Nitricum Acidum

Great tension in the abdomen (after twenty-four hours). Abdomen constantly tense. Spasmodic constriction in the abdomen.

Abdominal muscles contracted. Threw himself on his belly, writhing in paroxysms of agony, pressing his belly with both hands, groaning, and beseeching to be stabbed. Rumbling in the abdomen. Loud rumbling in the abdomen, after eating. Gurgling in the abdomen, without hunger, often after eating. Uneasiness in the abdomen, with much rumbling and thin stool, for more than a week (after twenty hours). Cutting colic, in the morning in bed and after rising, followed by soft stools (third day). Colic before the emission of flatus. Colic before the stool, also drawing. Colic, as from taking cold. Cutting colic, with diarrhoea-like stools and cold feet, that cannot be warmed.

Violent flatulent colic, in the morning, after rising. Griping colic at night, with restless sleep. Sticking colic, especially on pressing upon the abdomen. Drawing colic in the lower abdomen, with shivering. Colicky uneasiness and distension of the abdomen, in the morning; flatus moves about the abdomen, with pain and rumbling, not relieved even by a soft stool (after sixteen days).

Griping colic before a good stool (after fourteen days). Colic, after frequent and in part ineffectual urging to stool.

Generation of a large quantity of flatus; it moves about the abdomen with an unpleasant sensation, without finding vent. Great desire to pass flatus, with pain in the abdomen; very little or none at all is passed even when stool follows (from an enema of water). Much flatus is passed (immediately, and also second day).

Excessive emission of flatus (after a few hours). Much emission of flatus, in the morning, with griping in the abdomen. Drawing pain in the abdomen, extending into the thighs. Pressure in the abdomen and pain in the small of the back, during the menses.

Violent pressure in the lower abdomen, as if everything would press out at the genitals, with pain in the small of the back; it extended into the hips and down the legs, during the menses.

Pressure in the middle of the abdomen, as from a lump.

Qualmishness in the abdomen, some hours after a meal, several days in succession. Pressive pain in the abdomen. Frequent griping in the abdomen, without diarrhoea. Frequent griping in the abdomen while drinking water during a meal. Frequent griping in the abdomen, in the morning, after a good stool. Cramp in the abdomen, at night. Cramps in the abdomen. Pain in a small spot in the abdomen, as if something would come out there. Constriction in the abdomen, with itching. Twisting-drawing pain in the abdomen, before the emission of flatus. Uneasiness in the abdomen, and frequent waking at night. Uneasiness and anxiety in the abdomen at night, with heat in the head and hands. The abdomen is extremely sensitive (after three days). Tenderness of the abdomen, walking with difficulty and bent much forward; but this was perhaps owing to her having been thrown down and stamped upon in an affray on the day on which she took the acid (first four or five days). Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Suppurating swelling in the inguinal glands, that are very painful on walking; the whole extremity seems paralyzed, and the muscles seem tense. Swelling of the inguinal glands, without pain.

Swelling of the inguinal glands. Slight sticking in a boil in the groin, when touched and when not, sticking itching in the indurated portion of it. Violent cramp like pain in the lower abdomen, as if the abdomen would burst, with constant eructations; she could not remain quiet in any place, during the menses. Burrowing and griping in the lower abdomen, without diarrhoea. Pressive pain, and at times a stitch in the lower abdomen, when touching it. Constrictive pain in the inguinal glands. Pain, as if broken or as from a rupture, in the left inguinal region, relieved by walking. Stitches in the lower abdomen, just above the pubis, while urinating. Sticking in a left hernial spot.


Painful protrusion of the rectum. Urging to stool in the rectum, though a scanty evacuation. Swelling of the hemorrhoids.

Constant pressing out of the hemorrhoids in the rectum. Painful pimples in the perineum. Hemorrhoids and prickling in the rectum.

Hemorrhoids succeeding violent pressure downward in the back, while standing. Bleeding of the hemorrhoids at stool. Protruding but painless hemorrhoids and discharge of some blood with every stool. Burning in the hemorrhoids. Pain in the hemorrhoids. The rectum seems inactive and unable to evacuate the faeces. Heat in the rectum. Burning sensation in the rectum. Acute burning in the anus (rectum) all day, especially after urinating. Burning and pinching in the rectum. Burning in the rectum, extending to the perineum, with ineffectual desire for stool. Much burning in the rectum, on waking at night, and in the morning. Smarting, more in the rectum than in the anus, immediately after a stool, lasting two hours. Pressure in the rectum (after seven and seventeen days). Violent griping in the rectum. Sticking in the rectum and spasmodic constriction in the anus, during a stool, lasting many hours (after two days). Sticking and scraping in the rectum and anus after a stool. During a stool, sticking cutting and dragging in the rectum and anus. Itching in the rectum. Itching in the rectum, as from thread-worms. Itching and burning in the rectum, with discharge of thread- worms. Stitches in the rectum while coughing. Stitches in the rectum, in the evening. Sharp drawing stitches in the perineum, extending towards the anus. Dragging towards the rectum, followed by painful hemorrhoids. Constant desire for stool, without result. Ineffectual urging returns after a stool. Sensation after a stool as though more should be passed (sixth day). Long pressure to stool, cannot evacuate it, and yet it is not hard. With the stool pain as if something in the rectum would be torn asunder. Fetid discharges from the anus (seventh day). Soreness in the anus (after four days).

Constriction in the anus, almost daily. Moist soreness in the anus and between the nates, when walking. Pressive pain in the anus, as if hemorrhoids would form. Burning in the anus (second day). Burning in the anus with a hard stool. Burning in the anus, after a stool. Smarting in the anus, in the evening. Itching in the anus, while walking in the open air, and after a stool.

Biting acridity with the stool.


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, with nausea, after eating (after twenty days). Diarrhoea every other day. Dysentery lasting two days, and gradually going off (after fifteen hours). Frequent stools, consisting only of mucus, at times with cutting colic and excessive urging (first four days). Stool consisting of a large quantity of black offensive blood (after sixteen days). Passage of blood with the stool (after sixteen days). Bloody, dysenteric stool, with tenesmus, fever, and headache. Violent painful bloody stools, associated with tenesmus (after two days). Discharge of black offensive blood from the bowels (after twenty days). Passed per rectum a quantity of bright red blood; had never suffered such hemorrhage before (after six weeks). During thirty-six hours there were sixteen exceedingly painful stools, consisting of blood and pseudo-membranes (after five days). Thin stool two or three times daily (first ten days). Discharge of prostatic fluid after a difficult stool (after three days). Stool soft, preceded by griping in the abdomen. Profuse discharge of blood with the stool. Stool thin, yellowish-white. Pasty stool. Two soft stools daily, for several weeks. Three or four stools a day, with shivering and qualmishness under the short ribs (first thirteen days). Stool enveloped in mucus. Sensation as though diarrhoea would occur, which was not the case (after two to eight hours).

Stool with an offensive odor, and with offensive flatus.

Constipation. Constipation (first day). Painful constipation for several days. Passed, for the first time, a small dark evacuation (sixth day). Constipation; distension of the abdomen; the flatus does not pass (third, fourth, and fifth days). Stool only every other day, hard, enveloped in mucus, during the first days, afterwards again daily. Undigested food passed with the stool.

Hard, scanty stool. The stool is evacuated in hard masses. Stool like sheep dung, with much pressure, and accompanied by mucus (second and third days). Stool alternately hard and thin.

Urinary organs

Kidneys and Bladder. A spasmodic constrictive pain extending from the kidneys to the bladder. Pressure in the region of the kidneys. Urethra. Orifice of the urethra greatly swollen, bloated, dark red. Yellow matter flows from the urethra.

Discharge of bloody matter from the urethra. Mucus drops from the urethra when not urinating. Some drops of thin mucus, not stringy like prostatic fluid, are discharged from the urethra after urinating. The urethra is painful to touch. Smarting in the urethra while urinating. Violent burning in the urethra while urinating. A burning sensation in the forepart of the urethra that compels micturition, as if it would be relieved thereby, though it is only aggravated. Burning in the urethra while urinating (after seventeen days). Needle-like stitches in the orifice of the urethra. Cutting in the urethra. Sore pain in the whole urethra while urinating. Thin stream of urine, as if caused by stricture of the urethra. Micturition. Frequently obliged to rise at night to urinate. Much desire to urinate. Great desire to urinate at night, with scanty discharge (after four days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.