Nitricum Acidum

(Moving body), Drawing and griping in umbilical region.

(Pressing forehead), Stitches in right ear.

(Reading), Aloud, scraping in throat; green spots before every letter; obscuration of the eye; lachrymation.

(Rest), Paralytic pain in one leg, with heaviness and lassitude; drawing in middle of calf.

(Warm room), Shaking chills.

(Respiration), Pain in chest; stitches in right side of chest.

(Riding in carriage), Nates painful. (Rising from stooping), Vertigo.

(Rising from seat), Tensive pain in hip-joints.

(Standing), Stitches in vertebrae and knee.

(After smoking), Dryness and scraping of mouth.

(Sitting), Constrictive pain in right chest; weariness; indolence.

(Stooping), Shooting in head; headache; pain in chest externally; vertigo.

(During stool), Sticking and constriction in rectum. (After stool), Sticking and scraping in rectum; discharge of prostatic fluid; burning and itching in anus; smarting in rectum; nausea; exhaustion.

(Stretching foot). Cramp in calves.

(Swallowing), Pressure in throat; sore throat; pain in cardiac orifice.

(Talking), Stitches in larynx and throat. (Urinating), Sore pain in glans penis; burning and smarting in urethra; stitches in lower abdomen.

(After urinating), Burning in anus, in evening; discharges of tenacious mucus.

(Walking), Heat and pain in head; vertigo; in open air, headache, nausea, perspiration; loss of breath; palpitation; in open air, itching on neck; itching on pudenda; throbbing in chest; in open air, loss of breath; feet heavy; in open air, pressure in stomach; in open air, sensation of swelling in hollow of knee; pain in hollow of knee; pain in left patella; itching in anus; in open air, pain in left scapula and kidneys; stitches in scapula; tearing in thigh; soreness between thighs; weakness of left thigh; cracking in knee; drawing pain in feet; sticking pain in heel; pain in little toe; cracking in ankle; oppression; anxiety.

(After walking), Swelling of feet; weakness and weariness of lower leg; joints painful.

(Wetting feet), Swelling, inflammation, redness of one toe.


(Eating), Pressure in stomach; warm food, pain in teeth.

(Drinking), Wine, throbbing in chest. (Moving), Nausea.

(Riding in carriage), Symptoms disappear.

(Hard rubbing), Gnawing sensation in thighs.

(Sitting), Pain in thigh.

(Going to sleep), Stitches in right side of occiput.

(Walking), Pain in left inguinal region.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.