Nitricum Acidum

Dryness superiorly on the palate. Dryness and scraping in the mouth in the morning, as after much smoking. Acidity in the mouth that burns the throat excessively. Acidity in the mouth after eating. Sensation as if all parts of the mouth were asleep (twenty- ninth day). All parts within the mouth seem stiff and swollen, in the morning on waking. Constrictive sensation in the mouth. Mouth sorer (sixth day); mouth so troublesome that I shall take no more acid (seventh day). Burning in the mouth intense through the night. Saliva. Salivation (first four or five days).

Profuse flow of saliva (thirteenth day). Bloody saliva is expectorated, in the morning (after forty-eight hours). Sweetish saliva in the mouth. Flow of saliva, without disorder of the gum.

The mouth was constantly full of water, which she was obliged to spit out (after a few hours). Flow of saliva, with ulcers in the fauces. Saliva colored with blood, especially after mental work.

Spit more (fifth and sixth days). He spits out much tenacious saliva. Taste. Pure water has a salt taste when rinsing the mouth. Taste of blood, caused by the cough. Sour taste in the mouth (after a few hours). Sour taste in the mouth, in the evening. Sour taste, in the morning. Bitter taste, in the afternoon. Bitter taste, with whitish-yellow coated tongue (after twenty-four hours). Very bitter taste, all the forenoon.

Bitterness in the mouth. Sweetish taste in the mouth, in the morning (after thirteen days).


Heat and dryness in the throat. Much mucus in the throat posteriorly. Swelling of the throat internally, with stinging pains. Violent pains in the throat and dysphagia. Great pain all about the throat, from the front of which leech bites were bleeding; on lateral compressure of the larynx, additional pain was felt. Violent pain in a spot behind the suprasternal notch, greatly aggravated by drinking water. Pain in the throat and larynx (after half an hour). Sore throat on swallowing, as from a swelling in the throat, and as if raw and ulcerated. Feeling of soreness in the throat. Throat sore for a week, and he could swallow nothing but milk. Sore throat, with pressive pain. Throat scraped, as if something prevented speech and swallowing.

Scraping in the throat and cough. Scraping in the throat.

Scraping in the throat, and inclination to cough on reading aloud. Throat rough like a file, noticed not on swallowing but on breathing, with oppression of the chest and fluent coryza. Throat very rough, scraped, and dry. Bitterness in the throat. Pressure in the throat as if swollen and thick, during the day and evening, with sore pain. Pressure in the throat posteriorly on swallowing food, seeming to extend down along the inner surface of the back. Burning heat in the throat and epigastrium, immediately; this pain augmented rapidly. Burning in the throat after supper, lasting half an hour. Sticking in the throat, in the evening in bed, as if in the root of the tongue, when not swallowing. Feeling of a lump in the throat on empty swallowing.

Sticking, painful sore throat. Tickling cough, with soreness in the throat. Stitches in the throat, after talking a long time.

Stitches in the throat when coughing. Stitches in the throat (larynx?) on talking a long time. Stitches in the tonsils and burning in the fauces, behind the uvula. Tickling in the throat.

Acidity in the throat. Great acidity in the throat after eating fat. Region of the hyoid bone and of the pit of the throat very painful (third day). Cracking in the maxillary articulation when chewing and eating. Swelling of the submaxillary glands. The swollen submaxillary glands are painful on moving and touching the neck. The right submaxillary gland is painful for a long time. The submaxillary glands are painful. A persistent stitch in the region of the maxillary articulation. Dull swollen parotid glands (after three days). Uvula and Tonsils. Corroding ulcers on the side of the uvula. (* In a case of secondary syphilis, while the acid was being taken for ulceration of the tonsils.-HUGHES.*) Uvula and tonsils enlarged, as if oedematous. Tonsils oedematous (after half an hour). Swelling of the tonsils. (* With salivation.-HUGHES. *) White patches appeared, first on the tonsils, then on the back part of the throat, and finally inside the mouth and lips (within an hour); the deposit afterwards became thicker and changed to a yellowish hue; the tongue was also coated with the same, with red tip and margins. Arch of the palate and tonsils swollen, painful, with injected vessels. Pain in the tonsils, with soreness of the uvula. Fauces, Pharynx, and Oesophagus. Fauces red, with a yellow membrane and with some excoriations (third day). Fauces and posterior pharynx red, swallowing difficult. Sore pain in the pharynx (after ten days). A morsel sticks in the pharynx while eating, as if the pharynx were constricted. Violent pains in the oesophagus. Pain along the oesophagus, excessively aggravated by swallowing. Feeling of a know rising up in the oesophagus. Swallowing. Great difficulty in swallowing, which could only be performed in gulps, part of the fluid regurgitating through both nostrils, owing to constriction of oesophagus (twenty-first day); a small bougie was passed with difficulty into the oesophagus, which presented a stricture at the depth of about two inches; from this time a bougie was passed on alternate days (thirtieth day); discharged with some constriction about oesophagus, but otherwise in fair health (one hundred and tenth day). Swallowing very difficult. Pain on swallowing; always referred to a line passing from top of sternum downwards to the stomach at point corresponding to the upper edge of sternum (after four weeks). Violent pain on swallowing.

Swallowing very difficult, possible for only liquids. Swallowing difficult (third day). He was unable to swallow even a teaspoonful of fluid. He swallowed with pain, and spoke of throbbing in the tonsils and stiffness in the muscles of the throat. Sensation of swelling in the submaxillary glands.

Pressure in the throat on swallowing food, as if it would not go down. While eating, small pieces of food are forced into the choanae, and come from behind forward out towards the nose, as if the pharynx could not perfectly grasp the food and allowed it to slip back, so that it became pressed up towards the choanae.

While eating, small pieces of food are forced into the choanae, with a disagreeable sensation; they are afterwards only drawn downward with the mucus.


Appetite. Ravenous hunger. Great hunger, with weariness of life (after two days). A craving for food existed, but everything was rejected soon after being swallowed. Constant appetite, though speedy satiety on eating. Good appetite, that immediately vanishes when beginning to eat. Had a second breakfast, feeling hungry and thirsty (second morning). Longing for food, though it was immediately vomited (after three weeks). Desire for fat and herring. She cannot take bread; she can eat only cooked food.

Loss of appetite; the food is not relished; worse in the morning. He has no appetite; he is averse to everything. Very little appetite, without bad taste. Food is not relished; he is immediately satiated, with eructations after a little food.

Absolutely no hunger; however, she eats, but soon becomes qualmish, and a distant nausea rises toward the throat. Aversion to sweets. Aversion to cooked meat. Aversion to animal food.

Taste of the food lasting a long time after eating. Thirst.

Excessive thirst (third day). Constant great thirst. Much thirst at times at night. Thirst at night (after thirteen days). Much longing for drink. Thirst for water, in the morning on waking.

Thirst (first four or five days). Dryness low down posteriorly in the throat, with heat at night, without sweat. Great dryness of the mouth, with great thirst. Was obliged to drink while eating.

Eructations and Hiccough. Many eructations before and after eating. Eructations tasting of the dinner eaten four hours previously. Violent eructations and cramps in the stomach the first half of the night. Excessive eructations and flatulence after dinner. Many eructations, with bitter and sour vomiting, after eating. Very easy eructations, with heartburn. Eructations followed by burning (heartburn), extending from the stomach to the throat, after eating. Bilious eructations while eating, especially in the evening. Eructations of partially digested food, with an insipid taste in the mouth. Sour eructations. Empty eructations, even in the morning, fasting. Empty eructations almost immediately. Violent hiccough (third day). Hiccough from morning till evening (fourth day). Hiccough (third day). Nausea and Vomiting. Incessant nausea that amounts to vomiting. Constant nausea and qualmishness the whole day, for several days in succession, with heat from the pit of the stomach to the pit of the throat; the nausea does not amount to retching; it is suppressed while eating and drinking, for both of which she has appetite. Nausea, general sick feeling, and movements of the whole body, as after taking an emetic. Within a few minutes a deadly and intolerable nausea came on, which, within a quarter of an hour, ended in vomiting; after this he felt better for some time, when pain, griping, and flatus succeeded, and about fifteen hours after taking the dose tenesmus and bloody stools followed.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.