Homeopathy Remedy Alumina

Sleeplessness before midnight, also non account of heaviness of arms. Falls asleep late on account of images crowding on his fancy; falls asleep late and sleeps longer next morning. Restless sleep before midnight, with weeping and grief; restless sleep before menses, with many dreams, and on waking she has orgasm, heat in face, headache and palpitation; with anxiety and heat and with twitchings in limbs and startings before sleep. Starting in sleep before midnight. Snoring in afternoon nap. Rising from bed without being aware of it and going anxiously from one room to another, rubbing his firmly-closed eyes. Speaking loud, laughing and weeping in sleep. Sobbing and groaning in sleep. Frequent waking, Anxious waking; from dreams.

Dreams.– Anxious; towards morning; after midnight. Confused.



      Chilliness; in forenoon, with lassitude, and in afternoon shaking chilliness in back; from 4 A.M. till evening, with contraction of stomach, (>) empty eructations, then four liquid stools, with constant chilliness; from 7 to 8 P.M.; evening during stool; every other day towards evening, with want of appetite, sleeplessness and tossing about the bed; in evening with headache; in evening, (<) motion, with flushes of heat in face; at 5 P.M. especially in back and feet, then sweat; C. before midnight, with dry cough, then dry heat with the cough; all night, with uneasy sleep; in open air; during stool; with headache and weariness; with eructations, bitter taste, salivation, weakness and headache as if it would burst, especially in vertex, and vertigo.

Cold shiverings and sweat on every motion after walking in open air, with chilliness of head, afterwards when going to sleep heat of head, hands and feet. Chilliness followed by heat of body and sweat of face. Frequent C. during the day, with feeling in limbs as if he had caught cold, then heat of face in evening. C. alternating with warmth, in evenings, face hot, with chills and shivering in rest of body. Creeping C., 4 to 6 P.M., with pulsating pain in forehead and occiput, (>) pressure.

Internal C., with external heat, especially of cheeks; internal C., with hot hands and hot lobules of ears; internal C., with hot cheeks and cold hands; internal, with stretching and bending of limbs, (<) after warm drinks. Chilliness in hands; with hot cheeks; in feet rising into abdomen, with nausea; in feet, with heat in head, and chilliness in whole body. Sensitive to cold air, especially in feet.

Heat; towards evening, especially in feet, then shivering, all without thirst; H. before midnight; H. at night, with anxiety and sweat; H. in bed; at night in bed, then sweat; H. of whole body after eating, with sweat on face. Sensation when sitting as after violent heat.

Dry heat in afternoon sleep. External heat. Flushing H.; with weakness, obtuseness and anxiety; of face. Internal; morning on waking; in forehead, with Dullness of mind; I. in hands. Running over whole body during bodily effort, then chills, with burning in abdomen. Sudden, with sweat and anxious palpitation. Itching burning of anterior border of r. ear.

Heat in head in morning; beginning in head, in evening; in head after dinner. Pleasant warmth in r. side of face in afternoon. Burning in superior angle of l. scapula, (>) friction. heat of r. arm, internally and externally.

Sweat after 6 A.M. in bed; at night on waking, with anxiety and dyspnoea; on every motion, then cold shivers.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.