Nitricum Acidum

Bruised pain in the whole right side of the head. Shaking in the left hemisphere of the brain, extending to the temples. Pressive and drawing bone-pains in the whole left side of the head, even in the teeth and meatus auditorius. Violent pain like throbbing or hammering on left side of head, coming on gradually; it began near vertex, descending to region of left ear, then went gradually over vertex to right side of head, but still worse on the left; not relieved by warmth of flannel; she felt as if she could beat the head to pieces, towards morning (first night); it gradually diminished, and about breakfast left her entirely.

Drawing at one time in the right side of the head above the orbit, at another time in the left side, in the region of the ear. Crawling on the right side of the head, about the ear.

Occiput. Violent sticking pain on the right side of the head and in the occiput, that was even sore to touch (after three days).

Transient headache in the occiput after slight exertion, especially in thinking. Pressive bruised pain in the occiput.

Pain in the back of my head, resembling what I have commonly felt when taking Mercury (third and fourth days). Stitches in both occipital protuberances, extending to the lower jaw. Violent stitches in the left side of the occiput, during breakfast, so that the head was drawn backwards and respiration was impeded.

Violent stitches suddenly in the right side of the occiput, in the evening, and afterwards another kind of violent headache in the occiput, both disappearing on going to sleep. Throbbing in the occiput. External Head. Falling of the hair. Profuse falling of the hair of the head. Tension in the skin of the forehead.

Scabby, moist, itching eruption on the scalp. The scurf on the scalp is very offensive. Very painful spots on the scalp to touch. Painful sensitiveness in the scalp, even the cap oppresses him, in the evening, with anxiety (after three days). Very painful sensitiveness of the scalp. The head is painful to touch externally, as if suppurated (after twenty-four hours). Drawing and stitches in the scalp.


Objective. Sunken eyes (after eleven days). Puffiness about the eyes, in the morning on waking (third day). Redness of the white of the eye. Yellowness about the eyes, with red cheeks. Eyes very red, without agglutination. Yellow, sickly look below the eyes, in the morning after rising, and a relaxed sensation (after nine days). Acrid moisture in the eyes. Agglutination of the right eye over night. Difficulty in opening the eyes and raising the upper lid, in the morning. Difficulty in opening the eyes in the morning. Conjunctivitis of the left eye. Sensation as if the eyes were full of tears. Subjective. The eyes are weak, and hurt as if weary. Constrictive pain externally above the left eye.

Constrictive pain in the left eye. Stickiness in the eyes as from hardened matter. Sensations if the right eye were compressed (first day). Sensation as though cobwebs were floating before the eyes by the candlelight, disappearing on closing the eyes or on moving them. Drawing pain above the left eye. Constant twitching below the right eye after dinner. Violent drawing pains in the eyes. Pressure like sand, in the outer canthi. Pressure in the eyes like pressure upon an ulcer. Pressure in the eyes as from a grain of sand. Pressure in the eyes as from looking at the sun; there is an accumulation of hardened mucus, and the eyes become red and itch. Pressure in the eyelids, in the evening. Pressure and smarting in the left eye (sixth day). Burning in the eyes and in the left temple. Burning in the eyes during the menses. Biting in the eyes. Pinching pain in the eyes. Itching and pressure in the eyes. Stitches in the eyes (also on the sixth day). A stitch near the left eyeball, extending to the inner canthus, externally (after eleven hours). Stitches in the right eye and left ear, coming out of the head, whereupon inflammation of the eyes; the white of the eye becomes very red; in the open air he cannot see.

Stitches over the left eye. Stitches over the eyes daily, in the morning, lasting half an hour. Lid. Dryness beneath the upper lids. Trembling of the right lid. Swelling of the eyelids.

Swelling of the upper lid and in itching pimple upon it. Periodic pressure on the inner surface of the lids, especially on the lower, with great sensitiveness of the eyes to light, and blinking. Burning in the eyelids, in the morning. Dry mucus in the canthi. Itching in the inner canthus. Lachrymal Apparatus.

Lachrymation of the eyes very much increased by reading, with pains in them. Frequent lachrymation. Lachrymation and itching in the eyes. Lachrymation of the right eye in the open mild air.

Cornea. Dark spots in the cornea. Pupils. Pupils dilated. Vision.

Dimness of vision (after several days). His vision becomes dim and the eyes become dark for an hour. The vision becomes dim and objects become dark; he sees no more, and believes that there is an obscuration of the sun or that he is becoming blind (after two hours). Double vision of horizontal objects at some distance.

Obscuration of the eyes while reading. She can clearly distinguish nothing at night, and everything seems double.

Sensitiveness of the eyes to the light. Short-sighted; he could not clearly distinguish objects even at a short distance.

Shortsighted; objects at a moderate distance were indistinct. He was obliged to stop reading in the twilight sooner than usual.

While reading he sees a green spot before every letter. The eyes become blinded by the daylight as usually in the evening by the candlelight. He becomes suddenly blind in the open air, with a confused feeling in the head; his thoughts go hither and thither, and he becomes faint for a few minutes (after thirty-nine days).

Some black spots before the eyes. A gray spot at some distance before the eye, that prevented distinct vision. Sparks of fire before the eyes; it became black before the vision; he could distinguish nothing for an hour; four attacks during the day. The halo about the candlelight increases. A transient veil before the right eye. A fog before the eyes on looking at anything. On looking intently at anything he seems to be blinded; it seems too dark.


Objective. Soreness behind the left ear (eleventh day). Redness, suppuration, and violent itching behind the left ear. Swelling of the glands behind and beneath the left ear, with sticking and tearing in them extending along through the ear, at 6 P.M., lasting till she became warm in bed. Subjective. Aching in the ears. Stick like earache. Sensation of dryness in the ears, that are swollen (after six days). Sensation of stoppage of the ear, preceded by aching in it. Pain as if the drum were pressed inward (after twelve hours). Pain in the left ear as if it were distended. Pain in the ear as if something in it would burst.

Cramp like pain in the ears (after twenty-four hours). A sudden closure of the right ear, as if stone deaf, for a short time.

Tearing now in the right, now in the left tragus. Jerking within the meatus auditorius (after six days). Drawing in the right ear and right cheek. Drawing in the meatus externus auditorius (after four hours). Throbbing in the drum of the ear. Stitches in the right ear on pressing on the forehead. Stitches in the right ear and roaring in it for three days (after twelve days). Itching heat in the ears (after five days). Itching in the ears. Hearing.

Hearing seems blunted; she cannot easily understand what is said.

She hears with difficulty (after five days). Re-echoing of her own voice in the ears. Roaring in the ears. Roaring in the ears, with difficult hearing, lasting fourteen days (after fourteen days). Roaring in the left ear (after sixteen days). Cracking in the ear when chewing (breakfast). Sudden noise like the spitting of a cat in the left ear, for several minutes, in the afternoon.

Some loud reports in the ears (after a few days). Humming in the ears as if water were in them.


Objective. Ulcerated nostril, sore nose. Redness of the tip of the nose, and scabby vesicles upon it. Soreness and scabbiness within the nose. Profuse fluent coryza (after second day).

Violent fluent coryza, preceded by sneezing and chilliness (thirty-first day). Violent coryza, with some cough (after forty- eight hours). Profuse fluent coryza, with tearing in all the limbs, lasting only one day (fourth day). Coryza, with water brash. Violent coryza, with headache (after four days). Violent stopped coryza, without discharge. Violent coryza, with swelling of the nose and upper lip, and cough, especially at night. Fluent coryza, with some itching in the nose (second day). Coryza, with headache and dry cough. Coryza, with a feeling of soreness in the nostrils. Coryza and cough (after nine days). Soreness and bleeding within the nose, with violent coryza. Inclination to coryza (for many days). Stopped coryza (after a few days).

Violent stopped coryza at night, lasting till morning (after sixteen hours). Stopped coryza, with stoppage of the nose; the nasal mucus is only discharged from the mouth through the choanae. Stopped coryza, with dryness of the throat and nose, with swollen inflamed aloe of the nose (after five days). Violent fluent and at the same time stopped coryza, with difficult breathing, even through the mouth, with stitches in the throat on empty swallowing and on swallowing food. Profuse nosebleed (after twenty-four hours). Profuse nosebleed, in the morning. Bleeding of the nose from weeping. Nosebleed at night. Blowing of blood from the nose, in the morning. Discharge of black blood from the nose. Acrid water runs from the nose at night. Discharge of much nasal mucus. Discharge of thick nasal mucus corroding the nostrils. Offensive yellow matter is blown from the nose.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.