Nitricum Acidum

Stoppage of the left nostril. Complete stoppage of the nose, in the morning on waking; trickling of water from it; after a few days it again is open and free. Stoppage of the nose.

Disagreeable odor from the nose, in the evening after lying down, for three evenings. Frequent sneezing, with stoppage of the nose.

Sneezing when coughing. Much sneezing during the day. Much sneezing every day, without coryza. Frequent violent sneezing (after a few hours). Much sneezing, crawling in the nose, and sensation as if the nose would bleed. Violent sneezing, in the morning and evening, without coryza. Subjective. Feeling of soreness in the wings of the nose (after four hours). Feeling of constriction in the nose, malar bones, and about the eyes. As the gas begins to be developed, there is a prickling- tingling sensation in the nose, with frequent sneezing. Sensation of soreness within the nose. Burning in the nose. Smarting pain in the nose. Violent itching in the nose. Stitches as from a splinter in the nose, on touch. Stitches in the root of the nose, that is distended, especially on sneezing and coughing.


Objective. Face pale. Face sunken (after eight days). Countenance of a leaden hue (second morning). The face, jaws and lips become much swollen, not red or inflamed, but simply puffed; the entire face, in fact, was much disfigured (after several days). Redness of the face and body with the cough. Face red. Yellowness of the face. Face flushed. Features daily more worn and anxious (after six weeks). Twitching of one or another muscle of the face, especially of the masseter muscles. Tension in the skin of the face, in the morning. Violent painful pulsation in the left side of the face. Subjective. Violent cramp like pain in the bones of the face, especially in the cheekbones. Violent tearing deep in the muscles of the face or in the periosteum of the malar bone, woke him after midnight. The bones of the face are painful when touched, and when not. Pain about my jaws, like what arises from Mercury (fourth day). Sensation of great internal heat in the face, especially in the eyes, so that he could with difficulty keep them open, with paleness of the face. Stitches, as with needles, in the face. Cheek. Ulcerated spots on the inner surface of the cheeks, with sticking pains as from a splinter. Swelling of the cheek, with a red, rough spot in the middle, and tearing toothache. Swelling of the cheek and upper lip. Inflamed swelling (erysipelas) of the left cheek, stinging pain, with nausea and chilliness, followed by heat; on rising up in bed the shivering always returns (after ten days). Violent pain in the malar bones, as if they would be torn asunder (after ten days). Bruised pain in the malar bones. Drawing in the right cheek, extending towards the nose. Tearing in the cheekbones, starting from the angle of the lower jaw. Sensation of heat in the cheeks, without externally perceptible heat. Lips. The lips are swollen and itch.

Swelling of the lower lip (second and ninth days). As the gas increases in quantity, the lips feel as if covered, and give a very sour taste when touched with the tongue. Cutting pain in the upper lip. Stitches as from splinters in the upper lip when touched. Chin and Jaws. Jerking in the right lower jaw, extending forward from the region of the ear. Great pain, weakness and powerlessness in the lower jaws, in the evening. Pain in the jaws as from Mercury. (* Add “and on the back of the head, the gums being red and enlarged.”-HUGHES. *) Cramp like pain in the right jaw.


Teeth. Looseness and painfulness of the teeth on chewing. The teeth, previously very white, became yellow. The teeth seem too prominent and long. A lower back tooth is painful on chewing.

Sensation of softness (Weichheit) in the teeth, disappearing during a meal. The upper front teeth and a lower hollow back tooth are painful as if loose and blunted, or as if they had been bent forward and were loosened, in the evening, disappearing after eating warm food. Sensation as if the teeth were soft and spongy; did not dare to bite them together for fear they would fall out; on the slightest sucking of the teeth blood exuded from the gum, and the whole mouth felt comfortable (eleventh day).

Sticking toothache, with swelling of the cheek, for two days (after three days). Toothache during the menses. Toothache in the upper row, though not preventing chewing; with swelling of the cheek and tightness in it. Painful throbbing toothache, worse in the evening in bed, preventing sleep for several hours, at times in one tooth, at other times in all the teeth (after twelve hours). Jerking toothache, mostly in hollow teeth, and in the evening (first day). Drawing and sticking toothache, with some swelling of the gum, about midnight. The pains in the teeth immediately became worse on leaning the head against the pillow.

Severe stitches in the upper back teeth, extending down to their crowns (after three hours). A stitch shoots into the teeth on taking anything cold or warm into the mouth. Sticking and burning in the teeth, at night. Constant sticking pain in the teeth (after twenty-four hours). Feeling of coldness in the teeth.

Constrictive jerking and bubbling sensation in a hollow tooth.

Tearing in the teeth (fifteenth day). Boring pains in the teeth when touched by anything cold or warm. Sharp drawing in the right teeth and in the head. Drawing and grumbling in the teeth and jaws, at night. Drawing pain in the teeth, extending to the larynx. Drawing in the teeth. Gums. Swelling of the upper gum; even of the sockets of the teeth (eighth day). Gum white, swollen. Swelling of the upper lip and upper gum (after ten days). Swelling of the gum and so great looseness of the teeth that she could have taken them out (after five days). Swelling of the gum during the menses. I feel my gums affected by it, and they are somewhat red and enlarged between the teeth (third day); a little tender (fourth day). Cutting pain in the gum of the upper teeth. Pressive pain in the gum and a feeling of soreness.

Itching on the gum. Tongue. Tongue swollen, and of a citron appearance. Tongue swollen, and of a lemon-yellow color (after half an hour). Blisters on the tongue and on its margins, with burning pain when touched. A sore pain in the red portion of the tongue. Soreness of the tongue, palate, inside of the gum, with a sticking pain and ulceration of the corners of the mouth, lasting five days (after twenty-eight days). Tongue thickly coated with the paroxysm of fever. Small painful pimples on the sides of the tongue. Small blisters on the sublingual glands, that are painful. Tongue covered with a yellow coating in two stripes, with some red excoriations (third day). Tongue very dry, sticking to the palate, in the morning on waking. Tongue dry, white (after twenty-four hours). The tongue and inner surface of the lips were covered with a lemon-yellow membrane. The tongue and cavity of the mouth had a yellow look, and were denuded in several places.

Tongue coated. Tongue dry, thickly coated in the morning. He bites the tongue when chewing. He lisps while talking. Speech almost impossible (second morning). The tongue is very sensitive, even to soft food, which causes a sharp biting. General Mouth.

Ulcers in the mouth and fauces. (* This symptom seems compounded of ulcers in the throat, which appeared in a man who was taking the acid for syphilitic disease there, and of ulcerations and vesications on the lips and inside the mouth, from the local applications of the drug. Omit “Scott;” no such is found in him.-HUGHES. *) The internal surface of the cheeks, uvula, palate, fauces, and the whole mucous surface as far as one could see, were covered with ulcers, and with a thin yellowish-gray membrane, injected, red, swollen, painful, and offensive. Corners of the mouth ulcerative and scabby. Mucous membrane of the mouth, fauces and tongue covered by a white membrane that could easily be torn off. The whole inside of the mouth and fauces, as far as could be seen, was of a deep yellow color, the tongue looking as if covered with Indian meal (second morning). Whole mouth, from the lips backward, covered with a whitish- yellow membrane. Mouth white but not painful (after twenty-five minutes). Horribly offensive odor from the mouth. (* Not found.-HUGHES. *) Foul odor from the mouth. Hawking of mucus. Very tenacious mucus in the mouth. He could not readily open his mouth when requested to protrude his tongue which he did not do. Deglutition difficult (after twenty-five minutes). Violent pains and burning in the mouth, palate, and oesophagus. Violent pains in the mouth, throat and stomach. Violent pains in the mouth, throat, and epigastric region (immediately). Mouth and throat sore (first four or five days). The mucous membrane of the cheek easily gets between the teeth, so that he bites it while chewing (tenth day). Intense pain and burning in the mouth, throat, and stomach, the inner surface of the mouth and throat being swollen and of a bright-red color. Dryness of the mouth, without thirst, with swollen, hot lips. Dryness of the mouth, in the morning. Dryness of the mouth.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.