Itching and swelling of left hand increased to bursting of the skin (sixth day). Copious eruption and the formation of numerous vesicles on the back of my hand, on the fingers, wrists, and bare arms. Itching in the palm of the hand ceased, became very sore to touch, and the vesicular discharge became yellowish (eleventh day). Vesicles filled with opaque matter on the right hand (tenth day). In the palm of the left hand there was a considerable elevation, studded with itching vesicles, which burst and discharged serum in considerable quantity (sixth day).

Swelling of left hand greatly increased; watery vesicles nearly covering the left hand (fifth day). A single vesicle, with the peculiar thick cover and somewhat dark look so often seen, appeared upon the back of a finger, but accompanied by no sensation (third day); a single and similar, though somewhat larger, vesicle appeared upon my left wrist, to which two others joined themselves on the following day (fourth day); one of the vesicles which appeared last upon the knuckles, without any external irritation, increased to three times its original size, with burning and itching sensations. The other inflorescences quiescent or receding (seventh day). A new and very large vesicle of irregular shape appeared on the back of the last phalanx of the right thumb, covered with so thick a roof as to appear transparent, as if the effusion had taken place in the lowest layer of the rate mucosum (ninth day); two new vesicles, one on the back of the left forefinger, the other on the thumb near the base (eleventh day); all groups, old and new, have become enlarged by the appearance of new vesicles at the periphery (excepting those upon the wrists, which had been opened for the purpose of experiment), and one new cluster appeared on the back of the right middle finger. All itch and burn extremely (thirteenth day); the original vesicles and papules have, in many of the clusters, resolved themselves apparently into two or three times their number of smaller efflorescence, the whole patch flattering down and assuming a darker brown tinge (sixteenth day). A large, single vesicle, with the thick and opaque covering peculiar to its seat, has struggled up into distinct prominence in the palm of the right hand, near its ulnar border; a fresh one also at the base of the nail of the left thumb. At this date there are seven single or groups of efflorescence, on different parts of the hands, in all stages of development or involution (seventh day). Another small vesicle has appeared in the right palm, half an inch from that of the 17th day. The earlier vesicles have nearly all flattened down to the level of the general surface (twenty- second day). A single vesicle shows itself upon the internal lateral surface of the left thumb. This was the last to disappear, and from this date all the efflorescence gradually subsided, and after a fortnight were no longer perceptible (twenty-fourth day). At the present time their seats are still defined by the more glossy look of the new epidermis which covers them (forty- seventh day). For four fingers’ breadth around the wrist it looked as if a blister had been applied to a stiff skin, and blisters upon blisters had accumulated in the form of a band around the arm; more towards the hand the blisters were isolated; some on the outer margin of the hand were clear, and these were without any areola; on opening them there was discharged very clear lymph that dried to a yellow glistening pellicle (eleventh day). A small swelling appeared on the little finger (seventeenth day); another was developed on the thumb (nineteenth day); the swelling increased, covering the greater part of the lower joints of both thumb and finger (twentieth day); the swelling disappeared, giving place to a sort of callus, which has since fallen off in the form of a scab (twenty-third day). Large red phlegmonous patch over left hip (after three to four doses). An eruption, with swelling and induration, without pain, on the tibia and loins. A long strip of reddened skin, several inches in width, covered with vesicles and a few papules, run upward and downward from the knee. The chin was occupied by a large group of papules, a few of which had already advanced to the vesicular stage. The skin beneath one eye was also puffed and reddened. On the second day of using the lotion the knee became violently inflamed, with an innumerable quantity of small vesicles scattered over its surface, and attended with severe pain, heat, and stinging itching; a well-defined border line showed that the inflammation did not extend farther than the saturated bandage had reached. These symptoms continued on the increase for four or five days, at which time the other knee became similarly affected, no doubt in consequence of some of the lotion having come in contact with it. On the seventh day it had begun to decline, but still exhibited a painful and ugly-looking cutaneous disease. Red burning spots and stripes on the inner sides of both knees, with small blisters, soon desiccating.

Eruptions, Pustular. Pustules, with inflammation and itching, extending over the whole body in a short time. (A pustule in the fold of the cheek, that if not painful by itself, with fine stitches as from needles, when touched). Tetter like eruption around the mouth and nose, at times with jerking and itching, burning pain in it (after twenty-four hours). ( Pustules, with pus at the tips on the side of the chin, with pain only when touched, as from the pressure of a sharp edge, and a persistent burning). Papular eruption on the right side of the chest, extending over half of the back, paining as if sore a raw, with fine stitches piercing from within outward. Tough unsuppurating pimple on the chest an inch above the left nipple (thirteenth day). Suppurating pimple on the chest, in the left mammary region, at 7 A.M. (seventeenth day). Erysipelas, swelling, pustules, with burning and itching on the arms and hands. The right hand has itching and abortive pustules on the fingers, and at the root of the thumb-nail (tenth day). Two black spots appear an hour after the application of the juice to the first phalanx of the index finger; but after twenty- five days violent burning in the mouth and throat, sudden of the forearm, the skin became quite leathery, with intolerable itching and great heat; after four days pustules appeared on the hands and forearms, bursting and discharging a clear liquid. Pustules between the fingers, with violent itching; these pustules continued to recur, and covered those parts of the hands which had been touched by the stems. Boil on the edge of the upper lid of the left eye, the size of a pea; the eye again entirely closed (twenty-fourth day); boil on the left lid discharging freely, with abatement of swelling; new boils in the great numbers are constantly appearing in the groins, on the legs and abdomen, and increasing in size, some half as large as a hen’s egg (twenty-fourth day). The little boils on the lower part of the abdomen, in the groins, and on the inner parts of the thighs were very sore and suppurated (tenth day). Small boils on the pubes, gradually increasing in size and number (sixth day); pubic region very sore, from the great number of boils (ninth day). The abdomen, thighs, and groins are very sore and red; boils the size of a walnut discharging pus (twelfth day); smarting, throbbing, burning pain in the boils on the pubes and abdomen (thirteenth day); boils increased in size one-third (sixteenth day). Subjective. Sensation in the skin of the left forearm as if rubbed with a woollen cloth or scraped with a knife, together with a sensation of coldness.

(Biting pain, as from salt in an ulcer, only at night; it woke her frequently; during the day it was absent, and only occurred while walking in the open air). Jerk like stitches, as in a boil about to break, in the (affected) ball of the great toe; in the evening, throbbing in it. Fine stitches externally on the leg (after eleven hours). Fine sticking in the left fourth toe. Crawling in an ulcer. Formication. (Pain in an ulcer as if beaten). Violent burning in the skin, with twitching in it and general perspiration at night; whenever he puts his hands out of bed he is seized with a convulsive cough. A burning itching here and there. Burning-biting pain in an ulcer, with weeping and moaning. (Very transient burning in affected parts).

Burning-itching pain on the left elbow, provoking scratching, and disappearing after scratching (after half an hour).

Burning in the feet. Sticking in the region of a scab, in the morning, on waking. Stinging prickings in deferring parts of the skin of the neck, on walking in the (open) air after drinking cold water; the prickings oftener over the sternomastoid muscles opposite the lower part of the larynx, at 6 P.M. (twenty-first day); at the lower part of the neck, about 6 P.M., when walking, after drinking cool water (twenty-second day). Stinging prickings in the skin at the lower part of the cervical and upper portion of the dorsal spine, and at two corresponding points of the neck, at the clavicular portions of the sternomastoid muscles, felt when walking in the house, immediately after drinking cool water, at 5.45 P.M. (twenty- second day). Itching over the whole body, except on the hairy parts, scalp, and genitals.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.