Nitricum Acidum

Flushes of heat in the cheeks, with thirst, afterwards in the evening very sleepy. Flushing heat from time to time. Flushes of heat and nausea, in the evening, before going to bed. Flushes of heat several times during the day. Heat and thirst, with scanty turbid urine. Paroxysms of flushes of heat, with moisture of the hands, frequently during the day. Flushes of heat in the cheeks, without thirst (after thirty hours). Heat over the whole body frequently woke her at night, without perspiration, with excessive thirst, caused by dryness very low down in the throat; she was frequently obliged to toss about the bed; the thirst lasted twenty hours. Constant sensation of heat over the whole body, without thirst; she could scarcely tolerate any covering, only in a cool room, day and night. At first dry heat, afterwards violent chill, in the morning, in bed. The blood seemed hot at night, especially in the hands; she could not sleep on account of it. Much heat and pain in the head, with vertigo, on walking (after six days). Heat of the skin. Internal dry heat, with thirst and febrile weakness. Dry heat over the whole body (after five days). Heat in the evening, especially on the feet. Dry heat, at night (after eight days). Alternately feverish, cold hands, with heat of the head. The room that is not warm seems too hot. Always and agreeable sense of heat after drinking the acid (fifth day). Easily becomes heated during warm weather, and after slight exertion. It often seems to him like heat about the head.

Frequent heat in the face and hands, with much weakness of the limbs. Heat in the face, and coldness in the rest of the body.

Heat and redness of the face, after eating. Heat of the face, in the morning, on waking, and inclination to perspire. Heat of the face, in the afternoon. Great heat of the face, in the evening, with icy-cold hands, without thirst (after three days). Great heat of the face, in the evening, with tremulousness. Heat of the face, in the evening. Heat in the eyes, small of the back, and great anxiety. Heat in the left wrist and palm of the hand. Much heat, at night, especially in the thighs. Sweat. Sweat all over, after eating (in the morning and at noon), (after five days).

Offensive perspiration, for several nights. Inclined to perspire and take cold. Perspiration, with cold hands and blue nails.

Perspiration while walking in the open air, followed by headache and nausea. Perspiration, in the morning. Perspiration sour, very offensive, like horses urine. Perspiration increased and offensive during physical exertion. It restores the suppressed perspiration of the feet (secondary action). Sour night sweat, for several nights. Night sweat immediately on covering herself in bed. Perspiration at night. Night sweat during sleep. Night sweats for twenty days in succession (after ten days). Night sweat only on the parts upon which she is lying. Night sweat, during which he woke with pleasant thoughts. Night sweat, every night. Night sweat, profuse, every other night. Night sweat, mostly on the feet. Night sweat on the chest. The head perspires very easily. Frequent perspiration on the forehead. Sweat on the forehead, which eating. Sweat of the face and body (with the cough). Sweat on the nape of the neck. The perspiration in the axilla is offensive, of a strong odor (after four days). Hot sweat on the palms of the hands, with heat and redness of the face. Sweaty hands. Profuse perspiration on the soles, causing soreness of the toes and balls of the feet, with sticking pain as if he were walking on pins. Perspiration of the feet, even cold.

Sweat on the left foot (sixth day).


Aggravation (Morning), On waking, throbbing headache in right temple, with nausea; pressure in forehead; stitches over the eyes; swelling of fingers; distension of abdomen; face hot; in bed, dry heat; violent chill; hacking cough; bloody expectoration; thirst for water; rattling in trachea; sick feeling; chilliness; erections; pain in urethra; tearing in right foot; pressure in chest; hands asleep; on rising, vertigo; weakness and nausea; vertigo, with obscuration; ill-humored; fretful; perspiration; exhaustion; gnawing in stomach; on waking, mouth stiff and sore; on waking, pressure in stomach and back; pressure in forehead; nosebleed; blowing of blood from nose; burning in eyelids; tension in skin of face; stoppage of nose; heaviness of limbs and joints; stitches in left chest, with difficult respiration; cramp in calves; pressive pain in right chest; paroxysms of headache; tightness of breath; emission of flatus; in bed, cutting colic; after rising, violent flatulent colic; yellow, sickly look below eye; after stool, griping in abdomen; bloody saliva; mouth dry; tongue dry, coated; difficulty in opening eyes; puffiness about eyes; loss of appetite; sweetish taste; sour taste.

(Morning and evening), Sneezing. (Forenoon), Shivering; stitches through lungs. (Toward noon), Weakness; cold feet and lower extremities; bitter taste.

(Afternoon), Throbbing headache in left side of head; sticking pain in upper part of head; compressive headache in forehead; face hot; chilliness; weakness; hollow of knee tense; impatient; sleepiness; bitter taste.

(Toward evening), Flushes of heat; itching in pudenda; drawing pains in hands and small of back.

(Evening), Face hot, tremulous; pressure in eyelids; sensitiveness of scalp; stitches in right side of occiput; boring stitches in vertex; sticking headache in left frontal eminence; stitches in left temple; jerking in head; jerking toothache; throbbing toothache; pressure in eyelids; weakness of lower jaw; disagreeable odor from nose; in bed, sticking in throat; sour taste; dry, hacking cough; after lying down, stitches in right breast; stitches in rectum; flushes of heat and nausea; flushes of heat in cheek, with thirst; weakness of lower extremities; in bed, appearance of images, chilliness and shivering; sleepiness; in bed, palpitation; internal chills; external warmth; pressive drawing in lower extremities; feet hot; in bed, burning beneath nail of great toe; drawing in thighs; in bed, hacking cough; smarting in anus; after lying down, erections; vertigo; anxiety tremulous; weary; depression.

(Night), While sleeping, head heavy and oppressed, headache; on rising; vertigo, skin cold; drawing, grumbling, sticking, and burning in teeth; stopped coryza; violent coryza; acrid water from nose; nosebleed; rush of blood to chest and heart; stitches in heart; heat; thirst; during sleep, pain in stomach; pressure in stomach; eructations and cramp in stomach; griping colic; uneasiness in abdomen; cramp in abdomen; blood hot in hands; sticking in thigh; heat in thigh; tearing in knees; cramp in calves; feet and legs cold; tearing in lower extremities; dead feeling in left to knee; feet weary; violent erections; emissions; restlessness; frequent waking; anxious dreams; peevish dreams; fantasies; dry heat; anxiety; desire to urinate; on rising, vertigo;

(Midnight), Toothache.

(After midnight), Violent cough; epileptic attack.

(Cold air), Deadness of fingers.

(Open air), Confusion of the head; suddenly blinded; lachrymation of right eye.

(Falling asleep), Paralytic drawing in first joint of thumb and in hand; oppression.

(Ascending steps), Loss of breath; palpitation; anxiety.

(During breakfast), Stitches in left side of occiput.

(Bending backward), Tightness of chest.

(Chewing), Cracking in ear; looseness and painfulness of teeth.

(After coition), Drawing pain in small of back, spine, and thighs.

(Coughing), Pressure in head; pain in chest; stomach, and hypochondria; nausea; vomiting; anxiety; stitches in rectum; stitches in throat and small of back.

(Covering in bed), Night sweat.

(After dinner), Twitching in right eye; vomiting; headache; knee and elbow relaxed; chilliness; paleness; tongue coated.

(Drinking), Acid, sense of heat; pain behind suprasternal notch; persistent vomiting; griping in abdomen.

(Eating), Head perspires.

(After eating), Heat and redness of face; headache; crawling in larynx; hacking cough; sore pain in chest; coldness and pressure in stomach, nausea; eructations; acidity in mouth, throat; vomiting; rumbling and gurgling in abdomen; anxiety; in evening, bilious eructations; cracking in maxillary articulation; sweat; salt, burning in chest.

(Exertion), Palpitation; perspiration offensive; heat.

(Grasping), Cramp pain in hands; stiff pain in left hand.

(Inspiration), Spasmodic pain in chest and back; whistling in chest.

(Lying down), Weakness of lower extremities.

(Manual labor), Spasmodic jerking in dorsal muscles.

(Appearance of menses), Cramp pains in lower abdomen; pains in small of back.

(Before menses), Bruised pain in limbs.

(During menses), Burning in eye; swelling of gums; toothache; pressure in the hepatic region; pressure in abdomen; violent pain, dragging in lower abdomen; weakness; contraction toward genitals.

(Motion), Externally bruised pain in forearm; tearing in arm; stitches in hepatic region; sticking in region of spleen; nausea; faintness; anxiety.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.