Homeopathy Remedy Alumina

OEsophagus. – Pain as if a part were contracted or compressed, in middle of chest, (<) during deglutition (Zincum met.), with oppression of chest alternating with palpitation, (<) after eating. constricted feeling every time he swallows food. Contraction in morning on waking, with want of action.

Clinical The characteristic sore throat, especially in speakers, with great dryness of the mucous membrane, which is inflamed, not pale, with the sore throat the uvula may be relaxed and cause a persistent tickling cough; with constant inclination to clear the throat, but almost always with dryness, sometimes with a sharp splintery feeling in the throat; dryness, irritability and relaxation seem to be the characteristic indications for this drug.


      Appetite. He is almost always hungry. Rabid. Strong for vegetables, fruit and soft food. Hungry, but eats nothing with relish. Diminished A.; with fulness in abdomen. No appetite and no taste to food. Aversion to meat; even to vomiting. Aversion to smoking. Smoking does not agree with him. Thirst; all day; at dinner.

Eructations. – after supper; E, while eating, with pressive pain in chest. Acrid, corroding. Bitter in evening after potatoes, with loathing, which makes him shiver; in evening after, milk-soup. Tasting of milk-soup from supper till he lay down. Rancid after breakfast soup; R. (<) after dinner; leaving a burning. Sweetish, and sweetish mucous expectoration mornings. Sour; forenoon; evening in bed; of liquid; of mucus, (<) after soup for breakfast, then burning in throat like heartburn: acidity rises into mouth in forenoon, with heat in mouth. Waterbrash. Hiccough; after eating, at noon and in evening; H. after dinner.

Nausea; morning; morning on waking, with stickings over eyes, pain in kidneys during motion, and lassitude; in morning on waking, with physical depression as if sleep had not recruited her, and with quick feverish pulse and internal heat; at 4 P.M; at 4 P.M. with vertigo; from evening till next forenoon, with vertigo, palpitation and anxiety; when standing; after supper; with tremor; after supper, with weariness; when talking or entering room after a walk in open air, with dread; with good appetite; with stitches in brain; with chilliness; after eructation of air, with chilliness which rises from feet into abdomen; arresting the breath at night; faint-like in morning, (>) wheat bread, together with vertigo; fainting in morning, (>) after breakfast.

Retching; in throat in morning. vomiting, with the dry hacking cough; V. of phlegm and water.

Stitches in pit and chest, extending upward; S. in stomach and chest coming out at shoulder; after dinner till evening, with short breath and anguish. Tearing from pit down into abdomen, a sore pain as if everything would be torn out. Cutting in region in afternoon, with pain on touch. Griping in pit in evening, with sensitiveness to pressure; after dinner, with bloated feeling, pain on external touch, empty eructations and fermentations or loud rumbling and rollings in abdomen; after potatoes, with nausea, then colic; drawing; drawing, extending into pharynx, with difficult breathing. Pressure in pit, (<) walking; in pit, with crawling as from a worm; at pit and from thence oppression of chest, preventing walking; in stomach and upper abdomen in afternoon, with soreness transversely across them; as from a stone, in evening, after milk-soup, (>) eructations.

Oppression towards noon or evening; upon eating; after potatoes in morning, extending to throat, (>) eructations. Soreness in pit during cough; ulcerative S. in pit morning on turning in bed. Twisting and constriction extending into chest and throat, with difficult breathing. Gnawing in region after dinner. Empty feeling without much appetite. Fulness; in evening, (>) emission of flatus. Drawing after dinner, causing tension in whole body and weakness. Contractions; (>) eructations. Burning; after supper; after drinking water; heat in forenoon, rising into head. Coldness as after cold water in evening, and forenoon, (>) afternoon.


      Distention; after dinner, (>) stool; during menses; after supper; after eating, with orgasm towards chest; with rumbling, empty eructations and soft stools; painful, at night, with retention of stool. Rumbling; after dinner, with rolling. Grumbling; after eating. Moving to and fro, with painless clutching. Loud emission of flatus; copious emission upon walking; bad smelling in night and after dinner; frequent desire to emit F.

Stitches.–Tearing mornings after rising. Cutting; as if she would have diarrhoea during stool before menses, with pinching, writhing and pressing, like labor-pains, transversely across when sitting bent; rising to abdomen like a twisting, with rumbling, then aching in chest from 4 to 11.P.M., arresting breath. Pinching; after every meal, at noon and in evening; evening in bed; ending in salivation; towards evening, with tearing and with chilliness in body, (>) warm cloths; at midnight, (>) towards morning, with rumbling; on waking, with tenesmus and faintness; after every cold that she takes or as soon as she goes into cold air; during menses, with weakness; with writhing; with heat in stomach; sudden here and there in afternoon, passing to small of back, where it causes gnawing.

Pain; before menses; during menses; before or with diarrhoea; before a scanty, sometimes solid, sometimes soft stool; drawing; flatulent; as after a copious stool, which leaves behind a desire for stool. Bruised feeling; after diarrhoea, especially at the place where she had an internal ulcer, (>) rubbing and laying the hand on it while the body was bent. Heaviness. Seems to hang down heavily in afternoon when walking. Tension of muscles from reaching high. Pulsation. Burning; with chills; sudden B. in afternoon. Cold feeling internally in afternoon. Seems inactive for want of peristaltic motion. Hernia protrudes; towards evening, becoming constricted in lumbar region, (>) sitting quietly, with pain obliging her to bend double and preventing walking.

Upper Abdomen.–Pain as before diarrhoea, then soft stools. After stool, ineffectual desire, and in sides, without tenesmus.

Hypochondria. Stitches,; in r. when standing, (>) by sitting; in l. in evening, extending to pit of stomach; alternately under. lower ribs and in r. side of abdomen; as if in liver, on rising from stooping, with arrest of breath. Tearing in liver; from r. into hip in forenoon. Pain in liver when stooping, with sensitiveness; drawing in r. when sitting or walking. Feel pressed or screwed towards each other in forenoon; seemed pressed towards each other, with pain on touch. Burning in r. in afternoon, with stitches, as if cut into by a band.

Umbilicus. – Pinching around in evening; below, during breakfast, with distention of abdomen. Pressure inward in region in afternoon when standing, with stitches. Worrying around, as after a cold, in afternoon.

Sides. – Stitches in l.; in region of ring, with tension as far as side of abdomen, and at same time a tumor like a strangulated hernia may be felt; from l. to middle of chest with every inspiration, when stooping and afterwards when standing erect. Tearing on exertion, extending to thighs. Pinching in l., afternoon and night, extending to hypochondriac region and sternum, with tearing stitches. Aching in l. after eating. Pulsative pain near l. ring when sitting. Ulcerative pain in l. with nausea. Aching in l. after eating.

Hypogastrium. – Stitches in r. iliac region. Pinching in groins and lumbar region on ascending stairs, with stitches. Pressure in groins, towards sexual organs in evening; in r. ilium as if both sides were pressed together in a vise. Drawing pain in muscles over l. groin when dancing or walking fast. Cutting from forenoon till evening, with burning. An inguinal hernia protrudes violently.


      Seems paralyzed. Dried and constricted feeling during stool. Pressure and sense of excoriation after a small hard stool. Tenesmus during diarrhoea; T. of both rectum and bladder after urinating; of rectum and bladder, better after an evacuation; ineffectual, also after dinner, also on waking. Much urging before stool. Bearing down during knotty and scanty stool. Itching, burning and stinging. Crawling as from worms.


      Varix decreases during night’s rest; enlarges in evening and becomes moist and burning; moist and stinging; protruding, (<) walking, (>) night’s rest. Stitches after a difficult stool. Excoriated feeling after a stool attended with contraction of rectum and constriction of anus (Sil). Pressure; during stool, with pain. Burning during soft stools; after liquid stools; with sticking, and with stiffness in back. Itching, (<) scratching; burning; as if it would pulsate. Weak feeling of sphincter, with emission of flatus. Discharge of dark blood when walking.


      Stitches. Bruised pain on touch. Pressure; during coition; at beginning of coition and during erections; on blowing nose. Inflamed feeling between scrotum and anus.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.