Oxalicum Acidum

Oxalicum Acidum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Oxalic acid, C2H2O4.

Preparation: Triturations.


Emotional. Somewhat delirious (second evening). Delirious, with paroxysms of violent struggling (third day). He became delirious, an in his delirium got out of bed alone (third day). Delirious at times (sixth day). Delirious, and soon after expired (eighth day). Delirium (ninth and tenth days). Appeared like an insane person. Great cerebral excitement, with dry coldness of the surface, an imperceptible pulse. Nervous an vascular excitement, as from alcohol, constituting a feeling of hilarity, and the pulse one-third more frequent than usual, and tense. General excitement, in the evening. Hallucination (tenth night). Starts violently when the door slams; rather external than internal starting. Great cheerfulness of the mind; quicker in thought and action. The whole forenoon unusual vivacity and power of concentration, which is still more decided in the afternoon.

Great increase of animation through the day, with playfulness and mirthfulness, which of late years has not been natural to him (first, second and third days). General exhilaration of the mind (third day). He feels more composed than usual, and very much exhilarated. Hilarity and cheerfulness. Philoprogenitiveness, (?) greater love of his children, in one in whom this feeling was always predominating; a decidedly expressed and clearly distinguishable symptom, it being not traceable to any other cause. Taciturn. Manner rapid and nervous. Peculiar quickness of manner (after six hours). Heaviness of manner (after seven days).

Occasional agitation of manner (after three days). Violently agitated with fear. (Remarkably ill-humored, in the afternoon and evening). Anxiety and apprehension, with vertigo and headache (third an fourth days). Great distress an fear of death.

Distressed and anxious (fourth day){30). Moaning. Intellectual.

Unusual power of concentration of the mind. Greater presence of mind; the relations of the world seem to be clearer to him.

Seems, in its primary action, to diminish the power of concentrating his ideas, and afterwards to increase it. The power of concentration of mind disappears while reading; is obliged to read a sentence three or four times before he can comprehend what he has read (after three hours). In the morning, power of meditation very difficult and low; is hardly able to answer questions (second day). Disinclined to work (fifth day).

Disinclination to work, irritable mood (second day).

Disinclination to conversation. Aversion to talking, with a feeling of fullness in the face an excitement (first day). Stupor (tenth day). Patient, stupid, depressed. Fell to the floor and appeared stupid; the other women lifted her on the bed; she seemed partly roused, and tried to second their efforts; she then became insensible, an soon died. Stupefaction. Very little consciousness. Loss of consciousness for eight hours (from 2 drachms). Unconscious a few minutes before death. Insensibility.

Insensibility, and in less than an hour after taking the draught death ensued.


Vertigo. Vertigo`. Vertigo, in the morning (fourth day). Vertigo, in the morning, with anxiety and headache (third day); still worse (fourth day). Vertigo, in the morning, with weariness an thirst (third day). Vertigo, as if he would fall down, when looking our of the window, in the evening. On lying down, vertigo, like a swimming, towards the left side. A kind of vertigo always, on rising fro a seat, without whirling, like a vanishing of sense, in the upper and internal part of the head (second to fourth days). Giddy directly; (after one hour); the whole day. General Head. Apoplexy. Head troubles him very much (eight day). Headache (twenty-four hours after 2 scruples); (second day). Dull headache (next day, after 2d trit.). Violent pulsating headache, in the evening after wine (fifth day). Pain, pressing, inwardly between the vertex and occiput, on a spot not larger than a dollar, on the middle line (after a quarter of an hour). Violent pain in head (third day). Violent pain in the head, especially in the forehead, with dulness, after exerting the mind (seventh day). Pains in small spots in the head, very violent and sensitive to touch. Dulness of the head, with pressure, as if the head were compressed from both sides, above and behind the ears, by a screw, preceding and accompanying the stool (second day). Emptiness in the head, sensation of faintness, as if all the blood had left the brain, with anxiety.

A very peculiar lightness while walking, like a flying forward, though dependent on weakness (first an second days). Forehead.

Headache extending from the frontal eminence laterally towards the temporal region; followed by closing of the eyes, so that she wished to sleep (fourth an fifth days). Intense frontal headache.

Pressive headache in the forehead (third day). Pain in the forehead and eyes, as in the beginning of coryza (second and third days). Woke in the morning with pain in the frontal region, that disappeared after copious stool, about 11 A.M. (tenth day).

Headache in the left frontal region, in the morning, on waking (fourteenth day). Sharp pains in the forehead and vertex, with a feeling of lightness; the pain is more acute over the left eye and in the left temple (soon). Continual dull pain in the forehead and vertex. Dull pains, with occasional sharp pains forehead. (Removes immediately a dulness in the forehead, to which he was frequently subject in the morning). Pressure in the forehead, in the forenoon, on rising (third day). Heaviness in the forehead and vertex (in the morning, after taking the acid in the evening). Fullness in the forehead, above the eyes. Throbbing pain in the forehead (after two, and three hours). Temple and Vertex. Painful pressure in the right temple (confined to a small spot); the pain is left jerking, sliding; soon after the same sensation in the hollow of the left knee. Pains in the temples.

Pain in the left temple, extending as far as the lower jaw (after one hour and a half). Jerking in the left temple. Dull headache in the vertex; (from one-tenth); Pain in the vertex, very soon.

Parietals and Occiput. One-sided headache, a cutting from the right side of the forehead, behind the ear, down to the insertion of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (third day). Pain along the base of the occipital bone, returning several times, during the first two days.


Eyes sunken, surrounded by blue rings, in the forenoon; succeeding a violent diarrhoea, in the morning (third day).

Sunken eyes (after one hour). Eyes glassy. Presses the eyelids together (fourth day). Corrugated eyebrows. Very violent pain within the left eye, in a short narrow streak (after a few hours). Violent gnawing pain and sensation of soreness in the eyes and orbital regions, with dull headache. Sensation as if sand were in the left eye, without inflammation, in the evening (second day). Pressure in the upper part of the eyes, during walking. Eyes weak, with general sick feeling (second day). Lid.

Dry mucus in the margins of the lids, in the morning, which could be removed only in small granules (seventh day). Eyelids closed (after one hour and a quarter). Biting in the left inner canthus (seventh day). Conjunctiva. Conjunctiva dusky; distinct arcus senilis at the upper part of both eyes. Ball. Pain in both eyeballs, but worse in the left one. Eyeballs prominent. Pupils.

Pupils very much contracted; insensible. Pupils greatly contracted. Vision. Small objects at a short distance seem larger than natural, as at the first look he thought they were at a greater distance than they really were; lines and hairs a few inches from the eyes seemed as large as straws (in a myopic person).


Pressure behind the ears, preceding and accompanying the stool (second day). Fine stitches in the left ear, in the evening. In the afternoon, occasionally a pain in the depth of the ear, as if the Eustachian tube, near the throat; worse on the right side. A kind of slight blowing noise in the left ear.


Dilated alae nasi. A vesicle in the right nostril, in morning on rising, with stitches and pain on touch; the wings of the nose are swollen, at times more on the right side, at other times more on the left, every two or three days for two weeks. Sneezing, with chilliness, in the evening after tea. Watery running from the nose, with sneezing. Stoppage of the nose. Pain in the nose (second day). The nose is very painful, in the evening, extending from the tip towards the right side; a sticking-burning pain, with swelling and shiny redness (eleventh day); still swollen, but not so painful (twelfth day); less (thirteenth day).

Lancinating stitches through the right nostril, on inspiring through the nose (eleventh day).


Objective. Twitching of muscles of face. Face, lips, throat, and tongue swollen and livid. Face sunken (eight day); hippocratic (ninth day). Countenance hippocratic. Red face, with shaking chill, in the evening. The face is redder than usual. Face flushed (third day). Countenance gradually assumed a darker tinge. Face pale, lip blue. Face and lips blue (second day). Look yellow, pale, eyes sunken (fifth day). Pale look and no appetite, at noon (fourth day). Expression pale, eyes sunken, with nausea (fourth day). Face pale. Face pale and livid. Pallid countenance (after one hour). Face extremely pallid (after four hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.