Weak, weary, as if deprived of sleep. Unusual weakness of the limbs, mostly during rest. Weak and weary; desire to lie down; sitting is not enough for him. In the morning he does not wish to rise and dress. Very great weakness, especially on walking in the open air. (Great weariness immediately after eating).

Weariness, worse while sitting, relieved while walking; a decided stiffness on rising from a seat. Attend church, and sitting in a pew alone have an almost uncontrollable desire to lie at length on the cushion (next day). Great fatigue from exercise. Great debility (second day); no inclination to rise from bed, but debility less (third and fourth days). Extreme languor (after eighteen hours). Languor on waking (after ten hours); increasing after rising. Lassitude preceded the stool (after seven days). Sudden faintness at 9 P.M., with perfect consciousness; could not feel the beat of the heart; cold rather than warm; internally he felt quite easy; he was in a quiet mood, but could scarcely walk (after forty-eight hours).

Faint and dizzy; she reeled after each dose (after some days). Some become faint. She reaches out hastily and trembles.

Unusual restlessness at night (thirteenth day). Restlessness and sleepless night, with drowsiness during the day, for eight years. Great restlessness (fifteenth day). She could not sit still on account of internal uneasiness, but was obliged to turn in every direction on the chair and move all her limbs. Great uneasiness at night. At night it seemed as though something forced him out of bed. She was unable to sleep after 3 A.M.; she rose very anxious, restless, and weak, wherewith she constantly trembled, especially in the knees (with sweat on the back). At night he could lie only on the back. On going downstairs he feels stiff; the stiffness disappears on walking on a level. She feels stiff on rising from a seat. A group occurred in this order: The calf of the left leg very painful when first walking downstairs at 7 A.M.; after two and a half hours a sensation of jerking near the inner canthus of the right eye, followed in five minutes by severe aching in the left chest, midway between the sternum and the angle of the ribs, soon extending, with less intensity, to the shoulder, arm, and forearm. Great depression, discouragement, sleepiness, and desire to lie down by day, followed in the evening by debility and tardiness of the legs in walking (twelfth day). The following group in the morning, commencing about 6.30 and ending about 8.30; Severe pain in the deltoid of the left arm on exerting it; then the same in a less degree felt twice at the insertion of a muscle near the middle of the sternum, followed by sensitiveness there on pressure; then the same in a less degree felt twice at the insertion of a muscle near the middle of the sternum, followed by sensitiveness there on pressure; then aching at the junction of the right temple and forehead; severe itching of the lower half of the legs, repeated with similar intensity at 10 P.M. (thirteenth day).

The following group in order; Pain in left loin above sacroiliac symphysis; intense shooting pain in a narrow streak from the abdomen to the anus, first from a spot below and to the right of the umbilicus, then from below and to the left of it, towards evening; then severe pain at the tendon, just above the patella, at the commencement of a walk before 7 P.M., and rheumatic pains in different parts, as in the back of the right wrist and in the right upper arm; this group was in or near a thunder-shower, in the afternoon (fourteenth day). Between noon and 2 P.M. the following group occurred: Pain in the back at noon, then quite strong in the back and loins; then in the left eyeball; then at the dorsal side of the metacarpal bone, corresponding to the right ring finger, extending subsequently to the wrist, with lassitude and disposition to stretch; strong pain at the ulnar edge of the left metacarpus, soon extending to the wrist and forearm, then transferred to the radial edge of the right forearm and the ulnar edge of the right metacarpus, shortly returning to the ulnar edge of the left metacarpus, more severe than in the right, and then, though less, attacking the left ring finger near the nail; at 2 P.M.; the above symptoms occurred when the weather was cold; wind N. E.

(eighteenth day). The following in succession before 11 A.M.: Loose dark-brown stool, with procidentia ani; pain in the right biceps brachii, the arm being at rest, and at the left tuber ischii, after rising from a seat; the last repeated under the same circumstances (nineteenth day). Fearful pains in affected parts, making him moan, while sitting. Soreness in every muscle, which passes off during exercise (after twenty-two hours). Flesh of affected parts sore to touch. Shooting inwards and throbbing first where left ala nasi joins face, then in left temple, left forehead, behind left ear, and left shoulder; better by cold air and by walking; worse by warmth and by lying on painful side. A stitch extending from the great toe to the middle of the left chest, while standing. Constant tearing- drawing pain while sitting at rest, at 8 P.M.; it disappears when walking about (and after lying down there is no trace of it). (Crawling pain in the face, spine, and sternum. Sensation as though she were dashed with cold water. Very sensitive to cold open air; sometimes it causes pain in the skin, though there is no aversion to the open air. Sensitiveness to the cold open air (after four hours). Slight vexations cause and aggravate the symptoms, for instance, the discharge of coagulae after the menses had ceased, etc. Cold air or taking cold aggravates all the symptoms. Sufferings during cold weather and the prevalence of northeasterly winds. Many sufferings about 6 P.M.

Sufferings after drinking cold water. The effects of the position remained for eight years, when, after a typhoid fever (so called by the doctors), which continued for thirteen weeks, all symptoms of the poisoning disappeared and never returned.


Objective. Blue color of scars when exposed to cold air. The juice made the skin touched by it hard like tanned leather; after a few days this indurated part desquamated. The skin touched by the juice became hard and like leather. A black spot on the part touched by the juice (after three days). Hands seemed covered with a coating of nitrate of silver; frequent washings made the spots almost all disappear in three or four days. Skin yellow and sunken between the knuckles. Eruptions, Dry. Red flush over the whole body, at 2 P.M. (after eighteen hours). Erysipelatous redness of the left side of the face, commencing during stool and lasting about an hour (thirty-sixth day). Erysipelatous appearance in the face, below the left eye, at 1 P.M. (tenth day); this returned four and five days afterwards, without repetition of the dose.

Erysipelatous redness, burning, and smarting of the left side of the face (thirty-fifth day). Scarlet redness over the abdomen as far as four fingers’ breadth above the umbilicus (eleventh day). Bright redness of scrotum and penis; scrotum extremely flaccid and relaxed, falling half way to the knee; at 2 P.M. (after eighteen hours). A dark-scarlet redness, without swelling, extending downward from the scrotum to the middle of the thigh, becoming striped (eleventh day). Two red sore spots, caused by ruptured blisters on the mons veneris (eleventh day). Some small round red spots on the upper part of the upper arm. Reappearance at the bend of each elbow of a red furfuraceous eruption, which had once existed there for a short time, but had long since disappeared (after eight days). A red, very hot spot, with burning pain, on the right hip. (Small round red spots in the ball of the foot). Scurfy eruption over the body. Fine scurf on the face (eleventh day). The back of the hand is covered with cracks and is hot; the skin is hard, rough, and stiff. Lips dry and cracked, covered with a rest crust.

Desquamation of the skin of the face. The epidermis peeled from the cheeks, leaving the parts hot and rough (after thirty-six hours). Skin peeled from the left hand entirely; itching intolerable; skin peeling from all the parts affected (forty- fifth day). Pimples, large, deep seated, and irritable to the touch, on the upper lip, opposite the left cuspidate tooth, at 1 P.M. (fourth day). A pimple on the lower lip, beneath and red, in the white skin. Pimple, large, deep seated, and irritable to the touch, on the chest, two inches above the left nipple; it is so touch that scratching does not readily break it, but produces redness, burning, and smarting in it and the surrounding skin (after seven days). A kind of tough pimple at the bend of the right elbow, similar to the tuberculoid and imperfectly suppurating elevations which have appeared on different parts of the skin, from four to ten days after the dose (after ten days). Pimples, like the itch, with burning itching and smarting after scratching, on the inner surface of the wrist and on the lower portion of the cheek. Hard pimples on the hands, with burning-biting itching. Severe stinging on dorsum of the hand, near the smallest metacarpal bone; afterwards large deep seated and irritable pimples among the most thickly-set hairs of the dorsum of the left hand, over the metacarpal bone; after 6 P.M. (eighteenth day). An inflamed pimple above the middle joint of the ring finger, with itching-burning pain, that sometimes changes into a slow stitch, not relieved by rubbing and scratching. Pimples, large, deep seated, and somewhat irritable to the touch, on the median side of the nates; commenced at nearly the same time as the pain in the patella. Pimples, large, deep seated, and irritable to the touch, on the nates, especially on the median line near the os coccyges; they attain this state after four days from the dose, and two from their commencement on the second. This symptom recurred in three months, after some handling of the Rhus radicans and inhalation of its effluvia whilst gathering and preparing it during the two preceding days. On the fourth day a pimples, described by the same words and situated on the upper lip, opposite the alveolar process near the root of the left posterior bicuspid tooth, also a scabby pimple one inch above the left parietal protuberance; the one on the upper lip remained with but little change for at least three days, the last became a scab in four. Eruption similar to an urticaria. The rash more red and hard (third day); the face, which had so far been free from eruption, is now covered with large red blotches, not elevated above the skin (fourth day); itching and burning decreasing (sixth day); desquamation fully sets in (tenth day). Covered with a rash resembling measles; his face, neck, and throat swollen. Cutaneous inflammation and feeling of excoriation at the inner side of the left nates (after a month).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.