Kali bichromicum


Chest painful on deep inspiration. Pain in the left chest, in the region of the seventh rib; next day, the place was sensitive to touch (25th day). Slight pains in chest. Slight pain in right chest, penetrating to back, in evening (9th day). The pains in the thorax become so severe that he is scarcely able to turn over in bed or take a few steps on account of the aggravation of the pains in the muscles and bones, all the latter of which seem to be broken; the next day these pains extend over the whole cervical region, and he is unable to turn the head or move the arm upward without greatly increasing the pains; respiration was very much impeded; these symptoms decreased very much from day to day (fifth day after last dose). Sudden attack of violent burning pain as from a deep knife cut in the center of the chest, so severe that it compels him to throw away everything and to compress the chest firmly with both hand. After remaining quiet for two minutes the pain gradually diminishes, but returns with increased violence on every attempt to go on with his work. It begins on both sides under the clavicle, and extends over the whole chest down to the region of the lower ribs, but is most severe in the center of the chest; the pain is somewhat like the burning felt when walking against a cold wind, but is not only burning but sharply cutting. Deep breathing increases the pain slightly, although the pain forces him to respire deeply. Warmth relieves the pain, without removing it. These pains in the chest keep on till noon, sometimes lasting for a quarter of an hour, then decreasing steadily on taking some warm soup. Tension in the left chest, rather externally, while walking in the evening (17th day). Tightness of the chest. Tightness of the chest, coming from the stomach; fasting in the evening (18th day). Tightness across chest (after two weeks). Feeling of tightness across chest; this tension lasted the whole forenoon but disappeared at noon (84th day). Pressive-pinching sensation in the upper portion of the right lung, which on violent motion increased to a sticking pain; next day, the sticking pain increased to such degree that I was obliged to incline in walking, to the right side, and take short steps, in order to avoid the sticking pain. Dull pain in the region of the clavicle (23rd day). Dull circumscribed pain in right chest, aggravated by inspiration (after 4th dose). Pressure upon the chest, which takes away the breath and causes extreme anxiety, at night (17th night). Pressure on the chest, especially beneath the sternum, frequently in forenoon (121st day) Pressure in a small spot in the upper lobe of the right lung, which afterwards changes to a drawing pain along the whole length of the right chest, internally, lasting half an hour, in the forenoon (99th day). Pain consisting of pressure and sticking in a spot as large as a dollar in the region of the left seventh rib, feeling as if in the costal pleura, in the evening (24th day). Distressing pressure across the chest, with anxiety from time to time (24th day). Pressive pain in the chest, in the region of the heart (93rd day). Violent pressive pain on the chest, as from a hundredweight, awoke him from sleep about midnight, after which he was unable to fall asleep before daybreak (18th day). Oppression of chest,(14th day). Oppression of the chest, especially pressure beneath the sternum (117th day). Oppression and sticking in the lower portion of the chest on deep inspiration (35th day). Oppression and dyspnoea (after two weeks). Great oppression in the chest, especially in the region of the bifurcation of the bronchi, compelling him to take a deep breath with the aid of the pectoral muscles, during the night. Severe sharp pains about the chest (27th, 28Th, and 29th days). Dull sticking on the right side of the border of the thorax, in the hepatic region, aggravated neither by deep inspiration nor by motion, continuing till afternoon when it disappeared (47th day). Sticking pains in the chest, in the evening. Severe stitches beneath one of the pectoralis major muscles, and at another time in one of the intercostal muscles. Transient stitches shooting through the chest, especially in the right side. Frequent fine irregular stitches in the integuments of the chest, unconnected with respiration or palpitation. Soreness of the chest. Dull pain in the whole chest if sore (24th day). Chest somewhat sensitive especially in the region of the nipple, in the evening (97th day). Persistent feeling of dryness and rawness in the lungs, in the evening. Slight transitory pain in middle of lung, on waking at midnight (first hour after second dose). FRONT. Fixed burning pain in the middle of sternum(after fourth dose). Tension in the anterior wall of thorax, at times on deep breathing (56th day). Pressure and burning in the chest, in the forepart, in the region of the fifth and sixth left ribs, feeling as if in the coastal pleura, lasting two hours; in the evening the similar sensation but less severe, on the right side beneath the axilla (55th day). Pressive pain beneath the sternum (56th day). Sudden sticking in the inner surface of the breast bone. Slight stitches in the inner surface of the sternum in the forenoon (109th day). Painful spot somewhat to the right of the center of the breast-bone (14th day); on the next day unpleasant stitches in the same place, lasting three days. A point towards the middle and the left of the sternum painful on pressure (3rd day). SIDES. Constant pain in chest, under the left axilla (4th day) Rheumatic pains between seventh and eight ribs, at their angles on the right side, increased by raising or twisting the body to the left. Tension in the right half of the chest, at the insertion of the pectoral muscles (100th day). Drawing tension and dull pain in the right side of the chest aggravated by going upstairs and by deep breathing. Dull heavy pain in the right side of the chest, passing through to the back, continuing and passing of at intervals of twenty minutes(after one hour, second day); similar tearing pain, but less violent and lasting only a short time(after 3 hours, third day); slight return of pain, in evening(5th day). Aching in the lowest ribs of the right side, lasting two days. Pressive pain in the pectoral muscles beneath both axilla, transient(66th day). Dull pressive pain in the region of the three last true ribs of both sides, aggravated by deep inspiration. Sharp pain in left side, between the hips and last vertebra (after one hour and a half, eight day). A sharp shooting pain in the left side of the chest, that around the navel having disappeared by this time (after six hours, second day). Sticking in the right side of the chest. Acute tearing sticking pain in the whole left side of the chest, extending from the axilla to the flank, rather superficial, feeling as if in the costal pleura, in the morning on waking, lasting half an hour (57th day). Stitches in both sides of the chest (102nd day). Transient superficial stitches in the right side of the chest (70th day). Stitch in the right side (21st day). Acute and severe stitch in the side for a moment (14th day). MAMMAE. Transient pains in right mammae (3rd day). Transient darting pain in the mammae (female). Stitches in the region of the left nipple; after a few hours they disappeared but were renewed on deep inspiration, in the forenoon (74th day).

Heart and Pulse

PRECORDIUM. Dull, cold, heavy pain at cardiac region, with tightness in chest and dyspnoea, (45 drops, third day). Cramp in the region of the heart. Pressive pain in the heart, with a peculiar aching in it (13th day). Pressive pain in the heart, several hours after dinner (70th day). Pressive pain in the region of the heart, lasting a quarter of an hour and preventing sleep (9th day). Distressing pressive pain in the region of the heart, accompanied by transient attacks of palpitation and anxiety (32nd day). Distressing pressive pain in the heart for an hour, in the evening (12th day). Sharp irritative fixed pain in region of apex of heart, unaffected by respiration or position. Sticking in the region of the heart. Darting pain in precordium (after fourth dose). HEART’S ACTION. On pressing upon the region of the heart there seemed to be a trembling of the heart, like an oscillating motion, disappearing after awhile (126th day). Violent palpitation of the heart, with dull, pressive, distressing pain in the region of the heart, while in bed (eighth day). PULSE. Pulse accelerated, rather full, 100 (reaction?). Pulse 120, hard and full. Pulse 120, small and sharp. Pulse irregular, small, contracted (4th day). Pulse very weak (after one hour and a half). Pulse very weak and fluttering. Pulse exceedingly feeble. Pulse small and exceedingly depressed, so much so that I felt a little alarmed at his state. Pulse scarcely perceptively. Pulse scarcely perceptively; filiform and very slow (0.12grains).

Back and Neck

NECK. Stiffness in the nape of the neck (6th day). Stiffness of the nape of the neck (3rd day). Transient stiffness of the nape of the neck (18th day). Sensation of stiffness in back part of neck, when bending head downwards(after three hours and a half, third day). Pain in sides of nape of neck and left shoulder, on waking in morning (31st day). Woke in morning with drawing in the sheaths of the muscles, here and there, in the neck, back, and extremities, disappearing after rising(52nd day). Tearing pain on the slightest motion of the neck (3rd day). BACK. Pain across back (with red urine). Pain in back, extending from lumbar region to nape of neck, striking through to the sternum. Tension in the muscular aponeurosis of the back, especially noticed on bending forward or moving the arms (38th day). Aching pain in back, running down on the left side in to the hips. Drawing in all the muscles on the back, extending in to the upper arms, loins, small of the back, and even in to the thighs(39th day). Dull pressive pains in different parts of the back, going of in the evening. Shooting pain in the back and region of kidneys(2nd day). DORSAL. A peculiar undulating contraction in the dorsal muscles of the right side on sitting down after active physical exertion (31st day). Transient dull pain under the right scapula (4th day). Deep seated, dull shooting pains under the scapula at night(6th day). Aching at inferior angle of right scapula. Deep seated aching at upper angle of left scapula. Drawing pain in the left scapula, left upper and the forearm, extending in to the hand and thumb, especially affecting not so much the joint as the bone, completely disappearing on moving the arm(after 3 hours). Uncomfortable pressure in the back, between the shoulder blades (39th day). Dull pressive pain in right side of spine, about the ninth dorsal vertebra, with uneasiness in stomach(8th day). Transient acute pain at vase of left scapula (6th day). Stabbing pain from the third cervical to the fifth dorsal vertebra, striking forward through the chest to the sternum, increased on motion, with inability to straighten the spine after stooping; it prevented him from working for six weeks. Transient stitch at inferior angle of left scapula, then a similar pain in the toe. On scapula and back, twitching as if a liquid were dropping about on the flesh; it pulsates in sharply defined moments, like the key of the telegraph. LUMBAR. Pain in the small of the back, especially in morning. Pain in the small of the back, in the forenoon while walking, recurring by paroxysms with considerable violence, so that for moment walking was difficult, then it would disappear; afterwards it was felt at the moment of sitting down, but was less felt while sitting; in the afternoon it disappear entirely and gave place to drawing pains in the lower leg, which also disappeared in the evening; late in the evening there was again pain in the small of the back (115th day). Pain in loins, felt most on stooping (4th day). Pain across the loins, he cannot straighten himself after stooping. At times, for about a week or a fortnight, he has pains across the loins and scanty high-colored urine. Dull pain in lumbar region, aggravated by motion (3rd day). Occasional attacks, lasting about a week, aching pain in the region of the kidneys, extending to the groins, worse after rest, with scanty reddish urine, nausea, and impaired appetite. Dull aching pain in loins. Severe pain in lumbar region, extending in to sacrum and down the thigh; at first, an aching pain, increased to a numbed sensation; the pain increased so much a degree that he could hardly rise from his chair; it continued for three days, and gradually decreased in severity (in about six or eight hours after 10,20, and then 60 gtts. in the same day). Drawing pain in the small of the back and left shoulder, afterwards drawing behind the left ear, soon disappearing, in the morning (102 day). Pain, like a sprain, in the lumbar region, felt on motion (5th day). Darting pains in renal region (after 4th dose). Sharp, shooting pains, first in the left, afterwards in the right renal region, extending down the thigh, aggravated by motion (4th day). Sticking in the left loin and groin, after a meal. Was seized with pain like a knife through the loins, suddenly, so that he could scarcely walked in the afternoon; was with difficulty helped home, and had great pain all night, and could not sleep all night more than an hour for the pain, that continued even when still, but greatly worse on moving or turning; got some nitre and was somewhat relieved, so that he could go back to work next day, but remain with pain in back and scanty urine for a fortnight. Severe stitch in the lumbar region, aggravated by inspiration and coughing. SACRAL. Pain in the sacrum and coccyx, in the morning, lasting an hour (one hundred and fifth day);reappearing during coition in the morning (one hundred and seventh day). Pressure in the sacrum, especially troublesome in walking (one hundred and forty-seventh day). Drawing and pressive pain in the sacrum, in the morning on waking, and after rising (eighty third day). Cutting pain on outer left side of the sacral bone, shooting up and down (eighth day). Peculiar pain in the sacrum, as after hard blow, at noon while sitting, disappearing after half an hour (one hundred and fourteenth day). Pain in the coccyx, on waking in the morning. Pain in the coccyx, on waking in the morning, which afterwards disappeared, but returned towards evening, and was especially severe when after a long sitting I rose to urinate, when it extended into the urethra, and obliged me to bend the body forward while urinating; after half an hour it disappeared (103rd day). Pain in the coccyx, immediately after at noon (86th day). Pain in the coccyx, while sitting especially distressing lasting the whole forenoon (96th day). Pain in the coccyx aggravated by walking and by touch seeming to be seated in the bone (84th day). Pressive pain in the coccyx after rising in the morning (93rd day). Acute pressure in the coccyx, lasting an hour in the evening (95th day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.