Slight cutting in the urethra when urinating (after twenty hours). Micturition and Urine. (Urine passed in a double stream).

He was obliged to urinate every minutes during the day. Obliged to rise three times at night to urinate. Obliged to pass much water. Profuse discharge of urine (after fourteen hours). Urine like water, with a snow-white, sediment. Urine yellow; occasionally a frequent desire to pass his urine, at other times seldom, but in large quantities; sometimes it is transparent, or nearly so, sometimes smells saltish, at others sulphurous. Urine whitish, constantly becoming more turbid the longer he urinates, so that the last drops are the most turbid, like flakes (after twenty-four hours). Urine high-colored, scanty, and irritating., Urine dark. Urine dark, soon becoming turbid. Urine turbid when passed. Urine hot.

Sexual Organs

Male. Tympanitic swelling of the genitals, especially of the scrotum, with much itching (second day). Tightness and swelling of the genitals (third day). Erection in sleep, at 2 A.M., without amorous dreams, and followed at different times for several hours by mathematical and mechanical calculations (thirteenth night). Violent erections towards morning, with frequent desire to urinate. Erection, without amorous desire (twenty-first day). Frequent erections at night, with frequent micturition. Swelling of prepuce greatly increased (fifth day).

Swelling of the prepuce close to its union with the glans. Red spots on the inner surface of the prepuce, near the frenum.

The prepuce was darker-colored than usual (eleventh day).

Swelling of the glans penis, with simple pain when touched, with biting in the urethra during and after micturition, in the morning, after rising (after twelve hours). Pain in the glans penis on account of swollen prepuce, causing a paraphimosis.

Sticking itching on the inner surface of the prepuce (after nine hours). The scrotum constantly became thicker and harder, with intolerable itching, extending especially towards the perineum (fourth day). The scrotum felt like a thick hog’s hide (eleventh day). Cutting drawing in the left testicle. Profuse nightly emissions (after six hours). Irresistible inclination to an emission after 3 A.M. (after twenty hours). Female. Some bleeding from the uterus, without pain, in a pregnant woman, at the new moon (after seventy-two hours). Discharge of blood from the uterus (menses), (after seven hours). Mons veneris swollen to twice the normal size (fourteenth day). Sensation in the mons veneris as if distended, while walking in the open air.

Pressure upon the mons veneris. A labor like drawing extending down to the uterus while standing. Violent labor like pain low down in the abdomen, as if menstruation would momentarily appear, lasting four hours. Sore pain in the vagina, in the evening, when not touched, two evenings in succession. Pain in the vagina, in the evening, as if sore, soon after being touched. Sticking pain in the vagina, not aggravated by touch.

The menstrual discharge caused a violent biting pain in the genitals. The menses suddenly cease entirely on the third day, in an old woman. Rectum of the menses that had long been absent; she flowed profusely (after seven hours). It caused the recurrence of the menses that had been suppressed for eleven weeks.

Respiratory Organs

Frequent tickling irritability in the air-passages, as if it would provoke cough, that makes the breath short, that disappears on moderate exertion. On waking, at 6 A.M., a burning rawness sin larynx (after ten hours). Voice. Hoarseness, causing a scraping raw sensation in the larynx. Hoarseness low down in the trachea. Cough and Expectoration. Cough, with a disagreeable tension on the chest. (Cough, immediately after eating). Cough and coryza, with expectoration. A tickling cough, that causes dryness in the throat, especially in the evening. (Some cough, especially in the morning, with a black glutinous expectoration. Very fatiguing cough, with expectoration of white mucus, day and night. He is unable to sleep at night on account of a cough that torments him excessively. Spasmodic cough that shatters the head. Cough, about 3 A.M., most violent after waking. (Cough in the open air). Cough causes vomiting of food (in the evening). Cough shatters the whole chest, at if everything in it were loose. Cough especially violent after waking. Short anxious painful cough, that frequently awakens her from sleep before midnight, with very short breath. Coughs night and morning. Frequent hacking cough, in the evening, after lying down, with bitter taste in the throat till he falls asleep, an in the morning a similar hacking cough and a similar taste in the throat, lasting till he rises from bed. Short cough, from severe tickling and irritation behind the upper half of the sternum, followed and feeling of discouragement and apprehension (sixth day). Short dry cough, excited by a tickling sensation behind the upper half of the sternum, with dull aching in the left mammary region, both when sitting inclined forward, at 11 A.M. (twentieth day). Dry hoarse cough. Dry cough, before midnight, causing a sticking pain in one loin.

Respiration. Respiration hurried. Feels a sensation of choking at times. Shortness of breath, especially on going to stool. For four days inclination to take a deep breath, with dull pain and oppression at stomach. Oppression and anxiety, as if she could not get her breath. The breath became difficult after walking a little. She is unable to sit up; is obliged to take a deep breath, as if she would suffocate, especially after eating.

During sleep expiration was light and snoring, inspiration inaudible. Very short breath at night.


Oppression of the chest (after two hours). Oppression of the chest, at night, with sticking pains, especially on breathing (after a five hours). Oppression of the chest, as after violent weeping. Pressive oppression upon the chest. Fullness in the region below the sternum, with a sensation as if all appetite had forever vanished. The chest seems full, with hunger, without appetite. Weakness in the chest, so that talking was difficult, after walking in the open air. Sensation of constriction of the chest. The chest becomes constricted, and he is qualmish and nauseated. Tension across the chest, in the evening, very short breath, and weakness in all the limbs. With the anxiety she felt a weight on the lower portion of the chest, so oppressive that she breathed with she breathed with difficulty and sometime very deeply, when it seemed easier; pulse at one time slow, at another rapid. Numb sensation in the chest and in the upper back teeth. Pain in the chest, as if the sternum were pressed inward, in the morning, in bed, disappearing after rising. Scraping and burning in the chest, even when not breathing. Distressing sensation of heat in the chest, while walking in the open air.

Tickling and itching in the chest. Front and Sides. Pressive pain two inches to the right of the middle of the sternum, at 1.30 P.M. (first day). Pressure near the middle of the sternum, on the left side (after two-thirds of an hour). Contractive sensation in the sternum, with sticking jerking in it. Fine sticking oppressive pain on the sternum, that makes respiration difficult, with constant short cough, without expectoration (after half an hour). Burning and pressive pain and sensation of excoriation in the chest, behind the upper half of the sternum, with short cough, excited by a tickling at the same part, at 11 P.M. (tenth day). Deep stitches on both sides of the sternum, while sitting bent over. Frequent stitches in the sides. Boring stitches in one of the last ribs, while standing. Stitches in the sides, while walking in the open air. Pain in the right chest followed the flatulence and pain in the hypogastrium, at 2 P.M. (after three days). Severe shooting pain near the middle of the right side of the chest when lying on that side, after 1 P.M. (thirty-third day). Pressive pain in the right chest (after fifteen minutes). Frequent stitches in the right side. A tearing stitch extending from the right side of the chest to the left side of the abdomen, in the evening. Engorgement in the left side of the chest, not far from the pit of the stomach, while sitting bent over (after twenty- five hours). Boring pain in the left sides, in the evening, in bed (after five hours). Pain in the left side, midway between the sternum and angle of the ribs, when walking, at 7 P.M.

(eighteenth day). Pain in the left chest, bout two inches to the left of the nipple and at the lower angle of the left scapula, then at the left scapula and left shoulder-joint (soon). Pain in the left chest, at fifty-six minutes, 1 and 1.03 P.M.

(first day). Pain in the left chest (after forty-five minutes).

On waking from the sleep with nightmare, felt a pressive pain at the left clavicle (after two days and a half). Transient burning and pressive pain at the middle of the lower side of the left clavicle, on swallowing moderately cold (Croton) water. A slow drawing from below upward in the left side of the chest, when not breathing. Sticking in the left side, while talking and on deep breathing. Stitches in the left side of the chest, while coughing. Violent sticking in the left side below the ribs, in the evening, lasting till midnight.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.