Homeopathy Remedy Alumina

Lids.- Agglutination in morning on waking, with burning when opened and with dread of light. Falling out of lashes. Tearing in r. upper on looking down, and on looking up feeling as if upper lid were longer and hanging down, in morning, then stitches in r. side of head. Feeling as l. upper were hanging down. Upper lid feels paralyzed, hangs down and covers only half of eye. Weakness in afternoons if they would close. Pressure so that she could not open them; alternating pressure.

Canthi. Stitches; Itching, and in lids. Burning. Biting, with stinging and burning, as from an acrid humor.

Inflammation of r. conjunctiva in evening. Tearing in upper border of orbit. Trembling sensation in brows.

Vision.–photophobia in morning; l. sensitive to light. Dim; evening; in open air; obliging her to wipe her eyes constantly, with sensation as if lids would adhere in the corners, as if a feather or hair were before r. eye. Weak after long looking. Black, with rush of blood to head, vertigo, ringing in ears and drowsiness. Flickering and spots, with a kind of vertigo. Bright on closing eyes. White sparkling stars after blowing nose. Yellow.

Clinical Squinting in children during teething. Subacute and catarrhal inflammation of conjunctiva, particularly with dryness and smarting, great loss of power of the eyelids so that it is difficult to open the lids. The most important indications for this drug are the burning and dryness without much discharge and without destruction of tissue. It is useful in asthenopia from irritated conjunctivae, also in granular lids and chronic, blepharitis.


      Redness and heat evenings. Sticking; l.; into hollow; deep in r. at night; into ear; outward through. Tearing in, behind and below; T. evenings, (>) pressure, with stitches. Boring in morning and in hollow of ear in afternoon, and on pressure. Tension. Pulsation. Feeling as if something were lying before r. externally. itching; in meatus, with tingling. Obstruction on blowing nose, opening again on swallowing. Crackling on swallowing; C. in tympanum, (<) chewing. it seems in r. ear as if he had a different voice. Ringing, with rush of blood to head, blackness before eyes, vertigo and drowsiness. Roaring in morning and at same time stools are more solid than usual; R. in evening; before ears, as of large bells, morning after rising. Whistling. Whizzing.


      Swelling of l. wing, with hardness and pain on touch; S. of septum (caust), with redness and pain on touch, the pain (<) in evening. Ulcerated nostrils. Soreness in r. nostril, with scabs and thick yellowish discharge (Graph). Tearing in and near r. fossa, (>) pressure. Intermittent burning pain in r. wing in evening. Sneezing; morning on waking. Cold comes on during menses, with pain in nose, head and forehead, (<) blowing nose, then diarrhoea and colic; sensation in nose evenings as if a cold would come on; unwell as from a cold which cannot develop. Coryza, with sneezing and obstruction of nose; dry C., also (<) night, with dryness of mouth; fluent C., also afternoon and morning; fluent, with frequent sneezing and lachrymation; sudden fluent in l. nostril, with obstruction of r; fluent then dry. Discharge of water from r. nostril without catarrh. Thick mucus runs from posterior nares into mouth, also thick viscid mucus. Obstruction; of l. nostril. Rattling and piping in afternoon, with rough voice. Bleeding. Blood only is blown out., Smell acute, weak; sour smell in nose in morning.

Clinical Chronic nasal catarrh, with scurfy nostrils or discharge of indurated masses of mucus, nose is sore internally, and sometimes ulcerated; the tip of the nose is somewhat swollen and red, associated with internal soreness. In post-nasal catarrh, with loss of smell and pain in root of nose (Natrum mur.).


      Redness of cheeks; coppery. pallor; alternating, quickly with redness. Expression sullen, low-spirited. Tearing in sides, (<) r., in zygoma, (>) rubbing, sometimes with tearing in r. teeth. Painful red spots on r. cheek. Drawing and tearing in l. cheek and gums in afternoon. Tension and heat in l. side in evening. Swollen feeling; after dinner, with feeling as if eyes were smaller, so that vision is impaired. Chin feels as if covered with a cobweb (Graph).

Jaws.–Firmly set. Lower J. shortened. Swelling, so that he cannot open mouth without pain, with stitches into malar-bone and temple. Tension and drawing in jaw and cheeks, with salivation; painful tension in articulation when chewing or opening mouth.

Lips.– Chapped, Desquamation. Blueness of vermilion border during and after the fever. Swelling of lower; swelling and vesicles; swollen feeling. Bright vesicle on internal surface. Crusty eruption on lower. Dryness.


      Teeth. Thick, badly smelling mucus on. Catching of two rotten molars ( one above, the other below) into each other on opening mouth. Ulceration of all roots. Tearing in r.; in molars, sometimes as high as temples. Cutting in open air and in evening on lying down in bed. Gnawing in a lower front molar, (<) 9 P.M. (>) sitting up in bed, with tearing behind ear, as if the ear would be torn out, after midnight there is only the gnawing in the tooth. Drawing and tearing in lower incisors, extending to zygoma and temples. Aching on chewing; A. (>) rising; in incisor; in upper molar on touch; in hollow, when food gets into them; extending to ear; extending to larynx, with irritation of nerves as after catching cold or using too much chamomile; drawing, in r. in evening, (>) lying down; as if loose on setting them together; in a stump as if pushed into socket, on biting on it; jerking, in one of the first l. upper molars; jerking and tearing wake in after midnight, (>) after rising ulcerative, in roots on chewing. Boring in hollow. Tearing, grinding, boring in evening. Bruised feeling in a r. upper molar, (>) pressure, which makes it feel loose. Elongated feeling. Pulsations in roots at night in bed. Cold feeling, with sensitiveness. Tickling after dinner, and in their roots.

Gums.– Swelling. Ulcer on l. lower, discharging saltish blood. Drawing pain as if sore.

Tongue.– coated white; yellowish-white, with bitter taste. Sticking to palate on waking, with dryness of mouth. Crawling (stinging). Rough feeling. itching of tip.

Mouth in general.- Ulcers. Much mucus; in morning; while throat is dry. Painfulness of inner mouth, palate, tongue and gums, with soreness so that he can scarcely eat. Scraping after stool and during digestion, and in stomach. Burnt feeling after dinner. Heat. Crawling on inner surfaces of cheeks. Dryness; on waking; although saliva is not wanting, causing frequent painful swallowing. Musty smell. Salivation; with sense of contraction in mouth or crawling upon surface of cheeks; evening in bed, (<) afternoon, (>) night; sweetish or sourish S. Spitting much saliva and mucus in morning.

Taste.- Astringent, acrid (>) Bitter; evening after apples; B. and slimy in morning on rising; B. and nauseous to beer, causing retchings. Bloody,. Sour after wheat bread. Sourish, saltish. Flat, to everything; flat, metallic in morning. Meat, especially has no taste. Food seems tasteless and unsalted, (<) evenings.


      Inflammatory redness in back part (Argentumm). Inflammation terminated by a livid border around buccal cavity. Mucus choking him till he swallows it; deep-seated mucus; saltish mucus after dinner; thick; viscid M., (<) evening and morning on waking, increasing the soreness of throat, expectorated in little lumps with difficulty (Argentumm.). Stitches on empty swallowing; shooting here and there, in evening, and sometimes on swallowing something pointed seems to stick in the throat (Nit. ac). Pressure in, with internal heat of hands; P. as from a lump, with soreness, rough voice and dry throat. Constrictive pain in evening, with much mucus in mouth. Spasmodically drawing pain in one side and in ear; nights, (<) deglutition. Pressive and tensive pain in r. inner side, as far as ear. Drawing and tensive pain in r. side, moving tongue. Soreness after difficult clearing; S. on swallowing; aching, during empty swallowing in evening (caused by a swelling); burning, in evening when swallowing and afterwards.

Scraping high up, griping; as if he had swallowed pepper. Rawness and roughness in evening, causing cough. Roughness in morning on waking, with oppression of chest and sneezing; R., with scraping, obliging cough; causing hawking, evening and night, with accumulation of mucus. Burning in evening; like heartburn, with roughness. Dryness; at night; in evening, inducing frequent clearing (Barytac., Zincum met.), with scraping; D., with much mucus in mouth. Tickling causing cough. Taste sour after milk-soup in evening, then bitter eructations; sudden sourish in forenoon; sweet in morning, with vertigo, then expectoration of mucus mixed with blood. Amelioration of symptoms from warm food and drink.

Tonsils.– Swelling. Stitches in r. in morning. Aching in l. when swallowing and afterwards. Swallowing impeded at night, as from spasmodic constriction.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.