Veratrum album


Objective. Eye distorted, protruding. Eye turned upward, so that only the white could be seen, for an hour. Eyes staring. Eyes without lustre. Eyes surrounded by black rings. Violent inflammation of the eyes. Painful inflammation in the eyes, with excessive headache, on account of which he was unable to sleep at night (after six days). Inflammation of the eyes, with tearing pain. Inflammation of the white of the eye, with tearing pain. Redness of the white of the right eyes. Inflammation of the right eye, with febrile heat. Inflammation of the right eye. Blueness of the left eye, with frequent eructations. The eyes have a weak look, are surrounded by blue rings. Subjective. Pain in the eyes. Pressing pain in the eyes, with loss of appetite. Complained of pain in both eyes, and moved the hands over the head. Sensation of weakness in the eyes. Heat in the eyes, with headache. Violent, long-continued sensation of heat in the eyes. Sticking and burning in the eyes, increased in the open air (first day). Heat in the eyes and face, with redness of the cheeks, as from a draft of hot steam. Lids. Lids agglutinated difficult to open, on rising (fifth day). Lids agglutinated during sleep (after two hours). A kind of paralysis of the lids, they seen too heavy, can scarcely raise them with the greatest effort. Extreme dryness of the lids. The lids are dry especially after sleeping; are painful as if rubbed sore; are stiff and agglutinated. Acute sensation of dryness in the upper lid, as if salt were between it and the ball, without great redness of the eye, at noon, after dinner. Sensation of dryness of the lids. Pressure in the eyelids, as from too great dryness, after a short midday nap, followed by watering of the eye (after six hours and a half). Burning in the eyelids (sixth day). Painful pressing stitches in the upper lid up the outer canthus (after ten hours). Fine sharp stitches in the canthi. Fine sticking itching internally in the coverings of the eyes (after two hours). Lachrymation. Eyes watery. Lachrymation, moisture in the eye (third day). Lachrymation, with dimness of the eyes (third day). Frequent lachrymation, with redness of the eyes, as in coryza (after six hours). The eyes seem watery, as if covered with albumen. Violent running of water from the eyes and cutting pain, together with a sensation of dryness and heat in them (after half an hour). Pupils. Pupils dilated. Pupils greatly dilated (after four hours). Pupils excessively dilated, with very decided weakness of vision; he could not recognize persons standing near him, or only very slowly, at 7 P.M. (after eight hours). Pupils at first contracted, afterwards dilated, with weakness and inclination to sleep, even while walking. Pupils inclined to contract. Contraction of the pupils, with constant compressing pain in the eyes (after one hour and a half). Contracted pupils (immediately and after six hours). Pupils very much contracted during the first six hours. Ball. Eyeballs have a rotary motion. The right eyeball is painful at the outer canthus, as if beaten, in repeated paroxysms; when pressing upon it ceases to ache (after three hours). Vision. Vision vanishes, he cannot see. Vision somewhat obscured. Vision at times indistinct. Double vision. Sparks before the eyes. On rising from a seat black spots and sparks the eyes, on account of which he could not stand for eight hours, but was obliged to either sit or lie (after three hours). Numerous shining spots flit before the eyes.


Tearing in the lobule of the ear. Sharp stitches just behind the left ear and in the jaws. Sensation as if a membrane were stretched over the ear. In the right ear a sensation of a cold breath, followed by a sensation of great heat, then again cold, and so alternately several times (after twenty-six hours). Pressing pain in the meatus auditorius. A pressure in the right ear, in the morning (after two days). Some stitches deep in the left ear. Hearing. Diminished hearing (third day). Dulness of hearing, one ear or the other seems stopped. Ringing in the ears. He complains of deafness and pain in the chest. Roaring and rushing in the ears, immediately on rising from eight hours (after four hours). Roaring in the ear like a wind and storm. Whistling in the right ear, preceded by dulness of hearing; once after the whistling the hearing was clear; after two minutes it was again dull (first day).


Frequent sneezing, catarrh, much nasal mucus (second day). Frequent sneezing (seventh day). Violent, very frequent sneezing. Catarrh (after eight hours). Violent and very peculiar catarrh (seventh day). Acute catarrh, lasting five days, followed by secretion of mucus in the fauces and throat, the mucus gelatinous, with some membranes of yellow-brown mucus (ninth day). Epistaxis. Bleeding from the right nostril. Nosebleed before the menses. (Nosebleed during sleep, at night). His nose becomes dry and hot, as in dry catarrh (after six hours). Sensation as if the nose internally were completely dry, such as the dust of a dry road would produce (after three hours). Sensation of compression and pressing inward in the nasal bones. Sensation as if the nose were ulcerated internally. Sharp burning in the left nostril. Smell of dung in the nose (after sixteen hours).


Swelling of the face for several days. Face sunken, with anxious expression. Convulsive movements of the face and limbs. Face bluish. Face dark colored, with an expression of anxiety. Face dark red, hot. Extreme redness and heat of the face. Red face, with great thirst and flow of urine. Paleness of the face. Face and lips pale. He became pale in the face, with the frequent stools. Sudden alternations of paleness, with heat and redness of the face. (Painful jerking sensation in the muscular parts of the face), (after three hours). Drawing and tensive pain over the whole right side of the face and right ear. Burning in the face and head. Cheeks. Twitching in the cheeks, at noon, sparks before the left eye, paleness of the face and faintness, followed by vomiting of a quantity of white froth (the attacks recurring for three days). Stitches in the right cheek and right chest, with salivation. Lips. Cracking of the skin of the lips. Dry lips and mouth, in the evening, not without thirst (after thirteen hours). Burning on and somewhat above the red of the upper lip. Jaws. Jaws closed. Stiffness of the masseter muscles. Dull pressure in the muscles of the left side of the jaw, like a violent pressure with a dull point of wood. While eating all the muscles of the lower jaw become, as if bruised, so that he is obliged to stop chewing. Smarting pain on the forepart of the lower jaw (after nine hours). Sticking pain in the articulations of the jaws, on opening them, which prevents his drawing down the jaw as usual (after four hours). Needle like stitches in the right jaw, frequently through the day (second day).


Teeth. Looseness of the teeth. Towards the end of the menses grinding of the teeth and bluish face. Grating of the teeth. Toothache, followed by swollen red face. Toothache consisting of pressure and heaviness in the left upper back teeth, as if they were filled with lead. Severe toothache and headache. Toothache at first pressive, afterwards when chewing, ending in a drawing streaming into the roots of the teeth, when something even soft was taken between the teeth. Teeth acutely affected by cold wind (seventh day). Burning in the upper incisors. Gum. Swelling of the gum of the lower jaw. Tongue. Swelling of the tongue. Dryness of the tongue. Tongue cold. Burning on the tongue and in the throat. Sharp burning on the tip of the tongue. Stinging and burning of the tongue. General Mouth. Frothing from the mouth. Running of mucus from the mouth towards noon. Inflammation of the mouth internally. Great secretion of mucus in the mouth, fauces, and throat, large lumps of mucus were expectorated without cough every minute (fourth day); constant mucus in the mouth and throat after eating (fifth day); constant spitting of mucus, for more than half an hour, with cold hands, in the evening after a glass of wine (fifth day), 34. Tenacious mucus on the palate and in the mouth, which could scarcely be loosened, increased after drinking water (second day); (loosened and expectorated after a glass of water), (third day). Mouth dry and sticky, without special thirst. Extremely distressing sensation of dryness in the mouth and stickiness, for an hour in the morning, after waking and rising, without thirst, only slightly relieved after rising the mouth (after twenty hours). Dryness and stickiness in the mouth, alternation with watering of the mouth (after twenty-four hours). Dryness of the mouth, palate, and thirst for water. Warm sensation posteriorly in the mouth and fauces. Burning in the mouth a if rubbed with pepper, though it was not dry (after one hour). Burning in the mouth as if rubbed with pepper, though it was not dry (after one hour). Burning heat in the mouth, especially in the fauces and pharynx (first day). Sensation of cooling with burning and sticking in the mouth and tip of the tongue. Pain in the mouth, followed by violent inflammation, and at last a very red swollen tongue, preceded by nausea. Numb sensation on the palate, as if a burnt spot had healed and become covered with a thick skin, or as if the palate were covered with the skin of a plum. Mouth seemed sore. Saliva. Salivation. Saliva salt (second day). Much tasteless water collects in the mouth. Salivation increases, with an acrid, salt taste in the mouth and on the tongue, and great heat in the palms of the hands and pit of the stomach. Uninterrupted running of saliva from the mouth, like water brash. Tenacious salivation. Tasteless saliva, tastelessness in the mouth. Much saliva in the mouth for several hours together. Taste. A biting taste as of peppermint in the throat, with a sensation of rising heat from the pharynx into the mouth, which persisted and became associated with qualmish nausea. (Constant sour taste in the mouth, with collection of much watery saliva). Taste and coolness in the mouth and throat as from peppermint. Foul, herby taste in the mouth, almost like pestwurzel (after three hours). Foul taste as of dung in the mouth. Diminished taste; a pasty taste in the mouth (after a quarter of an hour). Speech. Stammering. Is unable to talk. Loss of speech.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.