
Ustilago homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Ustilago maidis, Corda. Natural order: Fungi. Common name: Corn smut. Preparation: Triturations.


At noon to-day, after walking a mile or so, my hands and whole body trembled slightly. I was not fatigued. This passed off in a few minutes (third day). In the morning rose with a tired feeling (second day); awoke early and felt tired, yet could not rest (third day). For last three days have felt dull, as if I had not slept enough (tenth day). Very languid (third day); languid (fifth day). Very languid all day (fourth day; very languid for a number of days after the proving. Very languid (sixth day); called up at 4 A.M., felling excessively languid; great languor at 2 P.M. (seventh day). Have had a number of faint spells, commencing in the epigastrium, with small pains in the hypochondrium and bowels (seventh day). At 11 A.M., felt very much as if I was going to faint; felt oppressed for want of fresh air; this soon disappeared; was in the lecture-room, which was warm (second day). Symptoms of a slight cold (after two days). Felt quite well today, though not so bright as usual (fifth day). No symptoms to speak of the first two days, or rather my health was better.


Much depressed in spirits this afternoon (third day). Have felt irritable and disinclined to talk all day; could not take hold of anything with energy; had nothing particular to complain of (fourth day). For three days have felt irritable; almost everything goes wrong (tenth day).


Vertigo. Frequent attacks of vertigo; everything before the eye whirls, sometimes appearing double, and at times myriads of white specks come before the eyes and blot out everything else (second day; occasional attacks of vertigo and internal heat came on for three or four days till the end of twelve days. General Head. Dulness of the head (after two days). Headache before rising, dull, from dry cold in head; it disappeared after a bath and eating breakfast (third day). Dull headache all the morning (third day),; at 7 A.M. (seventh day). Head feels heavy (fourth day). In the morning head felt stuffed; felt better after eating breakfast (fourth day). All the morning have had a feeling of fullness of the head, with dull, pressive, frontal headache; dull frontal headache all day, with aching distress in the eyeballs (second day). Head aches most violently at noon; have been very languid to-day, with a bursting frontal headache, 9 P.M. (third day). Slight headache (fourth day),; (sixth day). Forehead. Some headache, mostly frontal, this evening (second day). Frontal headache (after half an hour); has continued ever since, with distress in the epigastrium (after four hours); head aches severely, aggravated by walking (after seven hours). Dull frontal headache all the forenoon, with smarting of the eyes (third day). Dull frontal headache, in the morning (third day),; (seventh day). Dull heavy, frontal headache, while walking in the open air, relieved on staying in the warm room, not from hunger (seventh day). Frontal headache, with erections (after three hours and a half). Severe neuralgic pains in the forehead, hands, and feet (first day). Sharp pains in the forehead (after one hour). External Head. Loss of hair.


Occasional slight spasms of the eyes, when everything vanishes from sight and the head seems to whirl (fourth day). Frequent attacks of twitching of the eyes, and my eyes appeared to look (revolve) in circles and dart from one object to another in quick succession (third day). Eyes weak (second day). Aching of the eyes, with profuse secretion of tears (second day). Queer feeling of the eyes, with profuse secretion of tears (second day). Queer feeling in the eyes, smarting of inflamed feeling (after two days). Eyes feel hot on closing the lids (fourth day). Smarting of the eyes, with the dull frontal headache (third day). Eyelids agglutinated together, in the morning (seventh day). Eyes weak and water much out of doors (seventh day); eyes water profusely in the open air (ninth day). Eyes water much in the open air (sixth day). Pain in the right eyeball, with the distress in the stomach (first day). Aching distress in the eyeballs, with the headache (second day). Spots dancing to and fro before the eyes.


A small boil in the right nostril (sixteenth day). Thick mucus is discharged from the nose all the forenoon (third day). Profuse discharge of thick mucus from the nose, lasting an hour or two (fourth day). Thick mucous discharge from the nose, not profuse (fifth day. Dryness of the nostrils, with the prickling sensation in the tongue (second day). All the forenoon had dryness of the nostrils, with a dry feeling in the while skin (third day).


Sudden pallor coming on while sitting and in the evening. Face has a dingy-yellow look, more so than natural (fifth day).


Teeth. Sometimes looseness of teeth. Toothache all day in upper first and second molars; they are decayed and have ached before (sixth day); toothache to-day the same as yesterday (seventh day). Tongue. Tongue coated in the morning. A prickling sensation in the tongue, and a feeling as if something were under the roots of the tongue pressing it upwards, with dryness of the nostrils (second day). Saliva. Profuse secretion of thin bitter saliva (third day); saliva profuse (fourth day). Bitter saliva was secreted in abundance (third day). Taste. Slimy taste, with burning distress in the stomach (second day). Slimy coppery taste in the mouth (fifth day); slimy taste in the mouth for a number of days after the proving. Slimy coppery taste in the mouth, in the morning (third day); slimy taste (fifth and sixth days); for a week had slimy taste in the mouth, with a relaxed state of the sexual organs (after seven days). Coppery taste in the mouth, in the morning (sixth day); slimy coppery taste, in the morning (seventh and eighth days); slimy taste (twelfth day).


During the night was troubled with mucus with mucus in the posterior nares (third day). Throat sore and dry towards morning; upper part of throat felt filled up; pharynx and uvula reddened; this passed off in the morning, but the head felt stuffed (third day). In a short time left a sharp lancinating pain in the right tonsil (the fauces were somewhat inflamed when the medicine was taken), (first day); fauces hotter and more sensitive to motion than last night; throat still sore (second day); throat worse, very painful (sharp lancinating pains), (third day); throat still painful (fourth day). Left tonsil enlarged and much congested, of a dark-reddish color, right one also quite painful on swallowing, at 2 P.M.; left tonsil much enlarged and painful, at 9 P.M. (seventh day); left tonsil much congested, extending to the ear along the Eustachian tube, which produces constant dull pain in the ear, in the morning (eighth day); tonsils more painful than yesterday (ninth day); left tonsil still congested but not so painful (tenth day); left still congested but not painful (eleventh day). Dryness of the fauces with difficulty in swallowing, feeling as if there were a lump behind the larynx (after half an hour); dryness of the fauces, with a burning distress in the stomach (after one hour; frequent efforts to swallow, with a feeling in the fauces as if something had lodged there (after four hours); irritation of the fauces, with a felling as if there were a lump in the larynx when swallowing (sixth day); fauces congested and irritated (seventh day). Dryness of the fauces, with a burning dryness in the stomach (first day). Rough feeling in the fauces (first day). Burning in the oesophagus (soon). A burning sensation along the whole length of oesophagus, especially at the cardiac orifice of the stomach; heartburn, morning, continued all day (second day).


Appetite and Thirst. Very hungry (eighth day); craving appetite (ninth day). Appetite good; craving for hearty food (fifth day). Towards night felt a strong desire for acid food, and ate an apple, which stopped this craving; at the same time had a craving for hearty food, which left on eating the apple (fourth day). Poor appetite (fifth day). Very thirsty (eighth day); had to get up in the night to drink, was so thirsty (eighth night). Eructations. Eructations of ingesta strongly acid, with constant distress in the stomach, at 10 A.M.; frequent eructations of sour fluid, at 10.30 A.M.

(second day). Eructations of sour fluid from the stomach, with distress in the same region; afterwards eructations of sour food (third day). Stomach. Distress in the stomach (second day). Distress in the epigastrium, with the headache (first day). Constant distress in the stomach; frequent pains in the stomach, all the afternoon (fourth day). Constant distress in the stomach all the forenoon, with pain in the right eyeball; have had hard pains in the stomach for the last two hours (after seven hours); severe distress this afternoon, eating supper relieves it (second day). Constant burning distress in the stomach, with slimy taste (second day). Pain in the cardiac region of a burning character. Dull pains in the epigastrium, with constant severe drawing pains in the joints of the fingers (third day). Frequent spells of pain in the stomach and small intestines, with dull distress in the right hypochondrium (sixth day). Frequent cutting pains in the stomach, with constant distress in the same region; had the constant distress in the same region; had the constant severe distress until I ate supper, which relieved it (third day). Full inspiration causes a dull pain the stomach (second day). Burning dryness in the stomach, with dryness of the fauces (first day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.