Homeopathy Remedy Erigeron

Erigeron homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Erigeron…

      A tincture is made of the entire fresh plant of Erigeron Canadense, L.


      Languor all day and depressed spirits; L. in morning; in afternoon and evening, and no ambition to move; with aching in all large joints. Symptoms every morning.

Head and Eyes

      Headache on waking, with aching in large joints. Pain in forehead at 9 P.M.; pain in F., with smarting of eyes; in F. and r. eye on waking. Smarting of eyes in afternoon and evening. Agglutination of lids in morning.

Nose, Mouth and Throat

      Nasal mucus increase in forenoon, with roughness in pharynx and sensation as if some thing had lodged in upper part of oesophagus that caused frequent inclination to swallow. Bad taste. Sore throat; all night, with frequent inclination to swallow and feeling as if something had lodged in upper part of oesophagus. Roughness of pharynx; in morning. Dryness of pharynx ar 9 P.M.

Stomach and Abdomen

      Eructation of air. Nausea. Intermittent cutting in epigastric region at 12 P.M., then dull pain. Drawing pain in abdomen. Frequent rumbling pain in A., with aching in lumbar region. Rheumatic pains in abdominal muscles. Cutting in r. side of umbilicus. Pain in umbilicus; r.; frequent in l.; frequent pain in region of U., with feeling as if anus had been torn; sudden P. in region of U. when walking, with pain in lower dorsal region and singing in r. ear. Distress in U. region; frequently with aching in whole dorsal region. Pain in l. hypogastrium and umbilicus; in hypogastrium, then a dark, hard, lumpy stool; sudden, in H., then a mushy stool.

Stool and Urine

      Loose stool; at noon after a natural one in the morning. Mushy S.; next day none. Hard, lumpy S. S. omitted. Natural S., then neuralgia in anus and tenesmus. Urging to urinate, waking at 4 A.M. Urine increased and pale; and turns litmus-paper red.

Clinical Persistent haemorrhage from bladder, in stone in bladder. Chronic gonorrhoea, with burning micturition, which is offensive, continual dribbling, smarting, burning, etc. Postpartum haemorrhages. Haemorrhages from uterus, with painful micturition (compare with mitchella).


      Distress in dorsal region at 6 P.M. Aching in dorsal region; (<) r. side; in afternoon and evening, and in lumbar region. Sticking in region of r. kidney; l. kidney, passing from l. to r. Pain in lumbar and sacral regions in morning on waking. Drawing pain in r. lumbar region at 9 P.M., passing to r. testicle, then dragging pain in l. hypochondrium.


      Aching in arms and legs in afternoon and evening; A. in all joints, with despondency. Drawing pain in elbow and r. metacarpal bones in evening. Rheumatic pains in r. thumb. Pain in hips at 9 P.M., on walking. Pain in knees in evening. Drawing pain in l. ankle, (<) walking.


      Frequent disposition to yawn in afternoon and evening. Restless night, but no pain.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.