Homeopathy Remedy Ammonium Carbonicum


      Vesicle on fore part of septum. Swelling and tenderness internally in wing; swelling in r. nostril with soreness and itching, with crawling in nose, as from incipient catarrh, and with discharge. Twitching in l. side, seeming to draw up wing. Tearing in l. nostril and at same time in bone of l. elbow, extending towards hand. Pain when breathing strongly through it. Sensation in tip when stooping as if blood accumulated there. Dryness of nose and lips. Obstruction; at night; without any cold; at 1 A.M., with anxiety as if choking, and pain in chest on account of difficult breathing. Sneezing; frequently morning in bed; violent.

Coryza; during menses; C., with burning in region of stomach and deafness; with obstruction of l. nostril; with obstruction and rattling in nose and roughness of voice; dry, (<) night, without slightest air passing nose; dry in bed in evening and night, with obstruction of nose; fluent, also with cough, also with tearing in l. cheek. Catarrhal irritation, with scraping and scratching in throat, with pain as from excoriation and difficult hawking of phlegm. Acrid fluid running from nose; during menses. Blowing out bloody mucus. Water runs from nose when stooping; drooping of water without coryza. Pus drops from one nostril on blowing nose in morning. Bleeding; after dinner; from l. nostril on blowing nose, Smell like a profuse soon sweat.

Clinical In children, catarrh, stoppage and acrid burning discharge, inability to sleep on account of the stoppage, starts up; also nosebleed on washing the face or hands or after eating.


      Redness of l. cheek. Pallor; before and during menses; with nausea and mental and physical weakness; with bloating. Wretched lock. Tearing in r. side, with painful tension. Pain in zygoma; in r. side; in glands beneath chin, and when moving mouth tension; drawing, in cheek bones. Sensation of stretching, with necessity to rub eyes and face, as if sleepy.

Lips.– Pimple on lower, with burning pain. Burning vesicles on vermilion borders. Cracked and corner of mouth sore; crack in middle of lower, with bleeding and burning pain. Dry; and struck together; D., cracked, burning and feeling as if covered with blisters. Pain in upper as if cracked. Itching. Pain in jaws caused by coughing.


      Teeth. Falling out of sound ones. The decay progress rapidly. Blood comes from a molar on sucking. Stitches; in teeth and lower jaw of one side when a warm liquid gets into mouth; in molars on pressing them together; in healthy molar in open-air; in upper hollow tooth on touch of tongue. Tearing in upper; in teeth and jaws as far as ears, before midnight; during menses, with pain when biting on them, and with restlessness; in l. upper molars, with salivation nd gnawing in l. shoulder; in roots of l. upper, as if an ulcer would form. Tearing twitching, extending into ears, also at night in a hollow molar, (>) smelling Hepar sulph. Toothache in evening as soon as she gets into bed, lasting all night; at night, with swelling of cheek next day, afterwards nose enlarged and red spots on face and neck; on biting together; when chewing, (<) air rushing into mouth; during menses, also (<) during and after eating, (>) warm cloths and pressure; in anterior incisor on biting during menses; with heat of same side of face; throbbing; darting, in a decayed molar after dinner, (>) picking; drawing, during menses, also (>) eating;drawing, which seems to be in the jaws and extends to ear and cheek, only when eating and biting upon tooth; as if squeezed, in evening; in two molars, as when sweets get into a hollow tooth. Drawing; at night and on waking; in a molar after a journey in damp weather, with tearing. Elongated feeling. Soreness of hollow molar. Dullness; in molars, with a loose sensation when biting. Feeling as if there were no power to bite. Feeling of an abscess at roots which threatens to burst on access of air on biting.

Gums. — Abscess discharging pus. Inclination to bleed. Redness and sensitiveness. Swelling, and of cheek; swelling and sensitiveness, especially of lower teeth, with a yellow painful vesicle between lip and lower canine tooth; sensation of swelling, and swelling and inflammation. Stitches in r. inner and upper. Sensitiveness to touch of tongue. Itching, with bleeding when scratched.

Tongue. — Flabby, white, with creamy coating. Redness, and of whole inside of mouth, especially the excoriated spot on palate. Vesicles especially at border; at tip, with burning pain. Ulcer on tip, with a sore feeling when tongue is moved. Pustules, especially on border and under tongue, with burning and stinging pain. Painful erosion on middle. Burning at tip, (<) touch. Coldness of taking medicine, then warmth. Pithy feeling in anterior half.

Mouth in general.-Redness, especially beneath tongue; (<) towards evening, with tenderness; and inflammation of mouth and throat, with pain as if excoriated. Burning vesicles on inner side of lower lip; painful white, on inner side of lower lip; inside of cheeks full of vesicles. Excoriated spot on palate caused by a hard crust. Swelling on jaw beneath gum, painful on chewing; hard swellings in inner side of lower lip. Swollen sensation. Much mucus in afternoon and evening, and in nose, mucus, with scraping; loose mucus.

Pain in palate as if ulcerated on touch of tongue, then exfoliation. Scraping soreness in mouth, especially in inside of upper gums, with softness of one spot. Roughness, with bloody taste, then cough and expectoration of light-colored blood, with burning and heaviness in chest, heat and redness in face and trembling of whole body; Narrow feeling, so that she fears to open her mouth or move her tongue lest she should hurt some part by touch of tongue. Dry feeling in morning; dryness in evening, not (>) by drinking; at night, with heat. Itching. Salivation; with scraping; salt, watery. Much spitting. Smell bad; in morning, and taste. Taste bitter in morning and on waking; bitter at root of tongue; pungent, cool then burning; salt; nasty an sourish; sourish and metallic to food; sour after drinking milk; sweet, with bloody saliva; bloody.


      R. submaxillary gland tender to touch. Swelling of tonsils, (<) morning and evening, with difficult swallowing. Stinging and drawing or tearing, (<) speaking. Sensation of something sticking in it, morning and evening, with choking pressure; sensation as if something were sticking in r. side, making swallowing difficult. Pain during deglutition as if r. tonsil were swollen. Pressure in, with external selling on sides. Aching and shooting in afternoon and towards evening in a thyroid gland, which had been swollen and numb for years. Full and obstructed feeling. Soreness; towards evening. Roughness, (<) speaking; R. with scraping. Scraping; causing cough. Burning, and in oesophagus; in pharynx; down oesophagus, as from alcohol. Dryness; and in mouth, morning on waking and afternoons and evenings, with thirst. Hawking frequently on account of mucus in throat; hawking of salt mucus at night.


      Appetite violent, great at dinner; increased at dinner, but satiety after eating a little; great hunger with but little appetite. Appetite lost; in morning; with continual thirst; for meat or boiled things during menses, with desire only for bread and cold things. Milk is distasteful. Little appetite and hunger, though he relishes his meal. Thirst in afternoon; for beer. She cannot eat dinner without drinking. No thirst.

Empty eructations; evening and after dinner. Eructations tasting of food; during and after supper. Frequent but suppressed E. Sour E., after milk. Hiccough. Nausea; in morning, with coated tongue; after rising in morning, till afternoon (during menses), with chilliness and vomiting of sour water; in attacks at night; every day after dinner; after eating; during and after dinner ( during menses), with weakness; with flatulent disturbance. Vomiting when walking.

Distention after eating. Rumbling. A stitch at pit of every attack of cough. Pinching, with rumbling and gurgling. Gnawing art r. side. Boring extending to first lumbar vertebrae, with tearing. Pain; at night; on pressure; after dinner; (>) after supper; with loathing of supper; with disposition to watery risings; with nausea and vomiting of ingesta, then sour taste, extending in a vibratory motion towards l. nipple. clothes press upon. Tenderness at epigastrium. Overloaded feeling until three hours after eating; Oppression after eating; after supper; with sense of contraction ( also in chest), with loathing and nausea; in morning, passing into nausea. Full feeling during menses, with trembling. Discomfort after eating, with pressure in stomach and forehead. Heaviness in pit, in epigastrium. Emptiness. Burning; in pit; then in bowels; extending into intestines, as from strong wine. Coldness in region.


      Distention; with retention of stool; painful D. Accumulation of flatus, with griping; much flatus in evening; emitted in afternoon, evening, and night; fetid. Rumbling in afternoon, with discharge of flatus; R., with movings; with pain; as from spasms or when fasting, every time when she swallows something.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.