Pain over the right eye, after intellectual labor, in the forenoon (after three days). Stitches below the eye. Lids. Eyes nearly closed. The eyes are closed or greatly swollen and inflamed (fourth day). Left eye closed (tenth day). Left eye closed from swollen lids, with feeling as if a piece of glass or sand was in it (fourth day). Inflammation of the lids. A red hard swelling, like a stye, on the left lower lid, toward the inner canthus, with pressive pain, lasting six days (after forty-eight hours). Great swelling of the lids (fourth day). The eyes are red and agglutinated with matter, in the morning.

(The drooping eyelids can be raised higher, and remained longer open that it ever did before her sickness), (after sixteen days). Relaxation of eyelids, with puffiness of lids and hot flushed face (after seventeenth hours). The eye are agglutinated with purulent mucus, in the morning. Twitching of the eyelids, with a sensation of dryness, with a febrile chill. The lids are dry and always drawn up, as from sleepiness, in the evening. A sensation consisting of twitching and contraction in the right lower lid. Jerking sensation in the left upper lid (after forty-eight hours). Sensation of swelling in the right inner canthus. The right upper lid seems swollen, with pressure, disappearing in the open air (after twenty-six hours). Heaviness and stiffness of the lids, like a paralysis, as if it were difficult to move lids, about 8 P.M. The eyelids seem sore in the cold air, as from salt biting tears. Sensation of dryness in the lids, especially in the inner canthus. Sensitiveness of the right external canthus to pressure and to closing the eyelids, the pressure on the vesica (eighteenth day). Pressive pain in the inner canthus of the eye, and the left side of the root of the nose, as 9.30 A.M. (third day). Violent burning, itching, and prickling in the swollen eyelids and lobules of the ears (after thirty-six hours). Burning in the inner canthus of the right eye, before 8 P.M. (seventeenth day). Burning, with stinging pricking in the inner canthus of the left eye, at 6.30. (twenty-third day). Pricking itching in the inner canthus of the left eye, between the eyebrows, an in the thighs (seventeenth day). Biting and itching in the external surface of the lid, below and around the left eye, also on the cheeks and nose; nose feels sore, as if abraded (after thirty- six hours). Biting itching on the right upper lid (that disappeared after some rubbing). Biting on the inner surface of the lower lid (after two hours). Itching of the right outer canthus (after twenty-six hours). Lachrymal Apparatus. Profuse discharge of tears in cold wind. Lachrymation in the evening, with burning pain. Weeping eyes. Ball. When he turns the eye or presses upon it, the eyeball is sore, he can scarcely turn it.

Pain in left eyeball. Intense itching in the eyeball (after seventy-two hours). Pupil. Pupils dilated. Vision. Weakness of vision; objects seem pale. Dim-sightedness; appearance of a gauze before the eyes (after thirty-six hours). Sensation of veil before the eyes, she could not see well. Extreme confusion of sight commenced at 8.30 A.M. (ten hours after a dose), and lasted for one hour, and was attended, especially in the right half of field of vision, with an appearance of irregular lines having a wavering motion; tendency to hemiopia (and presbyopia?), (sixteenth day). Great obscurity of vision for half an hour, till 6 P.M., followed by aching at the left eyebrow, with eruption near the left commissure of the mouth (eleventh day). Objects were seen double, and sometimes only one- half could be seen; objects appeared to be remove only one half of the real distance (after seventy-two hours). Objects do not appear of the right color.


Lobule of the left ear swollen (after thirty-six hours). Earache.

A sudden drawing pain in the ears, as if a thread were being drawn through them. (Itching crawling as from something alive in the ears; she was obliged to bore in with the finger). Fine painful tearing behind the left ear. Shooting inwards and throbbing behind left ear. Painful throbbing within the ear at night. Sensation as if something were blowing into the right ear, or stooped it up. Ringing in the right ear, while walking (after one hour and a half). Singing in the head like a locust; increased by close air, disappears in the afternoon. Twittering like young mice in the ears. (Roaring in the ears). Loud sound like that of cascade in the left ear, or like that of a heavy shower of rain striking on the ground (within an hour). Two violent cracks in quick succession in the left ear, as if the drum burst, while lying asleep during the midday nap, so that he started up each time and trembled, but soon fell asleep again (after four hours).


Swelling of the nose, ears, and neck. Median edge of right nostril inflamed, without coryza, at 7 A.M.; a tough and irritable pimple formed at the upper part, which became incrusted next morning (after fifteen days). The tip of the nose is red and painful to touch, as if it would suppurate (after eight days). Nose pointed for three days. Frequent, very violent, almost spasmodic sneezing. Violent sneezing (after four hours).

Sneezing (soon). Before 3 P.M., repeated sneezing, with fluent coryza, during the siesta (nineteenth day). Nosebleed on hawking and clearing the throat. Frequent nosebleed, almost only on stooping. Nosebleed in the morning (after forty hours). Nosebleed at night (after four hours). Nosebleed. Large quantities of nasal mucus run involuntarily from the nose, as in the most severe coryza, although he has no coryza, in the morning, after rising from bed. (Nose at times obstructed, as in dry catarrh, less in the house, better in the open air). Nose dry. Sensation of hardness and swelling below the nose, that disappeared when touched. Hot burning beneath the left nostril, so that the breath seemed to come out of it hot, that disappeared in the open air. Tension beneath the right nostril. Sensation of soreness in the nostrils. Nose feels sore, as if abraded (after thirty-six hours). Sore feeling in the left nostril (after thirty-six hours). Sharp pain from the nose, extending into the cheek-bones.


Great swelling of the face. Swelling of the face, especially of the eyelids and of the ears. Swelling of felt face, and slightly down left neck. On the next day her face and neck became swollen; this increased much towards evening, and her eyes were nearly closed; the itching, burning, and smarting were intolerable; all these symptoms increased by the following day.

The next morning he found his face much swollen, and the swelling continued to increase until his eyes were completely closed. Face and hands so swollen that he could not open the eyes for eight days, and his face did not look human. Red swelling of face in the morning. Tension and swelling of the face (third day). Redness and perspiration of the face, without thirst (after one hour). Face yellow and brown. Sallow complexion for eight years. Paleness of the face. The face is sunken and drawn; the left side seems drawn up shorter; the right side seems elongated (after twenty-two hours). Sickly expression, sunken face, blue rings around the eyes (after eighteen hours). Violent burning in the swollen face, lids, and ears. A pressure, with the stitches, in the zygoma. Transient burning, semilateral pain just above the zygoma, and in the occiput of the same side, at 3 A.M. (tenth day). Cutting contraction in the right cheek. Cutting pain in one point in the cheek, followed by itching and sticking in it, that disappeared after scratching (after ten and eleven hours). Sudden needle like stitches in the right cheek. Burning contraction in the right cheek, with pressive toothache in the crowns of the three upper back teeth. A five burning cramp in the right cheek, in the afternoon, as if everything, would suppurate; therewith the skin of the afternoon, as if everything would suppurate; therewith the skin of the cheek was very hot and rough, as if an eruption would appear; was obliged to rise from bed, and was very thirsty. A pinching point in the right side of the lower lip, in the morning, on rising, with a sensation as if it were bleeding (after forty-eight hours). Cramp like pain in the articulation of the lower jaw, close to the ear, during rest and motion of the part, relieved by hard pressure upon the joint, and by the application of warmth.

Cramp like pain in the articulation of the lower jaw. Sensation in the lower jaw as if the gum were pinched on both sides, with a musty sensation in the mouth. Pain in the articulation of the lower jaw, as if bruised, or as if it would break, on moving it (after one hour). Pressive an digging pain in the glands beneath the angle of the lower jaw by the ear, always on moving it, even when drinking. Cracking in the joint, on moving the jaw back and forth, in the morning (after twelve hours).


Teeth. Great looseness of the four lower incisors; the gum recedes from the teeth, it can be pushed off and touched without pain, except while the teeth themselves are painful.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.