Extremely severe stitch at the third rib, about three inches to the left of the sternum, on inspiration, rendering an ordinary inspiration impracticable for some minutes; felt on sitting at the close of supper, at which the principal drink was ice-water; about 6.15 P.M. (twenty-ninth day). Mammae. The milk disappears from the breasts (after twelve hours). Stinging in the chest, below the right nipple, with itching in front of the chest, in the morning, in bed (eleventh day).

Heart and Pulse

Some violent pulsating stitches above the precordial region, so that he was obliged to cry aloud, while sitting in the evening (after a quarter of an hour). A disagreeable sensation of weakness of the heart, trembling of the heart. Palpitation, so violent while sitting still, that the body moved with every pulse. Pulse rapid. Pulse 130 (after two days); pulse still high (sixth day). Pulse 120, at 2 P.M. (after eighteen hours); (fifth day). Pulse 110. Pulse slow, at times irregular (after three- quarter of an hour). Pulse at first full and strong, but slow, afterward small, frequent, and compressible. Feels the pulse in the back part of the head.

Back and Neck

Neck. About thirty days after the poisoning, a swelling came on the left side of my neck under the ramus of the lower jaw, which increased to the size of a man’s fist, so large that it turned my face directly to one side, causing my chin to rest on the right shoulder; the swelling was quite hard, and disappeared in about two months, without suppurating. Stiffness of the nape of the neck (after four hours). Rheumatic stiffness of the nape of the neck. Stiffness of the whole neck, so that on moving the head she made loud complaints of the pain in the nape of the neck. On motion the nape of the neck hurts as if stiff and tense.

Pressure in the cervical muscles, on bending the head forward. Pressure in the upper part of the nape of the neck, the place seem numb (after ten hours). Drawing over one side of the nape of the neck, while stooping. Severe stinging pricking in the lower and upper part of the neck and upper part of the back, after drinking cool water, at 4.40 P.M. (twenty- third day). When stooping it seems as though he could not rise again, something in the nape of the neck hinders; when stooping, it seems as though blood rushed into the brain. Pain in the cervical muscles as if the parts were asleep, and as if one had been lying for a long time in an uncomfortable position, towards evening. Pain in the nape of the neck, as from a heavy weight like lead, on account of which he could not lie down (after four days). Back. Drawing downward in the back, with tension and pressure in the rectum, as if everything would press out. Drawing pain in the neck; he was obliged to sit upright, in the evening. Drawing pain in the back, while sitting, disappearing on walking. Decided and slightly burning pain in the back, with strong burning sensation in the throat and chest in the region of the oesophagus, about noon (twenty-first day).

Sticking in the back while stooping, in the evening. Pressive stitches in the back, worse while walking than while sitting; also while stooping, but more on rising up again. Dorsal. A constrictive pain in the dorsal muscles, while sitting, relieved by bending back, aggravated on bending forward. A tearing between the shoulder, and at the same time they were drawn together from both sides. Violent rheumatic pain between the scapulae, neither relieved nor aggravated by motion or rest, only relieved by warmth, aggravated by cold (after forty-eight hours). Tensive cutting extending across the scapulae. Pressure upon the right scapula. Drawing and pressure beneath the right scapula, impeding respiration. Pain under the right scapula (after eighteen, twenty-one, and twenty-two minutes). Repeated and severe pains at the right scapulary joint, especially at the lower angle of the scapula, whenever the shoulder is elevated or depressed, commencing in a less degree when pulling, and preceded by a slighter pain in the left elbow after drinking ice-water, between 2 and 3 P.M. (fourteenth day).

Twitching in the side by the left scapula, while sitting.

Contraction in the skin of the scapula (after fifty-four hours). Rumbling jerking and a contractive sensation in some parts of the left scapula and above the right knee. Drawing from below upward, and a pressure below the left scapula, in the side of the back. Pain on the left scapula, as from violent pressure with a finger (after half an hour). Pain at the left scapula and left shoulder-joint (soon). Lumbar. Stiffness in the small of the back, painful on motion. Stiffness of the small of the back. A sensation as if bruised, in the right side of the lumbar vertebrae, an in the small of the back. The small of the back feels bruised. While sitting the small of the back aches, as after long stooping and bending the back. Pain, as if bruised, in the small of the back, whenever he lies quietly upon or sits still; on moving about he feel nothing. Pain in the small of the back, on grasping it, as if the flesh had been beaten to pieces.

Heaviness and pressure in the small of the back, as if one had received a blow, while sitting (after six days). A pressure, as with a cutting edge, across the small of the back, while standing and bending backwards. Sticking jerking in the small of the back (while walking). A burning point below the small of the back, extending to the right side. Burning feel in the loins (after two doses). Drawing jerking stitches, as with a needle, in the left shoulder (twenty-seventh day).


The left arm and both legs were very tensely swollen, and their surface strongly resembled the denuded surface of a blister, scald, or burn, in a suppurating state. Swelling of the hands and feet. The limbs tremble after exciting them. Twitching in the limbs. The left arm and lower extremity are somewhat contracted and feel stiff. Great weakness in the limbs. Limbs readily sprained (twenty-third day). All the limbs feel stiff and paralyzed, during and after walking; with a sensation of a hundred weight upon the nape if the neck. Sensation of stiffness on first moving the limb, after rest. The limbs upon which he lies, especially the arm, fall asleep. The flesh on the limbs pained as if beaten to pieces; she did not dare to touch it, since the pain was greatly aggravated thereby. Pain, as if bruised, in those limbs and joints upon which he does not lie, in the morning in bed. A sensation similar to a trembling in the arms and lower extremities, even while at rest. The pains in the joints are worse in the open air. Drawing in all the limbs, while lying down. Fine sticking pains in the limbs. Stitches in the joints during rest (while the limb is lying at rest, not while stretching it out), not on touch, also not when lying down at night. Stitches in a small spot on the limbs, aggravated by lying down.

Upper Limbs

Painfulness and swelling of the arms. Trembling of the arms after exertion of them. Jerking sensation in the left arm. Violent tearing pain in the arm, most violent while lying still.

Sensation as if something, neither warm nor cold, were rolling down in the arm from the shoulder to the hand. Sensation as if hot water were running through the arms. The arm upon which he rests the head in sleep goes to sleep. Shooting pains through the arms. A drawing and paralyzed sensation in the left arm, at night. Sticking and drawing in the left arm, extending from above downward and out at tips of fingers. Drawing stitches in the arms, from the shoulder downward. Shoulder. Swelling of the axillary glands, painful when touched and when not. Pressure on the shoulder like a heavy weight. The left shoulder seems paralyzed. Sensation as if some one were pressing upon the left shoulder, by the clavicle. Rheumatic pain in the left shoulder and arm in the region of the deltoid muscle (after twenty-minutes). Transient pain in the right shoulder (after half an hour). Pain in the left shoulder when riding, in the forenoon (fifteenth day). Pain in the left shoulder and behind the right sacroiliac symphysis (twenty-seventh day). At 6 P.M., pain in the right shoulder, when walking (eighteenth day). Severe pain at the top of the left shoulder (twentieth day). Tearing in the shoulder-joint and on the top of the scapula. Shooting inwards and throbbing in left shoulder. Burning pain in the left shoulder, felt when walking, at 1 P.M.

(thirteenth day). Stitches in the shoulders while lying, ceasing on moving about. Arm. Pain in the region of the biceps flexor of the right arm, then in the ulnar edge of the metacarpus of the right hand (after one hour, second day). Semi acute pain about the middle of the left upper arm, with itching on the back and at the anterior part of the chest, at 7 A.M. (sixteenth day). Pain in the left upper arm, commencing immediately after lying down, on the right side, about noon (seventeenth day). Pain in the left upper arm (five minutes after second dose, nineteenth day). Pain in the left upper arm as if the muscles of tendons were unduly strained, when the limb is carried by them far upwards and backwards, at 2 and 3 P.M. (twenty-third day). Pain at the biceps muscles of the left arm, and in several phalanges of fingers of the left hand, about 6 A.M. (thirty- fourth day). Pain in the biceps region of the left arm (thirty- fifth day). Burning pain in the biceps of both arms, when in bed, more severe in the left (after a month). Tension in the left upper arm, in the open air (after ten hours). Tearing in both upper arms, aggravated by work; she was obliged to let the arms hang down; they also pained while in bed, and when taking hold of them they hurt in the bone. A drawing extending from below the left axilla to the middle of the upper arm, on raising the arm. Burning stitches on the arm beneath the left axilla. Needle-like stitches in the left upper arm (after five days). Boring stitches in the upper arm (while standing). A violent stitch on the right upper arm, as if it extended from without inward. Elbow. Tension in the elbow-joint on stretching out the arm; she could with difficulty raise the arm. A cramp- like drawing in the left elbow joint on moving it (after seventy-six hours). Drawing and tearing, extending from the elbow-joint into the wrist. Jerking tearing in the elbow and wrist-joints, during rest, better during motion (after five and six hours). A painless throbbing in the left elbow. Forearm.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.