Intolerable itching of the skin. Itching, burning, and stinging increased (fourth day). Itching worse in the night and evening, also in the morning, from one to two hours, not so much in the daytime (sixth day). The itching was more severe in the morning, and consequently there was at this time a freer discharge of serum (ninth day). Severe itching and stinging in all the parts affected with the poison (seventeenth day); all the symptoms seemed to be renewed at this period; the itching, burning, stinging, and smarting at intervals; the parts were very sore to touch, dry and cracked (twenty-first, twenty-second, and twenty- third days). Itching of the skin in the evening (twenty-ninth day); in the morning (thirtieth day). Great itching in spots.

Itching on the head. Itching and burning in the rim and lobule of the left ear (after thirty-six hours). Intolerable itching of the swollen face, lids and ears. Itching, burning, biting, and stinging, shifting from the face to the genitals, and from the genitals to the left hand (fourth day). Intense itching of the chin, at 1.30 P.M. (thirty-third day). Intense itching in right groin (tenth day). Intolerable itching on the pubic region (twenty-fourth day). Itching in front of the chest, in the back, and in the skin in various parts of the body, in the morning, in bed (eleventh day). Itching of the left nipple, in the evening, after lying down in bed. Itching on the breasts.

Itching on the neck and forearms. Itching sticking like fleabites in the nape of the neck. Itching on the back and at the anterior part of the chest, with the semi acute pain in upper arm (sixteenth day). Violent itching of the hands (fourth day).

Itching of the hands. At midnight there was severe itching and prickling in the right hand, as if it were asleep, lasting from one and a half of two hours (tenth day). Itching in the palm of the right hand (tenth day). Intense itching and stinging in the palm of the left hand, at intervals, worse in the evening; throbbing pain in the left hand, extending to the elbow-joint (sixth day). At midnight intense itching, burning, and stinging suddenly attacking the palm of the left hand, and extending to the elbow, lasting about two hours (sixth day). Itching around the knees and ankles. Violent itching on the hamstring, while pulling off the stocking, in the evening; scratching causes pain. Severe itching of the lower half of the legs, in the morning, and at 10 P.M. (thirteenth day). Sticking itching on the left calf. Itching in the calf of the left leg, when walking, at 4 P.M. (first day). Severe itching of the ankles and lower half of the legs, followed by procidentia recti (fifth day). Itching on the left outer malleolus and over the back of the foot. A sticking stitching in the ball of the left great toe.


Sleepiness. Yawning so violent and spasmodic that it caused pain in the articulations of the jaws, which threaten to be dislocated, in the morning and at all times. Much yawning, as if sleepy, in the morning, and also in the evening. Several were affected by yawning. Frequent yawning in the morning on rising from bed. Yawning with lachrymation, with the aching over left eyebrow (twenty-second day). Yawning (after one hour, second day). Great drowsiness, languor in the afternoon, requiring great exertion to move about (twelfth day). Drowsy and stupid (in a few hours). Sleepiness, yawnings, and indisposition to mental and corporeal labor, at 11 A.M. (after five hours, ninth day). Great desire to sleep; constant drowsiness; with itching in the eyelids (after thirty-six hours). Very heavy for sleep, she had to lie or sit down (after some days). Extreme sleepiness immediately after eating; he could not keep awake. Extreme sleepiness during the day and evening (twenty- seventh day).

Sleepiness, with headache, in the forenoon (after ten days).

Sleepiness during the day, even in the morning in bed; when she is very sleepy. Sleep suddenly overtakes her, so that she is not in a condition to undress; therewith all the limbs feel paralyzed, about 6 P.M. Constantly wishes to lie down; during the day sleepiness, anxiety, sadness, dryness of the lips. He is inclined to sleep while sitting, after walking. Sleepiness in the daytime (eighth day). Soporous slumber, filled with interrupted dreams full of difficulties. Loud weeping in sleep.

While asleep in the evening he talked half aloud of the business of the day (after twelve hours). In sleep at night he talks about his business, wishes to throw everything away, and desires this and that. Talks aloud in sleep, in the morning.

Uneasiness in sleep during the day; he moves the hands back and forth in sleep, plays with his fingers and hands. Sleeplessness.

Entire sleeplessness (thirteenth day). Sleeplessness for four whole night; she could not remain in bed. Sleeplessness before midnight, with or without perspiration. Sleeplessness till midnight heat; he was simply wide awake. Much sleeplessness at night. He had no rest at night. No sound sleep after midnight; she tossed about uneasily on account of a distressing sensation, as if her whole body were burning, without thirst; with dreams full of anxious agitation. She did not sleep for half the night, was despondent, apprehensive, and full of anguish at the heart. After midnight restless slumber, filled with fretful, disagreeable thoughts and events. Restless sleep, with tossing about, raising, and throwing off the bed covers. Sleep restless, interrupted, with much turning over. Sleep restless on account of burning in the eruption. Is unable to fall asleep at night; but as soon as he lay down he broke out into sweat without thirst, on account of which he had no rest. Unable to fall asleep, after 3 A.M., but after awhile fell asleep, and then dreamed very vividly, and on waking again it seemed as though he had not slept at all. Falling asleep late and tossing about in bed. He started up every quarter of an hour during sleep, in the forenoon. Woke very early with a vexed fretful mood. Waked at 6 A. m., by an illusion to sleep in some gentle voice (seventh day). He could not fall asleep in the evening on account of great mental activity, of an intolerable sensation of heat without thirst (on uncovering he became chilly), and of orgasm of blood, throbbing in the vessels, and an appearance of thick clouds moving before his vision; after midnight he became quiet and slept well. Dreams. In the morning after falling asleep the second time, it seemed to her that the head was hanging out of bed and the blood was streaming into it, so that she could heat it flow; together with the appearance of a horrible image which she was obliged to accompany. Light dreams at night, concerning what had been considered and accomplished the previous day. As soon as he wished to fall asleep his business came to him in anxious dreams. Fearful dreams, for example, that the world was on fire, with palpitation on waking.

Dreams of subjects that during the previous evening had been listened to and talked about (after seventy-two hours). Dreams of fire. Dreams of accomplishing the plans that had been projected the day previous, associated with occurrences with which she had been busy.


Chilliness. Chilliness with shaking in the house, about 5 P.M. with throbbing toothache and accumulation of saliva in the mouth, without thirst; a shaking chill, still worse in the open air; this continued in a warm room, even by a hot stove, with violent thirst, with cessation of the salivation; the chill disappeared only in bed while the thirst continued; afterwards stupid sleep, like dulness of the head; in the morning the thirst and dulness of the head continued but disappeared after rising (after six day). Chilliness towards evening; he was obliged to lie down and cover up, after which he became warmer. Chilliness, with dry lips and less thirst than hunger. Chilliness in the house, towards evening; creeping coldness all over. Constant chilliness. Chilliness (immediately) Chilliness in the open air, without thirst. Chilliness and heat in the evening; the face seemed very hot, though the cheeks were cold to touch and pale; the breath came very hot from the mouth; two afternoons in succession. Chills (after seventy-two hours, and thirteenth day). Shaking chill, followed by slight warmth, in the evening in bed, without thirst. Shaking chill on going from the open air into a warm room, without thirst. Cold shivering, at times in the middle of the sweat, at night in bed, and during the shivering, cramps in the abdomen. Shivering and heat at the same time over the whole body, without thirst; even some warm perspiration over the whole skin; the most perspiration in the palms of the hands, after walking in the open air. Shivering in fright on falling asleep, as if he had let something important fall. She is attacked with shivering immediately on going away from the stove. Shivering through the whole body, from time to time, from nausea, without chilliness. Shivering, especially after eating. Sensation of shivering on rising from bed in the morning. External coldness and sensation of coldness, without shivering and without feeling cold, without internal coldness, about 7 P.M.; he could without trouble take cold drinks; immediately after lying down in bed external heat, which did not disappear on uncovering, without thirst, with watery mouth and dry lips; afterwards about midnight general perspiration while half asleep, and after midnight sweat, first on the face, then on the scalp and throat to the chest. Icy coldness, in the evening in bed; the feet cannot be warmed while the rest of the body is warm (after three hours). Coldness on waking (after ten hours), increasing after rising and until afternoon, although a warm day in June. While walking in the cold air he cannot be warmed by any covering, he has a shaking chill in the open air, with violent thirst, and mucus between the lips that makes them stick together. Coldness and cold sweats, generally about the joints; cold spots in the back, like that of ice.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.