Veratrum album


Nails blue on account of the coldness. Paralysis of the limbs. Twitching of the limbs and profuse perspiration, followed by headache, vertigo, and much drinking. Trembling in all the limbs, horrible anxiety at the heart, and inclination to faint. Stretching (tension) of the limbs. Weakness of all the limbs. Weakness, with heaviness of the limbs, increased after breakfast (second day). Painful lameness as from too long a walk, in the upper and lower extremities, only on motion; he could scarcely get along. Stiffness of the limbs, especially in the forenoon and after standing. Stiffness of the limbs, especially in the forenoon and after standing. Insensibility and rigidity of the limbs. Falling asleep of the limbs. The arms and feet always fall asleep, even while lying (after eight hours). Electric like shocks, followed by bruised pain in the knees and elbows. (Pain in the limbs upon which he lies, as if the bed were stony hard). Pain in all the limbs as if exhausted by excessive fatigue. Drawing pain in the limbs. Violent drawing pain in the limbs when walking, which disappears at night on continuing to walk. Spasmodic drawing in the limbs, above the joints, on moving. Tearing pains in the extensor muscles while sitting. Upper Limbs. Trembling of the arm when she takes hold of anything with the hand. Twitching in both arms. The arms were painfully lame, as if beaten, he could raise and hold them up only with effort and with pain. Right arm painful as if beaten, after a little effort (first day). Paralytic feeling in the right arm (second night). Drawing and stiffness in the muscles of the left arm. Sensation as if the arm were too full and swollen. Numbness of the right arm. Numb sensation in the right arm, with heaviness. Constant numbness of the left arm; with pain and stiffness of the muscles. Shoulder. Stiffness of the shoulder and pain in the nape of the neck, in the morning (fifth day). Pressure in the shoulders. Pain in the shoulder (fourth day). Slight indescribable pain in the right axilla. Constant pain in the right shoulder joint. Pain in both shoulders (first day). The pains in the shoulders and arms continue for several days during rainy weather, cease with the rain, after a dose of Rhus, and on the appearance of warm weather all the symptoms cease (after twelve days). Sensation of pain like lightning, extending from the shoulder to the head, followed by loss of vision. A cutting pain like a single cut on the shoulder. Sticking and tensive pain in the right shoulder; the sticking is at first slight but increases from minute to minute, extending from the shoulder to the back, impeding movement, even respiration is painful; the most violent pain in the shoulder is relieved by pressure of the hand; after this pressure is removed there is a burning in the skin; the pain in the shoulder is aggravated by hawking and coughing; sticking in the right shoulder and neck, with stiffness of the nape of the neck (second day). Violent sticking and tearing in the right shoulder, neck, and occiput, aggravated by motion, on waking in the morning (sixth day). Sticking in the right axilla, extending to the elbow (first day). Sticking in the left shoulder joint (first day). Sticking in the right shoulder and head (eight day). Single stitches in the left shoulder joint, even during rest (after four hours). Arm. Pain in the muscles of the right upper arm. Pain in the muscles of the left, afterwards of the right upper arm. Arthritic pain in the deltoid muscle, in the upper arm and in the knee. Paralytic bruised pain in the left upper arm on stretching it out. A persistent drawing downward pain in the middle of the left humerus (after half an hour). Smarting on the inner side of the upper arm as from sore flesh (seventh day). Elbow. Drawing pain in the bend of the elbow on flexing it; it seems swollen, on account of which it cannot be completely flexed; together with a paralytic feeling in the arm (after fifteen hours). Forearm. Pain in the middle of the left forearm as if the bones were pressed. Wrist. Jerking in the right wrist and farther up towards the elbow. Hands. Crawling in the hands as if they had been asleep. Fingers. Deadness, falling asleep of the fingers (after one hour). Fingers insensible, rigid. Tensive pain in the middle finger on moving if (after twenty hours). Pain, as if dislocated, in the joints of the thumb. The second phalanx of the finger is painful in the bone when grasping anything (after twenty hours).

Lower Limbs

Tottering gait. Heaviness of the lower extremities. Great heaviness of the lower extremities. Hip. Walking very difficult, like paralysis, first in the right, then also in the left hip. Tensive and pinching pain above both hips and in the loins, while walking and standing, at noon (second day). Cramp like drawing in the upper part of the gluteal muscles while standing. Thigh. Weakness almost only of the thighs and knees. The thighs and hips give out and ache as if paralyzed. The thighs are painful as if broken, while sitting (after eight hours). Rheumatic drawing pain in the muscles of the thigh, while standing (after three hours). Cramp like pressing pain in the thigh or calf if he supports himself less upon that foot while standing (after three hours and a half). Visibly pulsating twitchings of the large external muscles of the thigh while sitting and standing; the muscles rose and fell rhythmically but without pain, immediately recurring after walking (after nine hours). Knee. Cracking of the knees. Single, visible, raising high up of the knee while sitting (in the afternoon), once every quarter or half hours, without pain; she started up every time; it ceased in the evening after lying down. Bruised pain in the knees on going downstairs (after four hours). Tension in the hollows of the knees, while standing and walking, as if too short. Drawing at times in the knees, while standing and walking and sitting. Painful jerking in the right knee. Spasmodic drawing upward pain from the hollow of the knee into the right thigh, while standing (after twelve hours). A cold smarting sensation externally in the knee joint. Cutting pain, as with a knife, in the knee, transient, like a single cutting. (Sticking in the knee and ankle), (after five days). Leg. Pain as from heaviness of the legs, as from weariness. Pain as from heaviness in the leg, as if paralysis were impending, in the morning. Pain in the bone just below the knee, as if it had been broken and were not perfectly firm, while stepping upon it. Stiffness and pain in the right calf. Cramp in the calves. Violent cramp in both calves, in the outer portion, lasting half an hour in the evening, after a fatiguing walk (seventh day). Pain in the calves and tibiae as if they would break down. Drawing and stiffness in the calves. Violent tearing in the muscles of the left leg. Crawling in the legs as far up as the knees; a painful surging. Biting itching and crawling sensation in the calves, while standing (after four hours). A tearing pain in the tibiae extending downward. Burning in the tibiae, in the evening, as if they had come from too great cold (after fourteen hours). Ankle. Pressure in the ankles and legs. Pressure at the ankle, momentarily, as if the bones were directly touched and pressed (after eight days). Violent pressure in the right ankle. The ankles are painful as if sprained, while walking, when previously while sitting the soles of the feet had been stretched far backward, so that they rested upon the backs of the toes, in the evening (after fifteen hours). Burning in the malleoli of the ankle. Foot and Toes. The feet suddenly swell, and then after a few hours become again thin. While walking he feels a clumsiness and heaviness in the feet and knees. Pain in the feet, especially in the knees, as from great fatigue, as if large stones were tied upon them; in order to obtain relief he was obliged to move them hither and thither (after forty-eight hours). Painful drawing transversely through the joints in forepart of the foot, while sitting (after one hour and a half). Cramp in the feet (fourth day). Cramp like pain on stretching out the foot (twelfth day). Violent pressing pain in the right foot as though the root of the foot and metacarpal bone of the little toe were dragged downward; the pain lasted several minutes, during both rest and motion (twelfth day). Awakened as if by a painfully cold wind blowing from both feet to the knees, relieved only after long rubbing, after midnight ( second night). Jerkings in quick succession in the weak foot, while standing, but not while walking (after three days). Violent stitch in a corn on the left foot, while sitting (after fourteen hours). Sore pain in a corn when raising the foot, so that he stood only on the toes, in the evening (after fifteen hours). Tensive pain in the external tendons of the toes, when walking. Pains in the corns. Stinging pain in the great toe (after five hours). Transient stinging pain in the toes of the right foot, while standing, lasting two hours (after fourteen hours). Sticking and burning in the right great toe.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.