Homeopathy Remedy Alumina


      Stitches extending to ribs. Pressure before protrusion of varix from rectum. Bruised feeling; and in limbs, as in fever and ague. Grumbling in back and sacrum after itching, crawling (stinging). Stiffness.

Scapulae.- Stitches between and on, also arresting breathing; with cutting and with chilliness; gnawing. Tearing in l. also in arms, hands and legs, (<) evening. Painful tension between, in forenoon. Painful stiffness between, extending afterwards towards ribs and kidneys.

Intermittent stitches in middle.

Loins. – Tearing stitches in evening in bed; tearing stitches in r. extending to l. side of chest, through pit of stomach, when inspiring. Tearing over hips and on upper brim of pelvis. Tearing twitchings, (<) during motion. Gnawing, rising to between shoulders. Pain in evening, with vertigo, then urging top stool, during which pure blood was passed, with a paralyzed feeling in small of back; during motion, and in legs; when walking and in legs; P. after walking; (<) walking and stooping; in kidneys in morning, (>) afternoon; in kidneys, alternating with intoxicated feeling in head; in lower vertebrae as if a hot iron were thrust through. Bruised feeling; when walking, and in hips and muscles of calf; and in morning in coccyx on touch; over hips when walking; in kidney region, (<) stooping and turning as if a hook were plunged into her. Pulsation after a stool.

Coccyx.– Painful stitches at point, in afternoon. Gnawing in evening, (>) stretching. Tearing in os innominatum.


      Twitching; before falling asleep; in lower, especially in legs and feet, then disposition to turn arms and stretch them upward. Tearing in arms, hands, and legs and l. scapula, (<) evening. Pain as if squeezed narrower, with pressure in joints. Sense of contraction in r. index and foot, as if tendons were too short, when he touches something with his finger he feels as if electrified. Drawings. Burning tension in dorsa of feet and hands, as from a swelling. Rigidity of hands and feet as if asleep on waking. The fourth and fifth fingers, the r. knee, and at last the heel, go to sleep after sitting. Cramplike sensation, like numbness, ascending the whole l. leg, during bodily labor, also in l. arm, with dizzy stupefaction of head, in interrupted paroxysms. Uneasiness at night. Paralytic weakness in morning, in paroxysms, with stupefaction of head.

Upper Extremities

      Axillae, tearing; intermittent tearing in afternoon. Shoulder, sudden twitching or concussion in r.; stitches, and in axillae and arms, also at night; tearing in; sprained pain in joint, (<) raising arm.

Arm.– Tearing. Paralytic pain, as from a bruise, sometimes across small of back, coming to r. upper and l. lower and vice versa. Tight feeling, as from a cold. Weariness; of one. Heaviness.

Upper arm.– Stitches in muscles of l. Tearing extending from back part of upper to scapula, when sneezing and coughing; extending to fingers, and from fingers and wrists to shoulders; ( sticking) as if in bone, in forenoon, and in elbow. Pain in l. as if dislocated; drawing, in l. humerus. Burning (and tension) as from a glowing iron, and in fingers and l. elbow.

Elbow.– Sticking as if sprained, and in wrist. Tearing. Pain above point, (<) leaning on it, as from a pressure on upper arm. Boring in point.

Forearm. – Twitching of r. forearm and in lower joint of l. thumb. Tearing; apparently upon bone; T. as far as fingers. Drawing and tearing pain morning on waking. painful drawing when at rest. Heaviness in forearm and hands, and her arms seem shorter. Asleep and pricking sensation in l.

Trembling of hands when writing. Veins of hands distended in afternoon and evening. R. hand is asleep on waking. Fingers. Swelling. Brittleness of nails. Tearing in and between fingers. pain in middle, on motion, insufferable P. in bones, after itching around lowest joints; drawing P in thumb and index; as if dislocated in r. index. Gnawing beneath nails, with crawling along arm as far as clavicle. Falling asleep of l. thumb in afternoon then crawling.

Lower Extremities

      Heaviness and staggering in evening. Slow tottering. Staggering; (>) walking.

Thigh.– Stitches from l. hip to loins, repeated when breathing; when breathing. Tearing in thighs and legs when sitting and lying, (<) night; T and sticking in hip-joint and just above knee, in paroxysms. Cutting transversely across r. natis in forenoon. Pain in r. hip-point. Bruised feeling in l. hip in morning, (<) pressure. Tension almost like a cramp in thighs and legs, (Nat.m.), intermittent, extending downward. Nates fall asleep when sitting.

Knee.– Trembling, Cracking in r. when walking. Stitches in l. only when walking,.(>) walking in open air; in r. in evening, with tearing. Tearing (Rhus t.); coming out at toes, in afternoon, (>) walking, with sensation of swelling; in r. in patella; on inside of l. in evening; sticking, in evening before sleep. Pain in patella on pressure or on bending knee; in bend of l., (<) stepping; in bend of l. when walking after rising from a seat; in bend at night, extending to heel; drawing in bend on ascending stairs; twitching inward at patella. Boring in r. Appeared to be longer during the pain. Falling asleep of r. after sitting.

Leg.– Stitches in r. tibia in evening in bed; cramplike, in r. in afternoon nap when sitting, and after waking, with numbness. Tearing; in calves. Pain during motion; and in loins; after a walk, and in loins; tensive, at inside of calves when walking. Bruised feeling in r. tibia, (<) during motion. Gnawing. Cramp in calves on crossing feet or on stepping on toes; frequent in calves; in calves as if tendons were too short, after rising from a seat, (>) walking. Gastrocnemii muscles appear too short and tense when walking (Silicea). Tension and burning on external surface of r. calf in evening. Drawing; painless down calves. Pulsation in l. calf in morning. Uneasiness several evenings at 7 P.M. Weariness; when sitting; especially in middle of tibiae, with bruised feeling when standing and feeling as if she would sink down,(<) evening. Heaviness.

Malleolus.– Tearing, and in feet. Tearing drawings from externus up leg.

Foot. – Stitches in soles, with tickling; burning S. in r. sole, evening and morning, (>) rubbing; smarting, in corns. Tearing in each tendo-achillis in evening. Pains in corns; drawing in tendo- achillis when at rest; in sole as if soft and swollen when stepping on it (Zinc). Sensitiveness of r. sole. Compression in l. heel from both sides. Tension on sole in forenoon. Weakness in afternoon. Heaviness, with lassitude of legs; heaviness, with tearing. Numbness of heel on stepping. Falling asleep of r. with crawling in it.

Toe.– Cutting in r. great, in morning when walking.


      Swelling (soft, red) of arm and violent stitches in it. Fine eruption on inside of r. thigh, with itching. Itching rash without redness, on arms and legs, exuding watery blood when scratched. Roughness of face, especially of forehead. Herpes between toes. Boil on nose; one after another on l. cheek; suppurating on r. hip. Smell red elevations, with a pointed vesicle in middle, across shoulders, burning only in the evening. Vesicles on r. ear; on r. half of chest and on throat, with burning pain, and with heat in face and chills in rest of body; V on r. side of neck.

Pimples on forehead; l. cheek; chin; neck; back; itching; on forehead, r. side of nose and l. angle of mouth, running together on pressure; hard, itching, under skin of neck and chest; red, rough on r. cheek; painful to touch on r. cheek; on, l. lower eyelid, with stinging; on r. side of nose, with burning and stinging.

Stinging here and there, (<) evenings; in almost cured ulcer in sole when stepping up9on it in the room after walking in open air. Soreness and inflammation of small injuries. Aching pain in hard skin of feet, with sensitiveness. Tension of face, even around eyes, as if the white of an egg had dried on it (Graph), after dinner when walking in open air. tickling of soles; of sexual organs and thighs.

Formication in r. side of face, with stinging in hollow of ear and tearing in r. knee; on glans; l. thumb; calves after supper; in big toe as if frozen; on r. fingers in evening, with burning stinging; itching, on r. side of lower jaw; on l. clavicle (and over r. half of chest, with biting itching), the spot burns on scratching, and burning vesicles appear.

Itching in various parts, (<) evenings, on being heated, generally (>) scratching. Itching with gnawing,; with burning after scratching. Burning itching. Crawling (and stinging) itching in whole back and in sacrum. Stinging itching in back and side of abdomen.

Clinical General dryness of the skin is marked in patients requiring this drug. Intolerable itching, forcing scratching until the skin bleeds, on getting warm in bed, has been found associated with the characteristic constipation.


      Yawning; morning on rising; before dinner, without drowsiness. Sleepiness; in morning; in evening, even when standing; (>) open air; irresistible S. in forenoon. Fails asleep early. too sound. Deep towards morning, with dreams which fatigue the head.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.