Oxalicum Acidum


Hypochondria. Bruised pain in the left hypochondrium, after lying down, lasting half an hour. For half an hour after retiring, a continued pain in the left hypochondrium. A sticking pain in the left hypochondrium (after three hours). Pain between hypochondrium and navel, on the left side, like a development of flatulency (after half an hour). Umbilicus and Sides. Colic pain around the umbilicus, and in the right iliac region, coming on by paroxysms. Colic like pains in and around the navel, every day.

Colic about the umbilicus, with difficult emission of flatus.

Slight sticking pain in the umbilical region, in the evening.

Distressed feeling around the navel, and through the whole abdomen, with a sensation of great weakness in the latter (second day). Colic like pains in the umbilical region, with painful pressing downwards towards the anus, and flatulent troubles. Pain about the umbilicus and emission of flatus, at night. Sensation of soreness of touching, all around the navel. Pain round the navel, like colic repeatedly, but always after the symptoms in the head. Pain in the region of the navel, with emission of flatus, in the night. Pain in region of navel, with painful pressing down towards the anus and flatus. Dull aching pain in the right side of the abdomen, the whole afternoon, on a small spot. Pain like a cramp, a little to the left of the umbilicus, and several minutes after, colic pain in the right iliac region; eructations of tasteless wind, several times (5 P.M., first day).

General Abdomen. Much rumbling and rolling in the bowels, as from water, without pain, in the evening (third day). Rumbling in the abdomen (fifth and sixth days); immediately after dinner (third day). Constant rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, in the afternoon (second day). Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, especially in the left side, followed by diarrhoea, and afterwards nausea, after taking coffee, at breakfast (fourth day). The whole evening, rumbling in the bowels, with pressing downwards. Abdomen very tender (third day). Abdomen distended by flatus (eight and ninth days). Frequent emission of flatus (fifteen day). Much offensive flatus (sixth day). Much emission of flatus (fifth day). Much flatulent movement in the abdomen, day and night (seventh day). Great flatulency the whole day, with expulsion of wind downwards; swelling of the abdomen, with dull colic-like pains at intervals in and around the umbilicus, but worse in the right iliac region; itching at the anus, with a crawling sensation, as if from worms, and which was relieved by rubbing the parts for several minutes; it returned several times during the night. Emission of flatus and eructations. Difficult emission of flatus, in the evening (first day); difficult pressing out, in the morning (second day). Difficult discharge of flatus. Flatulent colic, as if he had eaten unripe fruit, on waking up at night, below the navel, which is increased by movement after getting up; the pain diminishes during rest and returns periodically (the night after taking it); in the morning, after breakfast, on walking about, the same pain returns, gets better about 9 o’clock, and disappears entirely, at 12 o’clock.

Colic and diarrhoea. Very sick, with colic and urging to stool, so that he drank a glass of wine; this was followed by painful dullness of the head, in the evening (second day). Violent colic, so that he cried aloud, immediately after rising, in the morning, followed by very copious diarrhoea, that was afterwards repeated (third day). Very violent colic, as if diarrhoea would occur (seventeen day). Violent symptoms of irritation in the alimentary canal (after 2 drachms). Cutting in the abdomen woke her, at 5 A.M.; it returned periodically during the whole day; also chilliness, alternating with heat (fourth day); the same cutting reappeared the next morning. Cutting in the abdomen, in the forenoon, after a thin stool in the morning. Griping in the abdomen (after eight hours); (after six hours); (after one hour).

Griping pain in belly, which drew her up double. Pain on pressure over the abdomen (third day). Severe pain in the bowels, and frequent inclination to stool (in a patient who lived thirteen hours after swallowing the liquid). Pain in the abdomen (six hours after 1/2 ounce, diluted in water). Violent pain over the whole abdomen; (second day). Dull aching pain in the abdomen, worse around the umbilicus. Pain in the abdomen, at night, as if diarrhoea would occur (second night). Burning and pain in the abdomen. Sensation of soreness in the abdomen. Distressed feeling and great weakness in the whole abdomen, with flatulent colic.

Sensation as of diarrhoea in the abdomen. Unpleasant scraping in the abdomen about the umbilicus, with a sensation as if a stool would occur, which did not (twelfth day). Violent stitches in the whole abdomen, extending to the region of the spleen, was then obliged to take a deep breath, whereupon it disappeared (third day). Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Pain in the descending colon, followed by a free evacuation of mushy stool, in the evening (after one hour); a similar pain returned the second evening. Constrictive pain in the descending colon, in the evening, after supper, with violently cutting colic like pains in the abdomen, with constant desire for stool, and pains, lasting the whole evening (second day). Coarse rumbling in the right groin, in the caecum, and noises of flatus after a stool (second day). Violent pain, in a small spot, very deep internally above the right ilium, towards the side, when yawning, breathing, and also in different postures (third day). Sharp and constant pain in the left iliac region. On sitting down after a walk, violent effort to discharge flatus (as from a small spot on the left iliac region); sensation as if he part would burst.

Rectum and Anus.

Burning in the rectum, during the night (twentieth day). Violent tenesmus in the upper part of the rectum, in the morning, on rising not like diarrhoea, but in a long and narrow streak, extending downward in the right side of the rectum, very painful, and similar to cutting pain in the right side of the rectum; after the stool there remains an undefined sensation in the anus for half an hour (second day). Pressure towards the anus (fifth day). In the evening a slight pinching from flatus, near the anus. Frequent pains in the anus, disturbing sleep, at night (twenty-first day). In the anus a dull slow stitch, often returning. Repeated, but ineffectual, effort for stool; tenesmus constant (twentieth day). Ineffectual desire for stool (twenty- second day). Desire for stool, in the morning, on lying down, with desire to urinate (an hour after taking milk), (second day).


Diarrhoea. Violent purging; directly. Purged violently and passed blood in the stool (after one hour). Purging (after one hour); the faeces of a natural color (after ten minutes). Feeling of diarrhoea immediately after drinking coffee. Had excessive catharsis, and was evidently suffering excessive Taormina (after half an hour). Diarrhoea at 7 A.M., and a very copious pasty evacuation, preceded by fine colic, followed by more violent colic, then general sick feeling, desire for stool, and recurrence of the diarrhoea the same forenoon; in the afternoon diarrhoea, with constant desire for stool, and evacuation of the undigested food taken at dinner (second day). Copious diarrhoea, preceded by violent colic, in the morning, after rising; t 9 o’clock, very thin watery diarrhoea, with great weakness and prostration, followed by nausea and tension in the calves; in the afternoon, again diarrhoea (third day). Copious pasty stool, preceded by rumbling in the abdomen and colic (twelfth day).

Scanty pasty stool at 8 A.M., and a copious one, with great urging, at noon (fifteenth day). Very violent diarrhoea-like evacuation at 3 and 7 P.M. (eighteenth day). Constant involuntary discharge of fluid faeces, occasionally mixed with blood. Bowels have been moved three times, and rather relaxed, which is unusual (second day). Three thin pasty discharges, during half an hour, after breakfast; three again at noon; at 8 P.M. another, somewhat harder, with some pressure towards the anus (fifth day); on the next day there were three somewhat hard stools, from morning till noon, without pressure towards the anus. Very watery diarrhoea three times a day (fourth day). Three stools (second night); two of natural color (third day); mixed with blood (fourth day). Two passages of the bowels during the day. Injection produced a free discharge of a green slimy matter (second day); discharge from bowels remained much the same for three days, when it assumed a better appearance. At 6 A.M. was suddenly seized with a distressing feeling in the whole abdomen, followed in several minutes by twisting in and around the umbilicus, with a discharge, in a few minutes, of a small quantity of hard faeces, of a dark-brown-color; in half an hour, again violent pain and bearing down, followed by a loose evacuation, of a muddy-brown color, accompanied by colic pains in the navel; below the navel he felt a bearing down, and griping pains in the anus; the latter were so severe as to produce severe nervous pains through the head, with heat in this organ; after retiring to bed the same pains returned again in five minutes, followed by a copious evacuation of consistent dark muddy-brown faeces; on going to bed the pains invariably returned; he was obliged to sit or stand; is better during motion (had to take Mercurius sol. 2d to be relieved of the pain). Bowels opened at 9 A.M., and again at 4 P.M.; slight colic pain in and around the umbilicus, just before the afternoon evacuation. Stool thin, loamy, on the third day (after there had been no stool on the second day). Stool rather pasty and tenacious; evacuated after longer and greater urging than usual (after the solution). Evacuation pappy, light brown; in the afternoon, again, passage from the bowels pappy, thick, and short; during the passage, violent stitches in the fleshy part of the left thumb, like little quick cuts of a knife; after the passage, a heavy rumbling in the right side of the abdomen (caecum) and noise from flatus (second day). Stools pasty and tenacious, evacuated with great effort; weakness of the limbs and of the whole body. A quantity of mucus was evacuated after the stool (eleventh day). Serous stools, with some streaks of blood and much tenesmus (twentieth day). Stool with bloody mucus and tenesmus (twenty-first day). Blood passed with stools (third day). Dejections contain filaments of whitish matter, similar to the crust on the tongue (tenth day). Constipation. Constipation (in two persons who recovered); (twelfth and thirteenth days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.