Violent headache, preceded by internal heat of the head only, with dry lips an thirst; sensation as if the forehead would be pressed asunder, with extraordinary heaviness in it, especially on coming from the open air into the house or on waking from the midday nap; as soon as she lay down in bed, in the evening, the headache disappeared. Incessant headache (thirty-fifth day). Violent headache (seventeenth, twenty-first, twenty-second, and twenty-third days). Severe headache in the morning, immediately after rising, for eight years. Violent headache with the constipation. Headache. Dull headache, in the forenoon (after two days). Headache, in the forenoon, with sleepiness (after ten days). Bursting headache, aggravated by motion; she was obliged to hold it perfectly still. Headache, like a crawling, after walking in the open air. Headache, as if the eyes would be pressed out of the head, with yawning and chilliness, without thirst. Headache behind the left eye, pressing forward. Headache, as if stupefied, with tingling in the head. A reeling headache that occupied the whole head; while writing, thought and memory vanished and he could not collect himself. Headache soon after eating. Headache immediately after eating (tension in the whole sinciput).

Headache after drinking beer. Headache, as if the brain were compressed from both temples. (Headache, as from a disordered stomach). Mounting into the head on drinking beer, that seemed to cause heat in the head. Pressive pain in the right hemisphere of the cerebellum, after intellectual labor, in the forenoon, at 11.30 A.M. (after three days). Paint at the right hemisphere of the cerebellum and over the right eye at the eyebrow (after six days). Tearing in the upper part of the head soon after eating; the same spot was also sore externally; at times a drawing pain through the whole head. Tearing and pressive headache. A simple tearing transversely across the scalp. A real tearing from side to side in the head, worse on stooping, from 5 P.M. till going to bed. Painful dull tension in cerebrum, with languor and coldness, on waking at 6 A, M, (after ten hours). Slight pain in the head. Sharp pain proceeding from left orbital region right through the head to back of neck, relieved by pressure (after some days). Burning in the head and a fine throbbing or beating pain. Stitches from within outward in the head. Twitching in the spots on the head on which he was lying, at night. A painful crawling in the head, like a digging with a needle, a fine sticking digging. Throbbing and compression about he brain. Violent throbbing-tearing rending pains in the head (after thirty-six hours). Dull throbbing pain in the head at intervals (fourth day). Forehead. Headache across the forehead. Dull pain in the forehead, temples, and occiput, at 6.30 and 7 A.M. (third day). Fullness and dull pain in the forehead, especially in the region of causality, with i patient desire to accomplish several kinds of business, chiefly intellectual, at 11 A.M. (twenty-third day). Pressive headache in the forehead, as from a dull point, on violent motion of the arms (after twenty-five hours). A pressure upon the frontal bone that constantly increases and suddenly ceases. Pain in the left side of the forehead (after forty-one minutes). Pain at the right superciliary ridge now and for some days past (eighth day). Pain at the left angle of the forehead and in the left temple (twentieth day). A dull drawing on the left side of the forehead, extending through the left cheek and down the lower jaw through the muscles and teeth, as if toothache would develop. A burning-crawling sensation in the forehead. Transient and painless burning at the inner extremity of the left superciliary ridge (after three-quarters of an hour, twenty- second day). Intermittent and remittent pains immediately above the superciliary ridges, over both eyes, attended with depression of spirits, indisposition to conversation, and weakness of the legs; these symptoms occurred during the latter part of the forenoon, were less during the afternoon, and returned in the evening (sixteenth day). A single in the head above the eye, from within outward, lasting four minutes, while eating followed by nausea and fullness; a sensation of warmth rising upward internally. Shooting inwards and throbbing in left forehead. Temples. Heaviness in the temples, as if they were painfully pressed downward. Pain in the right temple accompanied the pain in the little finger (fourth day). Pressure in the temples. Pressure streaming upward into the right temple, in the evening, in bed, worse during rest; in order to relieve it he was obliged at one time to sit up, at another to rise from bed. A burning pressure in the right temporal bone. A sticking jerking in isolated jerks extending from the temple into both jaws an the teeth, at 7 P.M., with which he became quite weak, with a bruised pain in the left temple; he yawned, but could not fall asleep for fear the pain would return. Tearing pain in the right temple (after half an hour). Some very fine violent stitches in the right temple, extending inward. Shooting inwards and throbbing in the left temple. Vertex and Parietals. Woke next morning with weight in vertex for half an hour, as if something were inserted between skull and brain at that spot. (Headache in the left side and in the occiput, as if sore, extending into the teeth). Fine beating in the right side of the head. Occiput. Headache in the occiput, that disappears on bending the head backward. Headache; single jerks in the occiput; in the afternoon. Headache; drawing in the occiput and temples, with pressure in the eyes, so violent that it drove him from bed; aft 4.30 A.M. Dull pain in the right side of the occiput, with constipation (seventh day). Dull pain in the occiput, on waking, in the morning (twenty- second day).

Pressure pain in the left side of the occiput, at fifty-six minutes P.M. (first day). Burning pain at times in the occiput, at times in the forehead. Stitches in the occiput on stooping. External Head. Headache, seeming to be external, as if the skin were contracted, or as if she were pulled by he hair, yet the head was not painful to touch. Head as painful to touch as a boil. Scalp very painful to touch on stroking the hair backward. Pressure and drawing in the left side of the scalp, extending from below upward. Pressive drawing in the left side of the scalp. Creeping and crawling across the forehead and nose while sitting upright, disappearing on stooping.

Biting itching on the scalp, forehead, face, and about the mouth, with eruption of pimples like nettle rash, Itching in the anterior part of the hairy scalp, walking in the open air with the head uncovered, at 10 P.M. (fifteenth day). Crawling on the scalp (after seventy-two hours). A crawling in one spot on the occiput, in the afternoon, as if suppuration would take place.


Inflammation of the eyes. The white of the eyes is red in the morning, with burning pressure in it; the eyes seem to protrude.

Eyes suffused and watery. Eyes dull. Itching in the eyes, on exerting vision. Aching in the eyes. Aching as from as inflammation of the left eye, that is red in the inner canthus, and agglutinated by matter, in the evening. Her left eye felt enormously swollen and enlarged, though on looking into the mirror this was not the case (after some days). Feeling of sand in the left eye, first about center, then towards outer canthus; worse by rubbing, with discharge from left outer canthus hardening and causing lids to adhere, on waking, in morning.

Pressive pain in the eyes. Pressure as if dust were in the eye.

Pressive and contractive pain in the eyes, in the evening.

Burning pressive sensation in the eye, from evening till morning, disappearing in the morning after rising. Periodical cutting pain in the eyes; it is difficult to open the lids, in the morning. Sometimes sharp pains run from the eyes into the he.

Biting as from something sharp and acid in the right eye. Biting in the eyes; in the morning the eyes are agglutinated with matter. In the eyes pricking and itching and redness by turns.

Biting pressure in the left eye (after thirty-six hours). Brow an Orbit. Sensation of painless heat, as from some stimulating application, at the left eyebrow; followed in a few minutes by pain there. Pain simultaneously over the right eyebrow and in the region of the right hemisphere of the cerebellum (twenty-fifth day). Aching over left eyebrow, with depression of spirits and yawning, with lachrymation, at 1 P.M. (twenty-second day).

Pain, slightly burning, just above the left eyebrow, immediately after washing the hands and rinsing the mouth with cold water (twentieth day). Drawing and tearing in the region of the brows and in the malar bones. A bruised pain in the bone on the inner side of the orbit towards the nose. Pain over the left eye at the eyebrow (after seven days). Soreness returned around the left eye; left eye sore and swollen, as if bruised; upper lid much swollen, and severe itching (fourteenth day). Very sore around the right eye (tenth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.