Veratrum album


Objective. Whole body and face pale. Desquamation of the epidermis. Copper-red eruption on the face, about the mouth and chin. Collection of painful pimples in various places (tetter). Red spots on the nose. Eruption like the itch. Nettle rash eruption, which itches whenever she is warm, even during the day (only about the joints); after scratching the spots burn and hives appear, as if caused by stinging nettles. Thick rash on the cheeks, with pain in the face. Red eruption about the mouth and on the chin. Eruption of pimples near the corner of the mouth, on the margin of the red, which was painful when not touched, and even more when touched. Red painless pimples on the backs of the fingers between the second and third joints (after twenty hours). (Dry tetter upon the hand between the thumb and index finger). A painful pimple on the lower jaw, which when touched causes a constricting pain, but which afterwards develops into a pustule with an inflamed areola. Vesicles close together on the nose. Vesicular eruption in the left corner of the mouth. Burning blisters like anthrax on the left thigh, elevated pustules with depressed tips, with dark-red swollen areola, with tensive pain, when walking; burning (second day); in the blisters on the thigh a burning sticking pain, while walking, though less swollen (fourth day). Subjective. Sensitiveness of the skin, every part upon which he lies is painful (eight day). Burning sensation. Crawling (creeping) itching on various parts of the face, rather biting than stinging, followed by the appearance of small red pimples, with hard red, elevated margins, and followed by brown tips, filled with yellow pus, which at first were painless, but when fully developed were painfully sore to touch. Crawling on the hands and fingers. A fine stinging, as from burning nettles, about the throat and on the chest, relieved by stroking with the hand (with redness and elevations of the skin like urticaria, which is noticed only on touch of the hand). (Itching here and there) (fifth day). Corroding itching of the skin (after twelve hours). Itching here and there on the face and behind the ears, as if pimples would appear (without redness), with sensation of soreness behind the ears (after twenty-three hours). Biting itching and crawling beneath the lobule of the right ear. (Itching on the face) (third day). (Itching on the face, more than usual) (first day). Itching on the arms and feet, as if an eruption would appear, without redness (after two hours). Itching and burning, with shivering on the shoulders, back, face, arms, and fingers (seventh day). Corroding itching on the inner side of the wrist (after twenty-four hours). Itching and biting on the left middle finger, on the palmar surface, and on the ball of the thumb, with stinging as from nettles (first day). Burning- itching pain in the first phalanx of the little finger, as if it had been frozen. Violent itching on the legs, on rubbing small painful pimples appear in the skin (fifth day). Itching in the hollows of the knees (fourth day). An almost burning itching under the left heel, deep internally (after two hours). Itching on the great toe (first day).


Amelioration, (Bending backward), Headache from temples to vertex. Amelioration, (Pressure with hand), Pain in shoulder. Amelioration, (Stooping), Pressure in temples and vertex. Amelioration, (While sitting and lying), Most symptoms.


Aggravation, (Morning), Anxiety; vertigo; during menses, tearing headache; after waking, pressure in crown of head; when smoking, hiccough; in bed, colic; dry cough; oppression of chest; stiffness of nape of neck; on rising, pain in back; on rising from a seat, pain in small of back; pain in legs; chilliness; heat and redness of face. Aggravation, (Forenoon), Stiffness of limbs. Aggravation, (Afternoon), Thirst. Aggravation, (Evening), Anxiety; thirst; while walking, drawing colic; dry cough; heat and redness of face. Aggravation, (Night), Anxiety; colic; before midnight, fever. Aggravation, (Open air), Sticking and burning in eyes; distress. Aggravation, (Bending forwards), Headache from temples to vertex. Aggravation, (Coughing), Sticking in right shoulder; oppression of chest. Aggravation, (After dinner), Anxiety. Aggravation, (After drinking), Pain in region of sternum. Aggravation, (Eating), Soreness of muscles of lower jaw. Aggravation, (After eating), Pain in region of sternum. Aggravation, (Expiration), Pain beneath ribs. Aggravation, (Hawking), Sticking in right shoulder. Aggravation, (Inspiration), Stitch beneath last right ribs. Aggravation, (Before menses), Nosebleed. Aggravation, (Motion), Tension and sticking in nape of neck, shoulders, and occiput; lameness in extremities; drawing in limbs. Aggravation, (On rising from a seat), Vertigo. Aggravation, (On rising), Most symptoms. Aggravation, (Sitting erect), Pressure in vertex. Aggravation, (Standing), Pressure in temples; pain in small of back; stitches in coccyx; stiffness of limbs; pain above hips and in loins; drawing in gluteal muscles; jerking in weak foot. Aggravation, (Stooping), Rush of blood to head; pain in back; pain in small of back. Aggravation, (Walking), Vertigo; pain in spine; pain in small of back. Aggravation, (Rainy weather), Pain in shoulders and arms.

Heart and Pulse

Precordia. Cutting pin in the precordial region (first night). Pressure at the heart. Paroxysmal anxiety at the heart, which then beats very violently, and with a sensation as if it were very warm (after four hours). Heart’s Action. Palpitation, with anxiety, and rapid audible respiration Violent beating of the heart, which moves the ribs; the heart beats very forcibly and moves the hand, without pain. Pulse. Pulse very rapid (after six hours). Pulse of the normal rate, but very weak and almost imperceptible (after eight hours). Very slow pulse. Pulse very slow, even while walking Pulse very slow and almost lost (after four and several hours). Pulse small tense. Pulse very small, irregular at times intermittent. Pulse almost lost. Pulse imperceptible. Pulse entirely lost for several hours.

Sexual organs

Male. Acute sensation and sensitiveness in the sexual organs (after twelve and fifteen hours). Stiffness of the penis. Soreness of the prepuce. Drawing pain in the testicles. Female. Abortion. Pimples on the right labia previous to the menses. Flooding, irrestrainable. Profuse menstruation. Menses appeared much too early, indeed on the thirteenth and ninth days. The menses, which had been suppressed for a long time, returned at the full moon. Menses suppressed for many years reappeared. Roaring in the ears, pains in all the limbs, and great thirst during the menses.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.