Nitricum Acidum

Expectoration of mucus from coughing. Respiration. Sudden loss of breath and palpitation, when walking slowly. Shortness of breath (first day). Respiration slow and feeble, so that he could hold out a minute without breathing. Respiration rough and difficult, the quantity of air taken into the lungs appearing to the ear applied to the chest to be but small; afterwards the breathing became more labored, and each inspiration was attended with a distinct low whistle; later respiration was more croupy and hoarse. Tightness of breath, in the morning, so great that she could scarcely draw a breath (after thirty days). Sleep at night interrupted on account of the tightness of breath. Began to experienced difficulty of breathing (after one or two hours), became rapidly worse, and died about ten hours after the accident. Respiration painful, labored, and stridulous (second morning). Loss of breath, palpitation, and anxiety on ascending steps. Respiration difficult. Oppression of breathing, caused by the cough. Whistling inspiration with the cough. Oppressed respiration and anxiety, on waking at night, and in the morning.

Catching respiration. Loss of breath, when walking in the open air, and heaviness of the feet. Dyspnoea, as from rush of blood to the chest. Dyspnoea, while walking in the open air.


Violent stitch through the lungs in the forenoon. Spasmodic pains in the chest and opposite in the back, aggravated by inspiration, after midnight. Spasmodic drawing in the chest. Feeling of soreness across chest (after three weeks). Some signs of commencing tubercle in right apex (after three weeks). Rush of blood to the chest and heart at night. Rush of blood to the upper part of the chest. Itching spots, like freckles, on the chest externally. Whistling and rales in the chest on inspiration.

Throbbing in the chest, above the stomach, like palpitation, especially after walking rapidly; relieved for some hours by drinking wine, but afterwards returning. Oppression of the chest so great that she could not get her breath (after twenty-two days). Oppression of the chest; short, anxious, difficult respiration. Violent pressure in the chest, extending from the pit of the stomach to the pit of the throat, early in the morning. Sensation of pressure upon the chest. Tightness of the chest. Tightness of the chest while sitting and walking, but especially on bending backwards (third day). Feeling of fullness in the chest. Cramp in the chest for a moment (nineteenth day).

Great rawness, soreness, and weariness of the chest, for from half an hour to two hours, from the cough. Sore pain within the chest while eating. Sore pain in the chest, as from something sore in it, when coughing. Pain in the chest, caused by cough.

Pain in the chest externally, especially on stooping. Pain in the chest, as if sore, on respiration. Tightly adherent mucus in the chest. Sensation of heat in the chest. (* As with S. 661.-HUGHES.

*) Heat in the upper part of the chest in the morning, recurring at times during the day. Burning in the chest if he eats anything in the slightest degree salt. Stitches and pain, as if suppurating, in both sides of the chest on stooping, deep breathing, and reaching up high. Stitches in the chest, as if externally. Front. Two small warts on the middle of the sternum.

Sticking and drawing on the sternum. Sides. Spasmodic pain in the chest anteriorly and in the back woke him from sleep. Spasmodic constrictive pain in the right upper pectoral muscles; was obliged to bend quite together on account of the pain for several minutes (after twenty-six hours). Pressive pain on the ribs anteriorly and a bruised sensation, noticed even on breathing.

Pressing pain in the right chest in the morning, after which empty eructations, lasting half an hour (after sixteen days).

Constrictive pain in the left chest above the heart, taking away the breath (after twenty-seven days). Constrictive pain in the right chest, mostly while sitting. Twisting pain in the right side of the chest. Sticking in the right side of the chest and scapula (after fifteen days). Sticking and pinching, at one time below the breast, at another in the back, at night. Pressure in the left chest, as if blood would not go through the heart.

Violent stitch in the upper part of the right side of the chest, inside the ribs, extending to the abdomen and back. Violent stitches in the left chest, in the morning, making respiration difficult. At night, while lying on the back, he started up, and was attacked with a stitch in the right chest. Stitches in the right side of the chest on breathing, not on coughing. Stitches in and below the left chest, as from incarcerated flatus.

Stitches in the side of the chest, with nausea. Stitches in the middle of the left chest in nearly every breath when coughing and breathing, for several evenings, especially on lying down in bed.

A violent stitch in the right breast, in the evening, after lying down. Soreness in the folds beneath the breasts.

Heart and Pulse

Violent palpitation for a moment, with diarrhoea. Paroxysms of palpitation, with anxiety, causing oppression of the breath, lasting an hour. Trembling of the heart in paroxysms.

Palpitation, at one time less, at another more violent, especially after some motion, with weakness and anxiety, as if he would become faint. Palpitation in the evening, in bed (after three days). Every slight exertion causes heat and palpitation, soon after dinner. Slight exertion causes palpitation and perspiration. Orgasm of blood in the heart. Rush of blood to the heart, together with anxiety. Rush of blood to the heart and palpitation (first day). Slight emotional excitement causes palpitation. Constrictive sensation in the region of the heart, which made her anxious, which ceased as soon as the heart gave a violent beat. He woke at 3 A.M. with violent beating of the heart and palpitation below the clavicle, without anxiety. Stitches in the heart, with heat and thirst, at night. Pulse quick and hard.

Pulse small, rapid (after sixteen days). Febrile heat, with rapid pulse. Pulse a little quickened (after twenty-five minutes).

Pulse frequent, feeble, intermittent every fourth or fifth beat; later 120. Pulse 120 and very small (second morning). Pulse small. Pulse small and weak (after half an hour). Pulse small, hard and rapid. Pulse small, contracted, 92 to 96 (after eight days). Collapse, with sinking of the pulse and delirium, followed by death on the eighth day. Pulse irregular; after a regular beat, two small ones followed in quick succession; the fourth omitted entirely. Small and frequent pulse.

Neck and Back

Neck. Glandular swelling on the right side of the neck; the neck and tongue seem stiff (after twenty days). Swelling on the right side of the neck, similar to a goitre. Stiffness in the nape of the neck (after twenty-four hours). Tensive pain in the cervical muscles. Loss of power in the nape of the neck. Back. Violent burning pain in the back. Tearing and sticking in the back and chest on motion, especially at night. Drawing in the back, in the evening. Pain in the back after taking the slightest cold.

Stiffness in the spine. Cracking in the cervical vertebrae. A violent persistent stitch in the vertebrae while standing.

Pinching in the flesh of the back during rest and motion. Dorsal.

Spasmodic jerking in the dorsal muscles during manual labor (after twelve days). Drawing in the cervical muscles, as if something heavy were hanging upon them. Pain in the left scapula and region of the kidney while walking in the open air. Tearing stitches in the scapula while walking in the open air; at night could not lie upon it. Stitches between the scapulae and in the forepart of the chest, taking away the breath, more when stooping than on sitting quietly. A stitch between the scapulae from time to time, always followed by eructations. Pain between the scapulae (after two and three days). Pinching, as with pincers, between the scapulae. Lumbar. Burning pain in the right lumbar region (hepatic region?), in a spot as large as the hand, that made him extremely ill- humored, sad, and unable to think or work. Pain in the small of the back, so that he could not lie upon the back, but was obliged to lie on the abdomen, at night. A stitch in the small of the back on coughing. Stitches in the small of the back on coughing. Pressive pain in the small of the back. Drawing pain in the small of the back, towards evening.

Painful tension in the small of the back, so that he could not take a deep breath. Violent pain in the small of the back, seeming to be in the bone, almost only on motion, so that he could scarcely walk. Pain in the small of the back, as if stiff (twelfth day). Pulsation in the small of the back.

Extremities in General.

Swelling of the hands and feet. The extremities became cold; pulse small, very rapid; the patient fell into a collapse, followed by death (after twenty-two days). Extremities cold (second morning). Weakness in all the joints. Excessive weakness, prostration; all the limbs are affected, especially the knees and elbows, they seem relaxed; after dinner. Great sensitiveness of the joints, without distinct pain, in the morning. All the joints feel weak and bruised, as after great exertion. The hands and limbs seem weak and paralyzed on pressure, or when lying in an uncomfortable position, as if the circulation were arrested by a band (twelfth day). All the joints seem weary, as after running.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.