Homeopathy Remedy Ammonium Carbonicum

Stitches, (<) walking. Tearing during menses, which appeared too soon. Pinching in forenoon when walking in open air, (>) lying on abdomen and applying warm cloths, with contraction and rumbling, appearing again in evening and in the cold next morning, afterwards (>) in room; P., with obstruction. Griping with flatus. Cutting and biting as from worms, with contractive pain at stomach, chilliness, sweat and sleeplessness till morning, with return of pain on waking; cutting before and after a loose stool. Pain at 7 A.M.; waking at 3 A.M. two days before menses; afternoons from wet and cold; nights, (>) emission of strong flatus; after breakfast; before menses, and in small of back; during menses, with griping pressure, and with tension between scapulae; resulting in diarrhoea; as before diarrhoea; disposition to flatulent P. Sudden painful; contraction, as far as stomach, (>) by compression and passing off after lying down. Heaviness. Symptoms recur regularly every evening.

Contractive and pinching pain in upper, then in lower part, in morning, before menses, causing nausea, salivation, faintness and chilliness. Pressure over umbilicus as from a button. Sore pain in liver. Aching under r. ribs, in region of liver; in small intestines.

Sides. – Stitches in l. evening when stooping; below l. ribs in evening. Pain l. in morning; in l. during dinner, (>) emission of flatus. Compression on both, when sitting, (>) motion and stretching. Burning deep in l.

Elastic swelling in l. groin in evening after lying down, with bruised pain, pain (<) by lying on that side. Aching swelling of l. inguinal glands, (>) towards noon, replaced by headache and ill feeling, which lasted till evening and recurred next day. Transverse stitches deep in hypogastrium when standing. (Pinching in r. groin when stretching, with stitches); P. moving transversely across towards sacrum and rectum, during stool, (>) bending body, ceasing after stool. Contractive cramp deep in hypogastrium on stooping, also in small of back. Cutting in lower A., during which the abdomen is very small. Pressure in groin and bend of thigh; in hypogastrium, also during dinner. Sense of fulness and distention in l. groin. Hernia protrudes in l. groin.


      Varices from, moist and painful, as from excoriation; protrude, (>) lying; protrude during stool and are painful afterwards, so that she cannot walk. Cutting, with good stools. Burning pain at night, with urging to stool. Tenesmus with the stools; urging before usual hour. Discharge of blood during and after stool. Bleeding from intestines.


      Itching. Scratching after stool, then burning.


      Diarrhoea; twice a day; in morning, with colic; preceded and followed by cutting in abdomen; very early, then headache and much rigor; of faeces and mucus, with cutting in abdomen before and during stools. Liquid. Hard, retarded and difficult; H., surrounded by streaks of blood; and painful, with prickings in anus. Retained, then loose. Constipation. Mixed with mucus. Surrounded by watery mucus, at 7 A.M.

Urinary Organs

      Tenesmus of bladder, even at night, with diminished urine accompanied by burning; frequent urging to urinate, also at night, also (<) in afternoon, with increased urine; T., with cutting. Discharge of a milky prostatic fluid after a hard stool. Involuntary micturition in a boy while asleep towards morning. Frequent micturition; at night, sometimes copious; frequent and copious, (<) evening. Blood from urethra. Traction in fore part of urethra in evening after urinating. Urine copious; and turbid; in afternoon, with loose stool. Red. Urine reddish, like water mixed with blood, after dinner; pale at noon, for the first time since last evening; white, sandy; turbid U. of peculiar smell and with copious sediment; turbid, high-colored and fetid; alkaline (it had been acid).

Clinical Indicated in uraemia with the characteristic symptoms of the drug.

Sexual Organs

      Itching; of glans penis; of mons veneris. Erections; continual in morning. Choking pain in scrotum and spermatic cords, with pain of scrotum on touch, and involuntary erections. Drawing pain in scrotum. Drawings in scrotum, (>) by raising it. Weight of scrotum. Relaxation of scrotum. Itching of scrotum. Desire vehement, without remarkably voluptuous, thoughts and almost without erection; voluptuous, with trembling of body almost without erection; dormant. Aversion to the other sex. Emissions almost every night.

Itching of pudendum; with swelling and burning. Soreness of pudendum and anus, (<) urinating. Leucorrhoea; watery, burning. Menses too early; too early after a cold drive and very copious, (<) at night and when sitting and driving, previously griping colic, with want of appetite; delayed, with one complete interruption; pale; copious; copious, blackish, often in clots, passing off with spasmodic pain in abdomen, and hard stools; with tenesmus; acrid, causing soreness and burning pain in thighs.

Clinical Catarrhal leucorrhoea, acrid, burning. Tendency to haemorrhage; menses too frequent and too profuse.

Respiratory Organs

      Accumulation of mucus in larynx, then rough voice. Drawing and stinging itching in larynx. Constriction in larynx from both sides of neck. Hoarseness; with roughness in throat. Difficulty in talking after eating; D. as from weakness of organs of speech, or on account of pains resembling pains at stomach. Mucus in trachea increased. Rattling in trachea as from mucus.

Cough; all day and in morning, with mucous expectoration; morning in bed, with mucous expectoration, affecting chest and head; in evening in bed; evening in bed, with asthma; at night; from 12 to 1 O’clock at night, with stuffed cold and sleeplessness; with mucous expectoration and soreness in air-passages; C. (<) ascending a hill, with expectoration of bloody mucus, heaviness on chest and short breathing with asthma; from deep in chest. Violent, every day at 3 to 4 A.M., in a child. Dry C., from scratching in throat; dry, (<) night, as from dust in throat; violent dry in middle of night. Irritative cough. Short and suppressed hacking, from irritation in larynx, with sensation of spasmodic asthma. Expectoration; bloody, when clearing throat.

Asthma after every effort, with palpitation; (<) ascending steps, (>) in open air, with pallor and inability to do anything when in a warm room, except to sit still. Oppressed breathing; at night; making him hack. Sighing. Short breathing, (<) ascending steps; S., with stitches in chest. Wheezing.

Clinical Chronic cough of old people, with tickling in larynx or under the sternum dyspnoea, great shortness of breath; the cough is apt to be worse in the early morning hours; sometimes with bloody expectoration. Chronic bronchitis of old people, with emphysema.


      Cracking of sternum when bending chest backward, with pressure in middle of chest. Stitches after supper; S. when stooping, (>) straightening up; in r. breast when stooping; in l. breast at night, (<) lying on l. side; at side of l. nipple when breathing, (<) when sitting; S. under r. breast, close by lowest ribs; at last true rib when breathing and singing; in sternum, caused by cough; in r. side when walking; upon sternum, in r. side of chest and under l. breast, with bruised pain in the parts on touch; in l. side beginning in praecordial region and moving downward towards side and afterwards towards back.

Pain; at lower part of sternum, caused by cough; at r. breast on touch; as after sitting bent, (<) r. side; intermittent, (<) l. side. Bruised pain in middle, in morning. Oppression, (<) lying; O., with desire to cough in order to be relieved; with difficulty in speaking, coryza and mucous expectoration, (<) morning; compressive. Contraction from cough; contraction of middle, with bruised pain on pressure. Soreness under sternum, as from excoriation, caused by cough. Rough feeling, with hoarseness when calling aloud. Distress. Drawing downward sensation during expiration and preventing it. Lungs feel drawn down when standing. Heaviness when walking in open air, with tightness; H. at sternum at night, with oppression; as from accumulation of blood. Rush of blood after writing. Heat internally. Coldness internally. Weakness; with coryza.

Clinical This drug is indicated in pneumonia when there is great debility, with symptoms pointing to the formation of heart clot.


      Stitches. Oppression. Palpitation; after every effort, with asthma; (after coition, with excited circulation); with blood rising to neck and difficult breathing when hand is pressed on heart; with retraction of epigastrium and weakness in praecordial region. Pulse quick; strong.


      Drawing pain in nape, with stitches over temples and bloated face. Drawing down from neck. Stiffness when turning head. Tension in nape on stooping, with pain in forehead as if it would burst.


      Twitching at night when asleep. Pain; during motion.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.