here, now there in brain, with sticking over one brow. Cutting aching. Aching as before, especially a sensation as after drunkenness; A. like a knocking or hacking with a sharp instrument, (<) motion; A. as if water of something else were in his head; ulceration A., on moving head and on pressure, especially at a gland in occiput. Boring at night, with lancinations. Drawing and tearing.

Distended feeling in brain, (<) r. side. Stupefaction. Confusion; caused by stopped coryza; with emptiness. Light feeling. Heaviness; with confusion; with fulness. Rush of blood, (<) towards evening; at night, with heat in face on waking. Congestion in afternoon after coffee, with inability to stand upright well. Loose feeling of brain. Feeling as if brain fell towards the side where he stoops, sometimes with stinging, giving no rest, even nights. Vertigo; in morning; morning, with flickering before eyes, so that she must sit down; morning, (>) walking, with nausea; at night; on turning body; with nausea and want of appetite; with trembling of feet; with cold sweat; as usually in a fainting fit; after sitting still, as from intoxication; at night, as if everything turned with her, so that she had to sit up in bed; morning after rising, as if things turned with him in a circle, (<) towards evening, felt at night on moving head.

Forehead.– Stitches over r. eye; over l eye after dinner, causing eyes to contract; boring deep in brain behind r. eminence, during dinner. Aching; throbbing, as it would burst; throbbing in l; burning, in sinciput; drawing, in periosteum, waking her mornings, (>) rising. Fulness, and in vertex, as if head would burst; F. as from vapor of coal. Heaviness after dinner, with throbbing; H. in sinciput, with confusion. Throbbing. Uproar behind r. eminence, as if everything would come out.

Temples. — Stitches in l. (<) chewing;in l. as with a blunt instrument. Tearing morning and evening; in r. during dinner; behind l. ear as far as vertex, with sensation as if head were cleft. Painful beating in temple, l. side of head and l. side of occiput, sometimes with yawning.

Vertex painful. Heaviness in l. side of head, (<) in bed; r. side seems heavier than l., with sensation as if it would fall to that side.

Scalp.– Aching on touching hair; causing shuddering. Sensation as if hair stood on end, on entering house, with crawling over head and cold feeling there. itching, especially of occiput; I., with sensitiveness when scratched.

Clinical Vertigo or feeling of looseness in the brain as if it fell from side to side, whichever way the head was turned. Sometimes in the beginning of cerebro-spinal meningitis the patient falls into a stupid non-reactive state; he is cold, the surface is cyanotic; pulse weak; in such cases this drug will biting about a reaction; then you may select some more specific remedy which will cure the trouble.


      Inflammation and dimness;r. Pressure, with cutting; with fine stitches. Sore sensation in afternoon if he does not sleep. Burning, (<) morning on waking, with photophobia, and in evening on lying down. Biting with itching of borders of lids. Itching and biting in morning, (>) rubbing. Weakness, with continual winking. Lachrymation, (<) r.; l,., when reading; while the white of the eye is full of red veins, also in r. Pupils alternatively contracted and dilated. Twitching in r. outer canthus, with veiled vision. Agglutination in morning; with running in daytime. Stye on r. upper lid becomes inflamed, with tension. Inflammation of r. inner canthus, without pain. Pressure in lids on waking and when falling asleep, with inability to open them, although he is internally awake. Vision double on looking at a distance and on accommodating for near vision. Flickering. Indistinct V. Sparks at night on waking. White sparkling stars, when sneezing. A black spot hovers before eyes after sewing.

Clinical Muscular asthenopia from prolonged use of the eyes, with appearance of yellow spots on looking at while objects.


      Hard swelling of parotid glands. Twitches in middle, with pinching; twitches and tension around l. and in cheek-bone and temples, with swelling of cervical glands. Tearing below and behind ((<) moving head), sometimes as far as vertex, occiput, nape of neck and shoulder. Stitches in r.; l. Pinching in r. in evening, as before. Crawling and burrowing in l., afterwards extending to lower jaw. Pulsation in l., at night when lying on it. Tension behind r. Hearing diminished. Sensitiveness of a deaf ear to a loud sound, causing trembling. Ringing; in r. Roaring before l.; in at night. Rushing in r. every night after midnight, when lying on it. Buzzing before, as if hearing were dull and as if something were lying before ears. Sound like a distant shot.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.