Accumulation of flatus, with severe pain in the abdomen in the region of the ascending colon; this is increased by gradual pressure and still more by sudden pressure or percussion, and is often more severe at some distance from the part pressed or struck than at the part itself, before 8 A.M. (nineteenth day).

Fullness and fermentation in the abdomen with hunger, that together disappear after eating (after twenty-six hours).

Fermentation in the abdomen. Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, with thrusts towards the mons veneris (after thirty-six hours). Colic, as before diarrhoea. Colic, consisting of cutting, tearing, and griping, involving the whole of the intestines, apparently without flatulence and without flatulent distension, worse during motion, gradually relieved during rest (after twenty-four hours). Colic, like a distressing heavy lump in the abdomen. Extreme griping in the abdomen, during a normal evacuation (after twenty-five hours). Griping, almost jerking, in various parts of the abdomen. Griping and jerking pain in the abdomen. Griping in the abdomen, with incarceration of flatus, which she could not satisfactorily pass, while walking in the open air (in the afternoon), (after twenty-five hours). Some griping in the upper abdomen, after eating and drinking.

Griping in the abdomen, with oppression, mounting upward, while sitting (after twenty-five hours). Digging and twisting pain in the abdomen, as if a worm were moving in it. A peculiar heaviness in the abdomen, that seems quite empty, with hunger, while sitting (after twenty-four hours). Apprehension in the abdomen with distension, mostly after eating. Pain, as from pressure, in the abdomen, while sitting, none while lying.

Pressive pain in a small spot in the abdomen, as from incarceration of flatus, only on violently turning the body; for example, on ascending steps, not when touched. Cutting in the abdomen followed by sticking in the right side of the abdomen.

Cutting in the middle of the abdomen, in the forenoon; therewith she was frequently obliged to go to stool, with a natural evacuation; relieved by bending the body, aggravated by walking (after sixteen hours). Pain in the region of the ascending colon, with pain in the right wrist and at the middle of the radius of the left arm (after thirty-five minutes). Crowding in the abdomen as if the intestines were pushed up toward the heart, while sitting (after twenty-five hours). Violent pain in the abdomen, at night (after five days).

Pains in the abdomen, about 7.15 P.M., continued through the evening (twenty-third day); remained in the morning (twenty- fourth day). Pains in the abdomen, relieved after a fecal evacuation, but soon returning and occasioning additional evacuations. Pains, as if ulcerated, in the abdomen, and the skin of the abdomen seemed to tight, in the morning, immediately after rising, on stretching (after twenty-four hours). Pain and contraction in the abdomen, so that she was obliged to walk protrude. A simple pain in the abdominal ring as if a hernia would protrude. Sensation of distension in the abdomen, with a sensation of warmth in the chest, on rising from stooping. While walking, the abdomen seems relaxed internally, an internal shaking on every step. Burning in the abdomen, with thirst. Sensation as water bubbling under abdominal walls (after two doses). Transient pain in the region of the ascending colon, on rising up after stool, at 10.45 A.M. (third day). Drawing transversely across above the abdominal ring, while sitting. Shooting in the abdomen, about two inches to the left of the umbilicus (before six hours, second day). Shootings in the abdomen, at noon (seventeenth day). Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Rumbling flatulent symptoms and griping in the lower abdomen, without emission of flatus. Flatulence, with pain in the hypogastrium, at 2 P.M., followed by pain in the right chest (after three days). Dull aching pain in the public region (fourteenth day). A drawing pressive sensation in the right side of the lower abdomen, and a sensation in the skin of the abdomen as if covered with a cobweb, while sitting (after a quarter of an hour). Rheumatic slightly burning and semi-acute pain in the side, between the spine of the ilium and ribs, in the evening (sixteenth day). Very violent, griping, burrowing pains in the lower abdomen, with a sensation of exhaustion and emptiness in the pit of the stomach, and very transient qualmishness, woke him about midnight. Swelling of the inguinal glands (sixth day). Inguinal glands swollen to a very great size (twenty-fourth day). Contractive pain in the left groin. A tension as if the skin were too tight, in the left groin, by the hip. Pressure from within outward, in the right groin, with ravenous hunger and gurgling in the abdomen (after eleven hours). Pain at the left quadratus lumborum muscle, with nausea (after fifteen minutes). Pain in the inguinal glands, only on moving in bed, on turning over and rising up, at night. Pain in the region of the right quadratus lumborum muscle, on rising from the recumbent posture, at 2.30 P.M. (twelfth day).


Painful, sore, protruding blind hemorrhoids after a soft stool (after twenty-four hours). Pain in the rectum when urinating, at 3.08 P.M. (first day). Tingling pain felt almost simultaneously in the rectum and the left hip when lying on the left side; the painful tingling was as if from vibrations as rapid as those of some low notes (after eight minute, ninth day). Transient pain in the rectum (after one day). Crawling in the rectum, as from threadworms (after a few hours). Burning in the rectum before every stool. Itching deep in the rectum. Sore pain in the anus when not at stool. Very painful burning in the anus, soon attended with burning near the extremity of the penis, at 10.30 A.M. (twentieth day). Smarting and burning in the anus during and after evacuation, at 9.30 A.M. (seventeenth day). Very severe pricking itching in the anus at three different times when walking, between 3 and 6 P.M., not recurring when at rest (seventeenth day). Itching pain in the anus, as from hemorrhoids.

Constant urging to stool, with nausea and tearing in the intestines; the desire was frequently ineffectual, but often followed by a scanty watery discharge. Frequent desire for stool; he could, however, accomplish but little (after sixty-eight hours).


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea; the stool seemed chopped.

Diarrhoea; a large stool; preceded by griping (after forty hours). Diarrhoea several times an hour for sixty hours (after thirty hours). Frequent sudden, excessively offensive evacuations, a t first thick, afterwards watery, mixed with flatus, with violent griping and digging in lower abdomen (after one hour and a quarter). Sudden thin and yellow frothy stools, that are scarcely at all offensive, without previous colic; the first few drops are passed involuntarily, as i paralysis of the sphincter ani (after twenty-four hours).

Faeces loose and dark greenish-brown, followed by erysipelatous redness of the left side of the face, commencing during evacuation and lasting about n hour (thirty-sixth day). Four evacuations in quick succession (after a few hours). Three or four stools, almost watery, with much flatulence (after twenty- four hours). Thin stools several time a day, followed by ineffectual pressure (tenesmus). Stool thin and tinged with blood; the evacuation preceded by lassitude (after seven days).

Loose and dark-brown stool; the evacuation preceded by pain at the symphysis pubis, and attended with strong burning in the anus and procidentia ani (eighteenth day). Dark-brown stool, with procidentia ani, at 10 A.M. (twentieth day). Dark-brown stool, preceded by costiveness (twenty-first day). Connected, but very soft whitish-yellow stools (after forty- five hours).

(Stool quite white, not too soft, not too hard). Stools mixed with blood. ( Stools somewhat bloody). Stools with mucus, red and yellow, gelatinous an liquid. Some gelatinous substance in the faeces (twentieth day); this occurred some days since. The child cries before every stool afterwards it is quiet. Gelatinous yellow and white-streaked diarrhea seven times, without colic (after twenty hours). Constipation. During eight years continued constipation, with violent headache, loss of appetite. Constipation, with continual urging to stool; ineffectual stools, with a great deal of flatulence and rumbling in the abdomen; ineffectual desire for stool immediately after eating (thirty-fifth day); constant urging and straining at stool (forty-fifth day). Constipation, with dull pain in the right side of the occiput (seventh day).

Costive; has an operation once in twenty-four or forty-eight hours by taking “physic. (Constipation), (after three days),; (second day).

Urinary Organs

Kidneys and Bladder. Pain in the region of the left kidney; this increased after lying down at midnight (after a quarter of an hour, fifteenth day). Stitches from both sides upon the bladder while urging to urinate. Pressure on the vesica, with sensitiveness of the right external canthus to pressure and to closing the eyelids (eighteenth day). Urethra. Violent biting in the forepart of the urethra, felt during and after micturition, worse during rest than while walking (after five hours). Burning pain at the root of the urethra posteriorly during micturition. Cutting and burning pain in the anterior portion of the urethra during and after urination; the last portion of the urine milky; the urination followed by a sensation of heat in the rectum; at 3.30 P.M. (about three days and a quarter after first dose). Cutting, burning, and smarting in the anterior portion of the urethra during urination, and severe burning and smarting pain in it after urination, with irritation and sensation of heat in the rectum, at 6.30 P.M. (about three days and a quarter after second dose).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.