Kali bichromicum


OBJECTIVE. If there be the smallest wound (when applied to the skin) it acts as a caustic, setting up violent inflammation and destroying all the tissues down to the bone. If the skin is torn or abraded however slightly a sharp pain is felt and if the salt is left in contact with the wound the cutaneous tissue is decomposed and violent inflammation is established; These symptoms are accompanied with intense pain in especially in winter when the cold is severe; The action of the salt does not cease until cauterization has been penetrated to the bone. Several brown spots on the forepart of neck looking like freckles, which I had never seen before and which would scarcely be expected in a skin as dark as mine (77th day). Elevated pains in duration where an ulcer was 4 months before. Hands completely covered with depressed cicatrices, which look as if they had been punched out with a wadding-cutter. Two of the characteristics elevated cicatrices on the right thumb. Roughness and slight burning of the whole skin of the forehead (4th day). ERUPTIONS, DRY. Eruptions generally comes on in the first 14 days. Had eruptions at first. Solid eruptions like measles over the body. Rash commencing in hot weather. Rash lasted only 3 days. Papular rash lasting three months (after three months). Was attacked with a papular rash, chiefly affecting the arms, which, however, lasted for two or three days only (after one week). An eruption broke out on the eyelids and adjacent parts of the face, lasting two days (2nd day). Eruption on the upper and lower lip (64th day). Pimples on the right half of the face (39th day). Appearance of a red pimple on back of hand (7th day). Inflamed pimple on the forehead (4th day). Inflamed pimples on the back, in the evening (26th day). Several inflamed pimples on the right side of the forehead (61st day). Several small inflamed pimples on the forehead, drying up and disappearing in a few hours (6th day); small red points on the forehead where the pimples had been (7th day). Painful inflamed pimple in the right side of the nose, towards the dorsum (89th day). Papular eruptions on forearms, lasting a few days, recurring frequently. Itching papular eruption on the forearm and legs, which lasted a fortnight, disappearing after he gave up the occupation. Heat and itching of the skin, at night, in the warmth of the bed, followed by eruption on the thighs and legs, of reddish hard knots, from the size of a pin’s head to that of a split pea, with a depressed dark scurf in the center, surrounded with an inflamed base, declining in two or three days; similar attacks recurred frequently. There appears (without any abrasion) a small, red elevation with a dark center and elevated circumference, itching and slightly painful. Psoriasis diffusa of the hands, which after some time, degenerated in to impetigo, although during the interval he had been little exposed to the action of the bichromate solution. ERUPTIONS, MOIST. Vesicular eruptions on a red elevated base (itching and burning much especially when exposed to steam), in a few days pustular and in some presenting a dark point in the center, invading hands, arms, face, back, and belly (after 7 days). Vesicular eruptions on the upper lip (137th day). Some vesicle of the right side of the lower lip (154th day). Vesicle filled with lymph in the right eyebrow (75th day). A large vesicle filled with serum on the sole of the right foot (19th day). Itching vesicles on the margins of the lips in the forenoon; In the evening they itch and burn violently (64th day). On the belly near the umbilicus, some spots evidently of abraded vesicles presenting a deep hollowed presence which remains after they are healed (after 7 days ). Eruption over the whole body of pustules the size of peas with a small black slough in the center on an inflamed base. Small pustules all over the body like the smallpox which disappear without bursting. Violent itching of the skin all over the body then eruptions of small pustules forming scabs most on the arms and legs; The scabs are then painful, smarting and burning (2 cases). Eruption of papillae, these after a little time become pustular, and at length provided the exposure be continued, deep slough formed under the pustules; The sloughs are of a peculiarly penetrating character; An instance has even occurred in which a complete perforation through the muscular substance of the hand has in this way been produced. ERUPTIONS, PUSTULAR. A profuse yellow scabby eruption formed over the upper lip. Suppurating, painful pimples on the back (19th and 34th day). The painful pimples which have been noticed on the back for 2 weeks have enlarged and one has already discharged bloody matter, is still in existence and is more painful than ever; The pimples continue to pain for several days, and after partly discharging become again filled with matter (39th day). Redness, swelling, and itching in a spot on a wrist, great pain; After some time matter formed and broke the skin and continued to ooze out for 2 or 3 months, then healed leaving a cicatrix, depressed as if scooped (after some months ). Itching ion the legs followed next day by breaking out of a red eruption, which run together and formed scabs, discharging their matter with aching smarting pains; It has lasted above a year and is in large pustules on the front of the leg; Better in cold weather. Face covered with a profuse eruption like acne (other parts equally exposed are not so affected). Eruption on the face like smallpox for some weeks on first entering the works. Pustules appear on the hands (2nd day); (After merely passing through the works during the boiling). An eruption of red round spots broke out on the back, arms and belly; The spots then formed pustules the size of pea covered with a scab, which came of in a few days and left a small dry ulcer which mostly healed up in about a fortnight leaving a colorless depressed cicatrix (After few days). Pustules on the arms the size of a split pea, with a hair in the center. Small yellow pustules on the calf of the legs, about the size of a split pea, on unlike smallpox pustules. Small pustules made their appearance at the roots of the nails on both hand but chiefly on the left; They extended soon over the whole back of the hand to the wrist and also though not to the same extent on the palm; The back of the hand was 1 mass of suppuration. The pustule on the hand was small and round and secreted a limpid watery matter, when the head of it was broken off; But if left alone the secretion consolidated into a yellow viscid mass (after 3 days); Since then more than once after being in contact with the liquor, has had breaking out of pustules the following day. Boil on the right thigh (37 day). A furuncle appeared on the right side of the back near the last rib, which was very painful to the slightest touch and lasted for 5 days (After 1 day). ULCER. Decided itching on the hairy portion of the genitals, which increased to an inflammation of the skin and the formation of about 20 pustules as large as the head of a pin, which were collected in spot about an inch in diameter (2nd Day); The itching, almost a biting, continued the next day. so that I was obliged to scratch in order to get relief, but the night was restless; On the 4th and 5th days the pustules continued to suppurate and were painful; In the evening of the 5th day all the small pustules had united in to one large ulcer, which violent paroxysmal stitches woke me at night; On the 7th day the ulcers began to heal after which I slowly recovered. When the workmen are too lightly clad they are attacked with violent itchings, followed by suppurations and ulceration of the moist surface of the penis, around the glans; This condition may progress until a disorder not unlike syphilitic ulceration may be presented. There still remained an irregular ulcer twice the size of a bean, with a scab on the left scapula, quite out of the reach of contact of the solution; It is dry and superficial. Wrists and arms affected with deep ulcers. Ulcers on the hand. Some had ulcers on the hands and body. Without his being aware of having any scratch on the arm or hand, Ulcers formed; The arms swelled as high as the axilla and became very painful, before the boil-like elevation formed which afterwards turned in to a large ulcer, with a dark center, and white overhanging edges. Ulceration of forefinger to such an extent that the 2 last phalanges had to be cut off. After swelling and redness of the finger with severe throbbing pain, and ulcer formed over the forefinger with white overhanging edges, and dark gangrenous central points; The skin and cellular tissue movable as if separated from their attachments. Inflammation of the feet, and in 24 hrs. breaking out of numerous ulcers (14 on foot, and 19 on the other), of the characteristic form; they healed in a fortnight (after standing for half an hour in a weak solution with shoes not watertight),- Peculiar ulceration of the face. In the seat of scratch, exposed to ch. sol. swelling and irregular ulcer, covered with a scab, painful on pressure, dry; Discontinued for months, and a hard movable knot is felt under the skin, with an ulcerated spot like a corn. This gradually hardens, and is covered with a white skin and remains sore for months. Itchiness of the forearms and hands, the intolerable pain and formation of numerous ulcers from which above a dozen nearly solid masses of matter fell on striking the arm firmly. The ulcers were left clean, dry cavities, which gradually filled up and healed in about a month, leaving a white cicatrix (after 4 days exposure to ch. sol).. Sloughs on the fingers and glans penis. SUBJECTIVE. Stinging in the skin (21st day). Heaviness and burning in the skin of the right leg in the afternoon (30th day). Burning in the skin of the forehead, especially in the glabella, in the morning (100th day). Burning in the skin in the middle of the forehead, in the nose and right lower leg after coming in to the house in the evening (93rd day). Burning over the skin of the face and head, but without redness (95th day). Burning in the skin of the face, especially in the eyes (68th day). Burning in the skin on the both sides of the nose near the lower margin of the orbit (53rd day). Burning in the skin on the inner surface of the right lower leg (66th day). Burning in the skin of the outer portion of the left lower leg late in the evening (102nd day). Violent burning of the skin of the forehead without anything to be seen; later in the evening this burning and itching became very violent so that I was constantly obliged to rub the forehead (57th day). Violent burning in the skin of the face beneath the eyes and a feeling in the sides of the nose as if he were going to have erysipelas, in the open air in the forenoon (93rd day). Pricking and stinging pains in the skins in several parts of the body (15th day). Ulcer painful on touch. Itching on the right cheek, (99th day). Itching in the beard (120th day). Itching and burning in the skin in the various parts of the body at different times, lasting in to the night. Itching and burning in the skin of the forehead (56th day). Itching and burning in the skin of the forearm and hands, a short time after lying down soon disappearing. Violent itching of the eruptions on the lips though it had begun to dry (65th day). Violent itching and burning in the skin of the nape of the neck, after a while disappearing from that place and appearing on the left shoulder, afterwards on the left upper arm and left side of the chest, and at last on the back, lasting from 6 a. m. to 10am; In the afternoon suddenly a similar itching in the skin on the loins, quickly disappearing. The ulcers were painful in cold weather.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.