Veratrum album


Blind hemorrhoids (after ten hours). Tenesmus of the rectum. Pressure towards the anus, with blind hemorrhoids. Burning in the anus during stool (after twelve hours). (Smarting pain in the anus). Desire for and urging to stool in the upper abdomen, but a stool follows with difficulty or not at all, apparently on account of inactivity of the rectum and absence of peristaltic action of the author intestines (after four and fifteen hours).


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea in the evening (after milk), (eighth day). Diarrhoea with profuse perspiration. Frequent and violent diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, with pain during and after the stool. Very profuse and painful diarrhoea. Diarrhoeic stool (after twelve hours). Violent bloody diarrhoea. Excessive evacuations. Copious evacuations. Sudden involuntary watery evacuations of the bowels. After the emission of flatus some thin faces pass unnoticed (after four and sixteen hours). Frequent sudden soft stools (the first hours). Stool soft, scanty, brownish yellow (second day). Stool much too soft. Frequent black bloody evacuations by vomiting and stool. Dry stool in the evening (third day). Bloody stools. Faces acrid (after twelve hours). Stool, the first part of which large, the latter part consisting of thin strings of faces of the normal consistence and color. Stool very indolent. Constipation. Constipation (first day). Obstinate constipation. Constipation, with heat and pain in the head. Constipation on account of the hardness and large size of the evacuation (after three and fourteen hours). All the evacuations are suppressed.

Urinary organs

Tenesmus of the bladder. Pressing pain in the bladder and burning while urinating. Pain in the urethra, as if contracted, behind the penis, associated with ineffectual desire to urinate since the bladder was empty (after twenty four hours). Pinching pain in the urethra when not urinating. Burning of urine. Burning in the forepart of the urethra, while urinating (after three hours). Itching of the orifice of the urethra after urinating. Desire to urinate, with somewhat difficult emission of pale watery urine in a weak stream (second day). Frequent desire to urinate; urine at first retained, after fifteen seconds discharge of watery urine, with smarting pain in the forepart of the meatus (fourth day). Involuntary micturition. Diuresis. Diuresis with the constipation. “Diuresis with violent coryza. Dysuria (second day). Urine colorless like water (third day). Urine scanty yellow and turbid even when passed (after twenty four hours). Urine acrid.

Respiratory organs

Larynx and trachea. Spasmodic contraction of the glottis, with contracted pupils. Paroxysms of constriction of the glottis, attacks of suffocation, with protruding eyes (after half an hour). Constriction of the larynx. Suffocative constriction in the larynx. Tickling very low in the trachea provoking cough, without expectoration (after one and five hours). Tickling very low down in the trachea provoking cough, without expectoration (after twenty four hours). Voice. Complete loss of voice. Cough and expectoration. Violent cough for three hours, in the evening, with salivation. Dry cough (fifth day). Dry biting cough, with shivering especially in the evening (second day). Dry cough, with tickling in the pharynx (third day). Dry hacking cough caused by tickling in the lowest portion of the sternum, immediately. Violent dry cough, at night and in the morning. Hoarse, dry cough at night. Hollow cough in long shocks, with cutting pain in the abdomen (after six hours). Deep hollow cough, always in three or four shocks, which seem to come from the abdomen in the evening. Cough and much expectoration, with blueness of the face and involuntary micturition. Frequent expectoration after the dry cough. Respiration. His breath leaves him. Shortness of breath on the slightest movement, even in the house (a kind of oppression of the chest), which is only relieved if he sits still and quiet. Respiration weak, interrupted. Extremely difficult and distressing respiration. They seem in danger of suffocation, in the respiration is so restricted. Respiration unnoticed, almost lost. Dyspnoea. At times respiration stopped for several minutes, was spasmodic and rattling.


Catarrh in the chest, without a real (involuntary) cough; the tenacious mucus must be raised by hawking after eight hours). Oppression of the chest following a burning in the throat and a gnawing pain in the stomach. Much oppression of the chest, and on breathing a pain in the side, especially in the morning on rising (after five days). Oppression upon the chest when coughing. Tightness of the chest, he cannot inspire sufficient air on account of contraction of the air passages by tenacious firm mucus after four hours and a half). Tightness of the chest and difficult respiration, even while sitting together with headache. Tightness of the chest and pressure in it like a fullness while walking, so that his breath fails. Such great fullness in the chest that he constantly tries to eructate, without nausea. Constriction of the chest (after one hour). Painful constriction of the chest. Spasmodic contraction of the intercostal muscles towards the left side, which impedes respiration after three hours). respiration (after three hours). Pressure upon the chest (tenth day). Soft pressure upon the chest while standing, with tightness of the chest (aft eleven hours and a half). Pressure and heaviness in the chest and stomach. Pain in the chest, with dry cough. Frequently recurring pains in the chest. Pain in all the ribs. Pain beneath the ribs, especially on expiration. Cutting pain in the chest (after fifteen hours). Tickling in the chest, as if it would provoke cough in the middle of the sternum (after half an hour, and one hour). Front and sides. Pressure in the region of the sternum (after two hours). A pressing pain in the region of the sternum, after eating and drinking. A painful rhythmical pressure on the upper part of the sternum. Pinching pain in the region of the sternum, more after drinking than after eating. Constructive pain like cramp in the left side of the chest, recurring periodically (immediately). Pain in the sides and headache, with an almost dry cough. Pains in the side, with pains in the epigastric region. Pain in the sides, breasts, and in the thighs. Griping pain in the right side of the chest (after twenty hours). Pain in the left side of the chest, then in the back. Pain in the left side, with cough, with weakness and difficult respiration. Pulse like pressure as with a dull point in the left side of the chest and region of the fourth rib; the spot was painfully sore to touch, as if suppuration. During the day some paroxysms of stinging pain in the right side of the chest and region of the fourth rib; the spot was painfully sore to touch, as if suppuration. During the day some paroxysms of stinging pain in the right side of the chest which took away the breath. Stitches in the right side. A stitch ending with pressure beneath the last right ribs, worse on inspiration (after twenty-four hours). A fine stinging throbbing pain in a small spot in the left chest (after five hours). Slow sharp stitches near the nipples, which at last itch.

Back and neck

Neck. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Rheumatic stiffness of the nape of the neck, which causes vertigo, especially on moving. Painful stiffness of the nape of the neck during the headache. Tension and sticking in the nape of the neck, on both shoulders and between the shoulders, aggravated by motion and by turning around (third day). Tension and tearing in the right side of the neck, which is drawn, bent, and painful on motion, less on pressure (sixth day). Tension in the nape of the neck (eighth day). Heaviness in the nape of the neck; the cervical muscles no longer support the head. Pain in the neck externally, as if the skin were sore. Pains in the nape of the neck and shoulder, on waking in the morning (fourth day). The muscles of the nape of the neck seem paralyzed. Tearing pain and tension in the nape of the neck and occiput. Sticking in the four cervical vertebrae (fifth day). Back. Painful stiffness in the back (fifth day). Pain in the back, pressing-painful, and as if broken, on stooping and on rising up, in the morning. The spine is painful while walking, and afterwards a drawing pressure as if bruised; this pain disappears on pressure (after eleven hours). Burning and stinging in the back (fifth day). Burning sticking in the back, and tension in the small of the back (first day). Burning and pressing sticking in the back and small of the back (first day). Scapular. Violent pressure as if bruised and beaten in the scapulae. Pain in the scapulae, extending over the whole back, with diuresis, thirst, and constipation. Pain between the scapulae, even while sitting; on turning the pain becomes a decided tearing. A perceptible rheumatic pain between the scapulae, and extending from the nape of the neck to the small of the back, which is especially distressing on going to stool. Burning in the region of the scapulae. Lumbar. Pains in the loins. Pain in the small of the back, shoulder, and back, with sticking and tension (second day). The left side of the small of the back is painful as if beaten, on stooping as well as on rising up. Pain in the small of the back, while walking upon a level, not while sitting, in the morning. Tensive pain in the small of the back (fifth day). A paralytic and bruised pain in the joints of the small of the back and knee, on moving after rising from a seat. A pressing pain in the small of the back, while standing. A stitch in the small of the back on stooping, which continues a long time. Pains in the loins and arthritic tearing pains in the lower limbs. Intermittent stitches in the coccyx while standing, rather itching than sticking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.