Veratrum album


Sleepiness. Yawning; (fifth day). Frequent yawning (first and eighth days). Much yawning in the morning (third day). Frequent yawning and lachrymation (third day). Much yawning and stretching, and weary with sleep in the evening. Unusual yawning for more than an hour in the evening. Yawning and stretching after the midday nap. Yawning, frequently so violent that it causes roaring in the ears. Repeated yawning and stretching, with weakness and bruised feeling in the joints, as if he had not slept enough, in the morning. Sleepiness, especially in the afternoon (ninth day). Sleepy and weak after breakfast (eight day). Sleepiness, with frightful starting up, which prevents sleep, followed by a febrile attack. Unusual sleepiness, so great that the head nods; even while making an effort to talk, the lids close and the thoughts vanish, at noon (seventh day). Falling asleep while reading, in the afternoon (eight day). He falls asleep, with partial consciousness, while sitting in a chair. Stupefying sleep, awaking coma. Quiet sleep, with thirst and diuresis. (Sleep too sound). Long, uninterrupted sleep. Long sleep for three days, even during the epileptic spasms. While asleep he lies with the arm over the head (first hours). Sleeplessness. Sleeplessness for several nights. Late falling asleep on account of unusually cold feet (first night). He falls asleep late. He is unable to fall asleep before midnight, on account of excessive activity of mind, two nights in succession; together with an intolerable sensation of heat in the bed (he desires to uncover), with restless tossing to and fro. Frequent waking from short naps, with pressing pain in the forehead and temples, and heavy head (second night). (Waking at night, with much chilly trembling of the right arm). Restlessness at night (ninth day). Restless, dreamy sleep (seventh day). Sleep restless, from 12 to 3 o’clock, then pain in the shoulder (sixth night). Sleep interrupted by anxiety and emotional disturbances, with complaints that the blood burns in all the veins, especially of the head, and of a spasm rising from the chest to the throat, with special heat of the head and hands; the heat and anxiety disappeared in the open air, and was followed by frequent yawning, 19. Constant change of position at night, no sleep, though the feet were warm; after awhile the knees began to be cold; about 10 o’clock a drawing in the down to the feet, with great restlessness till 3 o’clock; in the morning only two hours of restless sleep (fifth day). Whining during sleep. Dreams. Sleep full of dreams (second day); (first, fifth, sixth, and seventh nights). Sleep heavy, dreamy. Confused dreams at night. Dreams at night of hunting (fourth day). Sleep with heavy dreams, with great effort and great anxiety, with perspiration at night (third day). Vivid anxious dream of robbers; he awoke with fright, and then believed that his dream was a reality. Fatiguing dreams at night, followed by weakness on waking in the morning, with heaviness of the head and limbs (second day). Quarrelsome dreams at night. Dream that he was violently pursued. Frightful anxious dreams at night, for example, that a dog was biting him, and he could not get away. Frightful dreams, followed by vomiting of a very tenacious green mucus. Indistinct dreams; he wakes unusually early in the morning.


Chilliness. Chilliness in the whole body. Chilliness and shivering, in the morning. Chilliness and shivering the whole day, with drawing pain in the throat and back. Chill and shivering with the frequent stools. Chilliness and heat alternately from time to time, with vertigo, constant anxiety, and qualmishness. Febrile chill, in the morning, immediately after rising, while dressing. Febrile chill, with coldness and thirst, in the morning for half an hour, without subsequent heat, with weakness of the limbs, especially of the thighs (after twenty-four hours). An internal sensation of chilliness running from the head to the toes of both feet, at the same time with thirst (immediately). Chilliness (fourth day); the whole afternoon (fifth day); all day, with smarting pain in the skin (seventh day); with shivering, over the back, shoulders, and arms all day, even in a warm room (eighth day); shivering and chilliness continued (ninth day). Chilliness in the evening. Coldness of the whole body. Coldness and sensation of coldness over whole body (after eleven minutes). Creeping coldness through the whole body (soon). Coldness at times, heat with unusual perspiration at other times (sixth hour). Rigidity and coldness of the whole body. Shivering and gooseflesh after drinking. Shivering, crawling in the skin, for example, of the face (after two hours). Shivering over the whole body, always before vomiting. Unusually sensitive to the air, every draft causing not only shivering but a painful drawing through the back, shoulders, and arms, like a cold wind. Shivering, with a sensation of coldness in the limbs especially in the shoulders and arms, as if ice-cold air were streaming through the bones, in a warm room. Cold skin. Coldness of the head. Feeling of coldness in the head, followed by heat. Very frequent creeping coolness over the head, especially over the vertex. Peculiar feeling of coolness in the head, especially in the forehead. Chilliness on the crown and at the same time in the feet (after one hour). Face cold, collapsed. Alternations of coldness and heat in the back. Coldness over the back; (fifth day). Coldness in the back, followed by violent heat in the back. Coldness extending from the back through the shoulders into arms, several times. Constant shivering in the back and through the arms. Extremities cold. Chilliness in the limbs and drawing pain in them. Cold hands and feet after breakfast (second day); in the evening (sixth day). Coldness of the hands and feet preventing sleep until 3 A.M. Constant painful coldness of the upper extremities (ninth day). Shivering in the arms and back, with warmth of the lower extremities and feet (second day). Sensation of coldness in the arms on raising them. Great coldness of the hands. Woke from sleep (after sleeping quietly for four hours) with cold feet, shivering, and drawing up the legs (first night). Night greatly disturbed by very painful cold feet, frequent waking and changing of the position (fourth day). (In the afternoon took a walk in the melting snow; sensation of coldness and moisture of the feet; in the evening cramp like pain in the feet while walking), (twelfth day). Coldness of the feet, as if cold water were running into them, with trembling. Painful coldness of the soles of both feet, intolerable in the bed, obliging him to rise and walk about, in the evening. Heat. Febrile symptoms. Fever daily before midnight. Fever recurring for several days, sometimes lasting a long time. Heat and crawling over the whole body, extending into the tips of the fingers and toes. Heat over the whole body and general perspiration, without thirst, with pale face (after two hours). Internal heat, and yet he refuses drink. Heat and perspiration, in the evening, in bed, though more heat. Burning in the skin beneath the perspiration. Burning heat of the body (after three hours), followed by a copious perspiration, which lasted five hours (after three hours and a half); the room seemed quite obscure, he could no longer tolerate the daylight, and could not hold up his head, but was obliged to press it against the chest (after six hours). Sensation of warmth and cold at the same time on the head, with sensitiveness of the hair. Heat of the head. Head hot, dull. Head hot, confused, and intoxicated. Heat in the forehead and sinciput, which changes at first to warm, then to persistent cold perspiration on the forehead. Heat streaming up the back into the occiput. Redness and heat of the face, with slight febrile shivering. Heat and redness of the face (and shivering over the body), in the evening, also in the morning in bed heat in the face. Heat and redness of the face, and heat of the hands with indifferent mood, caring only for the things just about him, with indifferent mood, caring only for the things just about him, with fearfulness, (after one hour. Bright heat and redness of the face, with constant laughing. Heat and burning in the cheeks, with redness, with contracted pupils and cold feet (after ten hours). Sensation of heat, extending from the upper abdomen over the chest to the throat. Heat in the back as if sweat would break out, in the evening, while walking slowly in the open air. Sweat. Perspiration all over, in the evening, when he wishes to fall asleep. Very profuse perspiration over the whole body, towards morning. Excessive perspiration, with great thirst and good appetite. Persistent profuse perspiration during long sleep. Easy perspiration on every motion. Sour perspiration. Profuse sour perspiration. Cold sweat. Cold sweats and vomiting of mucus. Cold perspirations. Cold perspiration over the whole body. Cold perspiration breaks out over the whole head and chest. Perspiration of a bitter odor, towards morning. Long continued night sweat. Cold sweat on the forehead. Profuse cold perspiration on the forehead, with the evacuation. Cold perspiration on the forehead, immediately on rising from a seat. (Perspiration on the face and in the axillae, when walking). Some perspiration, especially on the face, in the morning; the face is inclined to perspire even during the day. Perspiration only on the hands.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.