Homeopathy Remedy Ammonium Carbonicum

Loins – Sudden stitches in r. Shooting. Pain; during menses; when walking; (<) motion and walking; when stooping, with feeling as if muscles were too weak to support the body, which threatens to fall forward; drawing, extending to legs; drawing and pressive pain at rest, (>) walking; gnawing, and in hips, extending to abdomen and moving again backward; throbbing, when at rest. Bruised pain. Sudden darting when walking out into open air, (<) rising after long sitting.

Stinging in coccyx, preceded by itching.


      Stretching; morning. Prickings in tips of fingers and toes. Pain at night, with gnawing pain in small of back; P. in forenoon and night, with gnawing pain in small of back, (>) rest. Sticking drawing, sometimes in r. arm, sometimes in legs. Bruised feeling; in evening. Weakness, (<) evening, in knees and legs; with disinclination to work; in morning, as if he had not slept enough; as after a fever. Hands and feet go to sleep when sitting, (>) moving about. Heaviness.

Upper Extremities

      Tearing in joints. Pain in glands of axilla, with swelling. Paralytic drawing from l. axilla to wrist.

Shoulder – Tearing; in l. towards chest. Shooting and tearing in r. joint. Pressure upon l. Drawing pain in r. joint. Bruised pain in l.; in l. shoulder and elbow in evening.

Arm – Spasm of r., drawing it backward, then heat of body and turbid white urine. Pain at 3 or 4 A.M., with coldness and stiffness of arm, heaviness in elbow, and on motion of arm or when it is in bed tearing in shoulder, elbow and wrist, Drawing pain, and in hands. R. appeared to weigh a hundred-weight and to be without strength. Weakness of r., with coldness, numbness and lifelessness, then tingling. Paralyzed feeling in r.; in r., with heaviness, weakness and necessity to let it hang down, with swelling and coldness of hand.

Upper Arm – Twitches in r. Insensibility, where he had been pricked.

Elbow – Cracking during motion. Stitches. Tearing in bone, as far as little finger; in bone of l., extending towards hand, and at same time in l., nostril. Boring in fossa that receives olecranon process. Creaking pain on stretching arm out straight before him. Stiffness.

Pain in middle of l. forearm, evening in bed, with feeling as if bone would curve inward forcibly and break. Tearing in wrist, as far as fingers, (>) warmth of bed; tearing in l. W., as if in marrow, towards l. finger. Tension in wrist, (<) motion.

Hand – Trembling. Distention of veins after washing in cold water, with blueness. Stitches when breathing, and in fingers. Pain on dorsum, waking her at night. R. goes to sleep. at night when lying on it.

Fingers – Swelling of middle joint of r. middle, with pain. when touched or bent. Twitching in l. thumb. Cramp in posterior phalanx of a finger, morning till night, when in the cold, (<) stretching, with stitches. Tearing in fingers, and in articulations of thumb. Pinching on stretching them apart. Jerking griping in l. thumb, as if in bone. Drawing pain from tips as far as hand, as from mesmerizing. Bruised feeling in l. thumb in cold air.

Lower Extremities

      Staggering when rising. Cracking in joints when walking. Sudden weakness after dinner.

Thigh – Tearing. Pain in hip-joint when walking; in hip-joint, as if beaten asunder, every morning in bed, (<) turning, (>) rising and walking; over bend of l. knee, as if tendons were too short, on pressure and when sitting upon them. Drawing pain descending from l. hip. Pain in r. thigh as if in most marrow were shaken, (<) lying and sitting. Bruised feeling; when taking much exercise; in middle of both, during menses; over r. knee, (>) rubbing. Sprained feeling in l., with weakness and sudden bending of legs when walking. Jerklike scraping upon bones of thighs and legs in evening, obliging her to twitch up the leg and walk about. Sudden pulsation about r. hip in evening. Stiffness when walking. Weakness, and of legs.

Knee – Cracking on motion. Twitches, and in legs; T. in patellae in evening. Tearing. Sprained feeling on sitting down and turning leg. Boring in and upon patella; boring and drawing in knee, causing uneasiness in legs.

Leg – Twitches towards evening. Stitches deep in calves. Tearing below knee and at l. tibia. Sprained feeling in l. when walking. Straining in calf (from a cold?). Sore and bruised feeling in muscles. Seem contracted. Shortened feeling in tendons of muscles Cramp when lying, (<) rising; C., especially in muscles of tibiae and feet; C. in calf when walking in open air. Heaviness in evening. Restlessness. Pain as from paralysis, as if they were going to sleep, (>) walking. Asleep when sitting and standing, and at night when lying on the limb.

Malleolus – Tearing, and in joints of feet, extending to toes, (>) warmth of bed. Drawing pain in external.

Foot – Swelling as far as calves; of ball of r. in morning on rising, and tenderness as from frost. Trembling. Tearing twitches in r. heel. Stitches in ball of r.; (over r. heel). Tearing in soles. Pain in ball of l. in evening; in heel on waking, as if the bone were perforated by ulceration. Sensitiveness to wet and cold. Burning in the swollen ball of l., with pain. Crawling in dorsum of l. as if asleep. Tingling in l. heel, with ulcerated, feeling when touched; in sole when lying in evening, with itching and with burning after scratching. Weakness.

Toes – Redness of big toe, (<) evening in bed, with swelling and pain, and with swelling of whole foot; tender red swelling of r. toes, like chilblains, in evening. Painful twitches in ball of big toe (which had been frozen when a child). Stitches in balls of big toes, with drawing as if frozen, (<) evening on going to sleep; tearing S. in big toe, with twitches. Piercing pain in ball of big toe, evening in bed. Pain in ball of big toe as from subcutaneous ulceration, when walking.


      Redness, like scarlatina, of whole upper part of body; R. of a dormant herpetic eruption, with itching and burning, then disappearance in a few days. Blue spot over knee, with burning. Hard swelling of cheek, as well as glands of ear and neck. Deep- seated induration over r. knee, with pain on pressure. Hardness, with chaps. Desquamation of palm. Scaling of chin, with itching. Eruption at mouth; miliary, around chin. Herpes-like, scaly eruption around mouth. White herpes-like spots on cheek, continually exfoliating. Rash on r. side of neck and on l. forearm; red rash on chest. Inflammation of warts.

Pimples on forehead and tip of nose; increased in number on face; on forehead, with vesicles; on l. cheek near ear, with pain on pressure; on legs, with inflammation; burning, on nape and forearms; itching, on thighs and hands; itching, on podex; on podex, painful at night on lying down. Small tubercles on elbow and large ones on neck, with cutting, only a few ulcerating.

Boils on forehead; tip of nose; on cheek and around ear; on check, at corners of mouth, and on chin boils and indurations, discharging blood and water; above r. breast, with redness and pain on touch; on l. shoulder; on l. nates in evening, with pain; on r. thigh, discharging much pus and blood when cut open; deep- seated burning, on knee, preceded by itching; on l. instep, with pain on touch. Pustules over whole body; on forehead, temple, cheek and chin; side of nose; tip of nose; cheeks during menses; r. commissure of mouth, with boring, preceded by several pustules on l. cheek and on thighs. Vesicles on r. corner of mouth and on upper lip; V. on l. scapula, with stinging as from fleas. Soreness between a child’s legs. Offensiveness of the fluid in an ulcer.

Sensitiveness to cold. Burning in accidental scratches on fingers; then subcutaneous pustules. Contraction on forehead and face. Tension of face (nose and lips), as if face were swollen, morning on waking. Itching here and there, usually (>) after scratching, or painfully burning; I. here and there, then after scratching burning vesicles, or pimples or hard nodes.


      Yawning; with salivation, weakness, discomfort or chilliness; spasmodic, in evening. Sleepiness by day; in afternoon; in evening, but uneasy sleep at night; when not busy; unconquerable S. after supper, but he does not sleep well at night.

Sleeplessness from 11 till 1 O’clock; till 12.30, with straining and pressure on abdomen and discharge of flatus; for two hours after 1 or 2 O’clock; from midnight till 4 A.M., with pain in stomach; till 4 A.M., then oppressive sleep, during which he sweats till 7 O’clock; from itching and stinging of skin. Falls asleep late; on account of uneasiness, dry heat and sometimes burning at stomach. Sleeps better the sooner she goes to bed. Light sleep. Restless S.; and unrefreshing; (<) during menses, with frequent waking. Startings in sleep at night, then fear; startings after midnight, then sleeplessness for a long time. Waking frequently; with groaning and sobbing; with chilliness. Waking every half hour, then weariness in morning.

Dreams Terrifying. (Nightmare on falling asleep). Anxious; with anxiety at the end, waking him at 3 A.M. Lewd, of coition, and on waking sensation as after an emission. Vivid. Confused; about things that happened many years ago.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.