Homeopathy Remedy Alumina


      Diarrhoea in evening; D. during menses; with colic; with tenesmus; frequent, after constipation. Liquid; with colic; first part liquid and expelled with a jerk, the last part appearing burned. Soft, at night. Hard, in balls (Mag.c.). In shape of laurel berries, difficult, with cutting in anus as if too narrow, then a stream of blood, followed by soreness in anus and along rectum. Bloody; dropping of blood during stool. Bloody mucus during and between stools. Bright-colored. Scanty. Difficult. Early. Frequent. Retained.

Clinical Constipation is the rule in cases requiring Alumina; the rectum is inactive, the stools are hard, often associated with soreness of the rectum and anus, which bleed readily, so that the hard stool is frequently followed by blood. It is particularly useful in the constipation of children, with dry and inflamed rectum and bleeding. Has to strain at stool in order to pass urine.

Urinary Organs

      Bladder. Spasmodic pain extending to chest, (>) breakfast. Pressure and drawing in region of, especially at neck. Tenesmus; after urinating, with tenesmus of rectum. Weak feeling in B. and in genitals in evening, so that he fears he shall wet the bed. Urging to urinate, with increased urine; U. in morning on waking, with difficult and tardy emission in a thin stream from the female urethra. Frequent micturition; at night; in evening, in small quantities; during menses, corroding genitals. Involuntary U. when pressing at stool. Seldom but copious U. (U. in a twisted stream). No urine.

Urethra.–Tearings and shootings, ascending through hypogastrium, when walking in open air. Drawing in morning on walking, with biting. Heat, (>) lying still. Burning before micturition; during micturition, (<) evening; B, after micturition ( No inconvenience in urinating after sitting a long time, but as soon as he moves about he feels a burning). Itching, burning. Voluptuous itching, and between testicles. (Dry feeling in anterior portion, as if skin were insensible, (<) morning.)

Urine. – Decreased in morning, with cutting in anterior part of urethra, none in forenoon, but in afternoon frequent emissions of copious reddish urine, which becomes turbid during the night and deposits a sediment; little urine, with a sediment of red sand. Increased; I., pale, hot; pale, with a turbid sediment. White and turbid, as if chalk had been stirred into it., Deep yellow soon depositing a large, loose cloud. Turbid at night.

Sexual Organs

      Pressure. Tickling, and on thighs. Smegma behind glans. Drawing pinching in penis as far as glans, when moving hand along penis. Drawing from glans through urethra. Compressed feeling in glans. Itching of glans. Formication of glans. Soreness of inner surface of prepuce. Violent erections; numerous E. in evening, during night in bed, and in afternoon when sitting; (priapisms during night). Contractive pain in r. spermatic cord, at the same time the r. testicles is drawn up, sore and painful. Itching of scrotum. Hardness of l. testicle, with pain on touch. Desire increased at first, then decreased; want of D.; indifference; lessened at first, with increased erections, then D. increased although erection is wanting. Emissions; at night; at night, with voluptuous dreams; during afternoon nap; jelly-like E. during coition.

Twitching stitches in l. side of pudendum, extending into chest. Itching in pudendum during leucorrhoea. Pain in l. side of vagina, like the ticking of a watch, with ulcerative throbbing. Leucorrhoea; after menses; acrid (Graphites); acrid after menses (Mag.c.), with burning in genitals and more in rectum, these parts seemed inflamed and corroded, so that walking was difficult, (>) washing with cold water, L. flowed almost over her feet, at same time discharge of blood resembling meat washings (N. ac.); like meat washings in afternoon and night; profuse transparent L. only in daytime;like water or transparent mucus, stiffening the linen; yellow; copious before menses, with tremor, lassitude and sensation as if everything would fall out of abdomen. Menses too profuse, with bloated abdomen; M. scanty; scanty and short; scanty and pale; too early, preceded by headache, which returned on the second day, and continued during the period, menses less copious than usual; too early, preceded by pain in abdomen, and accompanied by diarrhoea.

Clinical Involuntary emissions, particularly when straining at stool, have been found to be a valuable indication for the use of this drug in sexual weakness, especially in elderly people.

Gonorrhoeal bubo, with a yellowish gonorrhoeal discharge, with burning and itching along urethra, particularly at meatus.

Respiratory Organs

      Irritation in larynx inducing cough. Hoarseness; in morning; in afternoon, with rancidity of throat; (>) walking in open air. Voice lost suddenly, (>) afternoon and evening.

Cough: (<) in morning, with much expectoration; in afternoon sleep; in evening, from rawness and roughness in throat; from scraping and roughness in throat; from tickling in throat; irritation to C., with frequent spitting. Dry at night; continual dry hacking, with vomiting and arrest of breathing and sticking extending from l. side of abdomen to hypochondrium and pit of stomach; before midnight, with chilliness then with dry heat; violent during the day; violent morning after rising; later expectoration; short; frequent short, forenoon and evening; suddenly coming and passing off quickly in morning. In short fits, with tearing shooting in. temple and at vertex.

Sudden violent but short, in afternoon; by making an effort he expectorates as a piece of phlegm mixed with blood. Fatiguing C., with much expectoration, (<) morning (Calcarea c.).

Respiration difficult in forenoon. Dyspnoea at night on waking, with anxiety and sweat. Short R. in afternoon, with pressure on chest; S. at night when lying on back, (>) lying on side, with pressure on chest. Groaning; anxious; unconscious groaning and sighing. Sighing. Whistling and smothering in chest.


      Rattling, caused by mucus. Stitches in l. mamma at 9.A, m.; under sternum, (<) talking, with compression of chest; in upper part; high up in sides during exercise, (>) sitting or walking, with pressure and arrest of breath; here and there, sometimes, (<) by breathing, sometimes burning. Pinching in upper part in evening, when sitting. Cramp and oppression at night, having walked much the day before. Cutting and pressure internally when walking fast, (>) sitting.

Pain in forenoon, sometimes extending to back, (<) walking, then empty eructations; while eating; during and after cough, with paralytic pain extending through arms; here and there; high up on sides when sitting or walking; high up on sides during exercise, (>) sitting and lying; on sternum,(<) evening when walking; externally at lower part, (>) friction; intermittent, with shortness of breath and irritation to cough; spasmodic, in middle on swallowing food and drink; as if cut or sore, after dinner, till 10 P.M., (>) lying down, returning next morning during cough, with a weak feeling on chest, empty eructations and short breath. Oppressive; when stooping, while writing; oppressive pain, also at night, (<) bending head forward; oppressive pain in middle, alternating with constriction and violent palpitation of heart, (<) after a meal. Contracted feeling, with apprehension. Constriction in afternoon when stooping, while sitting, (>) becoming erect; when when stooping at work,(>) walking in open air; in a spot below r. side.

Soreness; in forenoon, caused by cough; in chest and pit of stomach, with fatiguing cough, lachrymation and tenacious expectoration; S. internally when moving or turning body. Excoriated feeling in lower part of sternum, extending to stomach, then hoarseness. Boring, sometimes in middle, sometimes in sides,(<) breathing, sometimes in evening, (>) becoming erect and walking. H. heat in middle; in fore part when breathing. Burning in r. side in afternoon, with twinges and sticking in a r. false rib. Chilliness in interior of sternum. Dryness in both sides; oppressive, under sternum. Pulsations; in breast.

Heart and Pulse

      Anxiety about heart, (>) after rising; A, as if sweat would break out at 4 or 5 A.M., (>) rising. constriction and violent palpitation alternating with oppressive pain in middle of chest, (<) after a meal. Palpitation; on waking; on waking before menses; with irregular beats; large and small ones being intermixed; anxious, with sudden heat and sweat. Pulse feverish morning on waking. Pulse increased.


      Swelling of glands of l. side. Stitches in glands of r. side, with drawing pressure in those of l. Stitches in nape; (>) friction; in r. side, (>) friction; externally on l. side,. pressure, with tearing in head and stitches in ears. Tearing, shooting, and pinching, in nape as far as r. shoulder, with cough and sneezing. Pain in nape and head at night in bed, (>) morning on rising; in nape on moving head. Drawing and pressure in glands of l. side. Painful drawing in muscles in forenoon. Tension in nape in afternoon. Stiffness,. motion; in neck and upper part of back, in morning, (>) motion, with drawing pain; so that she cannot turn the head to the left; in nape extending towards head. Feeling of swelling in sides, with stinging.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.