VERATRUM ALBUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy VERATRUM ALBUM…


VERAT- White Hellebore. hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pure,” IV.


Aconite, Ambr., Arnica, Arsenicum, Belladonna,Bovista, Bryonia, Camph., Caps., Causticum, China, Cicuta, coff., Colic., Cuprum, Drosera, Ferrum,, Helleborus, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Ipecac., Jod., Lauroc., Lycopodium, Mangan., Magn-mur., Mercurius, Mez., Opium,. Petrol., Phosph., Phosph-ac., Pulsatilla, Ran- scel., Rhus-t., Ruta., Sabad,., Secale, Sepia, Silicea, Spigelia, Staphysagria, Stramonium, Sulphur, Tart-em., Zincum met., Veratrum is frequently suitable after; ARs., China, Cuprum, Phos-ac. After Veratrum are frequently indicated: Arsenicum, China, Cuprum, Ipecac.


Aconite, Camph., Coffea Verat is used as an antidote against Arsenicum, China, Ferrum


Chronic ailments from abuse of china. Bad effects from fear or fright, anger of chagrin. Scrofulous complaints. Attacks of pain, occasioning of a short time delirium and rage. Paralytic pain in the limbs,. as after excessive fatigue Pains in the limbs which do not bear the warmth of the bed. cease entirely on walking about, and generally appear early in the morning. Pain in the muscular parts of the body, composed of pressure and a bruised feeling. Sensation in the bones as if bruised. Shootings in the body, here and there. Drawing pain in the limbs, The limbs go to sleep. Stretching of the limbs. Convulsions in the limbs and profuse sweat afterwards headache vertigo and a good deal of drinking. Chronic weakness. Fainting fit Excessive weakness also after abuse of China. He faints at the least motion. Paralytic failing of strength. Debility in all the limbs. Tonic spasms, with contraction of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Cataleptic fit with lock-jaw, loss of sensation and motion, convulsive twitching of the eyes. Epileptic convulsions. Trembling in all the limbs horrid anguish about the heart, and disposition to faint. Debility of the whole body, especially of the arms and hands.


The pains in the limbs., are worse in the all and spring, also in bad, damp, and chilly weather the pains are aggravated in the by the talking of he people.


Corrosive itching of the skin. Blue skin during cholera Cutaneous eruptions, resembling itch; dry, with nightly itching. Scalding of the epidermis. Clusters of painful pimples, here and there Itching of the arms and feet, as if an eruption would break out, but without edges. Burning sensation. Itching in the bones.


Repeated yawning and stretching, with weakness and a bruised feeling in. all the limbs. General debility, as if the had not slept enough. Long, uninterrupted sleep. Quiet sleep, with thirst and diuresis. His sleep is disturbed with anguish and emotion. Coma-vigil. Drowsiness, with starting as in affright, preventing sleep; afterwards febrile paroxysms. Moaning during sleep. Vivid and anxious dreams. Indistinct dreams. Frightful dreams. followed by vomiting of tenacious green mucus.


Yawning. Febrile motions. shuddering, cold chilliness in the skin. Coldness of the whole body. Quotidian fever, before midnight. Redness and heat of he face, with slight chills. The whole body feels cold, also with cold, clammy sweats. Chilliness over he whole body. Constant chills over back and arms Chilliness in the limbs, and a drawing pain. chill early in the morning after rising, while dressing. Occasional alternation of chilliness and heat, accompanied with vertigo, constant anxiety, and disposition to vomit. Sodden alternation of complete paleness and heat and redness of the face. Intermittent fevers: quotidian, tertian, quartan; setting in early in the morning, or in the forenoon; with external coldness only; with internal heat only, and dark urine; first, violent chill (afterwards heat with thirst), then sweat, wish soon changes to coldness; chilliness and much thirst, followed by alternate chilliness and heat,, afterwards continual heat with thirst; during the chilliness; vertigo, nausea pains in the small of the back and back; during the heat: constant slumber or delirium, with red face. Typhoid fever, also lentescent. As soon as he rises from his seat a cold sweat breaks out on his forehead. Cold sweat all over. Sour sat. Sweat with burning skin. S. Seat, with excessive thirst. the pulse collapses, almost. Imperceptible pulse.


Taciturnity. Excessive sensitiveness; increase of the mental powers. Loquacity. Fear. Despair. melancholia. Sadness, despondency. Anxiety. Anxiety and vertigo. Excessive anguish the evening and after dinner. Great anguish, the whole night. slight delirium,. he does not know his relatives.


Insanity. Alternation of laughing and moaning. Frequent paroxysms. Uneasiness of mind, oppression, and anxiety. Anxiety, screaming, a nd running about. Fearfulness, terminating in anxiety, screaming, a and running about. Fearfulness, terminating in the frequent eructations. Tendency to start and fearfulness. Furious delirium. bladder delirium; coldness of the body. Reeling and intoxication. Dizzy, as if nothing in his head were firm. Excessive dizziness. Vanishing of he senses. STupid feeling in. he head, with nausea Painful dullness of the head, with contracted pupils.


Headache, with vomiting of green mucus. Headache, with nausea, vomiting, and pale face. Headache and pain in the back, with colic and desire to vomit. Painful dullness of the head, with tensive pressure, now in the temples, now in the vertex. Violent headache, with diuresis. dull headache, extending from the temples to the forehead, increased by stooping. Intermittent beating headache. Aching pain in one side of the head, accompanied with pain in he stomach. Headache as if the brain were broken. paroxysms of pain in various parts of the brain, partly as if bruised, the fauces. When stooping the blood rushes to the head. Burning in the brain. when walking the headache increases to reeling Drawing pain in the head and small of the back. Excessive headache, disappearing at the appearance of the back. Excessive headache, disappearing at the appearance of the menses Chilly on the top of the head. itching of the forehead. Cold sweat on the fore head. Sensation as of a pierce of ice on the head.


Pain in the yes. Painful pressure in the eyes, with want of appetite. Stinging itching in the inner sides of the eyelids. Profuse lachrymation and cutting pain, accompanied with a feeling of dryness and heat. Long-continuing, strong felling of hat in the eyes. heat it the eyes and face, with lacerating pain. Weak feeling of the eyes. The eyes and face, m with redness of he cheeks. Painful ophthalmia, with excessive headache, preventing the nightly sleep Ophthalmia, with lacerating pain. Weak feeling in the eyes. The eyes look faint surrounded with blue rings l Feeling of dryness almost the eyes-lids. heat in the eyes, with headache. Inflammation of the right eye. Scintillations before the eyes. Vanishing of sight. Diplopia. hemeralopia, commencing at twilight.


Cold, disfigured face, as of the dead person, also with pointed nose and sunken cheeks. Bluish face. Yellowish face. Pale face. Dark-red, hot face. Extreme redness and heat of the and heat of the face. One cheek is red, the other pale. Redness of the face. whey lying, paleness on rising. Alternate redness and paleness of the face. Burning on the face and about the head thick rash on the cheek, with pain in the ace. Copper-red eruption in the face, around the mouth and the chin. DRawling and tensive pain over the whole right side of the face and over the right ear. Sweat in the face and in the axilla, when walking. Dry, black, and parched lips. Red eruption around the mouth and on the chin.


Tingling in the ear. Roaring in the ears, as of wind. Aching pain in the meatus auditoriums.


Red spots on the nose. Sensation as if the nose were too dry inside. Bleeding of the nose. Sensation as of the nose were ulcerated inside. Sensation as if the nasal bone were compared and pressed in.


Lock-jaw Sticking pain in the articulation of the jaw when opening he mouth. when eating, all the muscles maxillary jaw are painful as if bruised.. Swelling of the left submaxillary glands accompanied with sore throat. Pain in the submaxillary glands as if pinched. Grinding of the teeth. Swelling of the gums and jaws Violent toothache and headache. Great weakness,, with the toothache and the inflammation of the tonsils. Beating toothache. Toothache, with nausea nd vomiting, bruised, feeling and coldness of the limbs, colds wet on the forehead, internal heat, and unquenchable thirst. Looseness of the teeth.


Spasmodic constriction and strangulation of the oesophagus. Burning in the throat. Scraping in the throat. Roughness in the throat. Numb sensation in the palate. Drawing pain in the throat,. thirst, and colic.


Stammering Speechlessness. Burning on the tongue and in the pharynx. Inflammation of the buccal cavity. The tongue is dry, blackish, and cracked. Yellow-coated tongue. Ptyalism.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.