Ammonium Muriaticum

(Moving the part), Stitches and beating in left hand, etc.

(Moving parts to right and left), Rheumatic pain in shoulder joint.

(Moving head), Stitches in neck, etc.

(Moving arms forcibly), Oppression of chest.

(Pressure), Tearing in left clavicle; painful stitch in ball of right thumb; tearing in right index-finger.

(Raising body after stooping), Pain in small of back; stiffness in small of back.

(Rest), Stitches in left scapula;drawing in right shoulder-joint; stitches in thumb-joint; pain in left calf.

(After rising), Feeling of heaviness in head.

(In room), Head feels dizzy, etc.; heat in face, etc.

(Entering room), Dry heat in head.

(Rubbing), Tearing in last joint of right index-finger.

(Scratching), Itching and burning on wrist-joint; nodes on wrist burn, etc.

(Seizing anything), Pain in backs of hands.

(Sitting), Tearing in upper right head; tearing in upper border of right eye; noise in right ear, etc.; tearing in the right side of face; tearing in decayed root of tooth; sensation in stomach as if everything were turning around; burning right flank; stitches in left side of abdomen; stitches in right groin; sense of distension in left groin; stitches in left chest; sticking-crawling in left side of chest; tension in back; tearing here and there, etc.; throbbing in left axilla; sticking in joint of thumb; stitches in hand; crawling in tip of thumb, etc.; pain in left hip-bone; tearing down the thighs; tearing in front of thighs; stitches in knee-joints; drawing tension in legs; insensibility of left leg; stitches in lower leg, etc.; stitches in left calf; contraction, etc., below the right inner malleolus; tearing in outer surface of right great toe; tearing in right toe; painful twitching, etc., in calves.

(Sitting down), Tearing in external surface of right thigh.

(Sitting quiet), Pain of the coccyx; all the bones painful.

(Sitting and knitting), Paralyzed feeling in right hand etc.

(Sewing), Yellow spot before eyes.

(Slumbering), Pain of the coccyx; all the bones painful.

(Spinning), Stitches in right hypochondriac region; backache, etc.; tearing in fingers, etc.; right arm very heavy.

(Standing), Pinching to the left of the navel; tension at lower front chest; stitches below left female breast; beating in left cavity of chest; tearing in outer border of foot; tearing in left great toe; sticking in right little toe.

(Stooping), Pinching to left of navel; oppression of chest.

(Stooping, while standing), Stitches in left side of abdomen.

(During soft stool), Burning in anus.

(During and after expulsion of soft stool), Burning in rectum.

(Stretching out the part), Aching in finger-joint.

(Swallowing), Pressive pain in throat, etc.

(Touch), Throbbing in forehead; tearing-sticking in left clavicle, etc.

(Turning the part), Stiff neck.

(Turning on to the side), Cough etc.

(Turning trunk to left side), Stitches in left scapula.

(Twilight), Eyes burn.

(After every discharge of urine), Leucorrhoea.

(Walking), Stitches and burning in region of right ribs; tearing, etc., in groin; ulcerative pain in left groin; tearing in the perineum; pain in small of back; hamstrings painful; stinging, etc., in left knee; twitching in left popliteal region; throbbing, etc., in external malleolus; sticking in right little toe.

(Walking and stepping on the parts), Ankle-bones painful.

(After washing), Burning in canthi.

(Yawning), Stinging in throat; elastic sensation in small of back.


(Morning), Obstruction of nose, etc.

(Night), Itching pimples pass off; burning of eyes, etc.

(3 to 4 P.M)., Chilliness, etc. (7 A.M)., Chilliness, etc.

(Open air), Dizziness, etc.; vertigo; burning in right eye; stitches in left eye; heat in face, etc.; nausea, etc.; turning sensation in stomach, etc.; appears to be better.

(In bed), Tearing in all the teeth; tearings in fingers, etc.

(After breakfast), Grinding and writhing in stomach.

(Bending the part), Aching in finger-joint.

(Walking crooked), Drawing tension in legs.

(After dinner), Mood improves; roughness in throat.

(After eating), Bitter eructations.

(Eructation), Nausea, etc.; tearing sensation in stomach, etc.; pressure on chest.

(Expiration), Pinching in abdomen.

(Extending hands), Pain in the dorsa.

(Long and violent exercise), Thighs contracted, etc.

(Feeling the part), Pain in upper part of face.

(Lemonade), Very urgent thirst.

(Light), Burning of eyes, etc.; sleepiness.

(Lying down), Tension and stiffness in nape of neck; itching of nape of neck; tearing here and there, etc.; shooting, etc., in tips of fingers, etc.; evening chilliness.

(Lying in bed), Dry cough; twitching, etc., in calves.

(Motion), Tension in back, etc.; backache, etc.; tearing in outer border of foot.

(Motion of the part), Pain in left upper arm; drawing in lower arm, etc.; pressure in left lower arm; beating in right palm; stitches in hand.

(Active motion), Tearing in left arm, etc.

(Pressure), Tearing in decayed root of tooth; sticking on surface of left hip.

(Long pressure), Stitches in ball of right thumb.

(Pressing upon thumb-joint), Pain in backs of hands.

(Rest), Pain in hamstrings.

(Rising), Tearing down thighs.

(In room), Sees better.

(Rubbing), Twitches in left eyeball; ulcerative pain in right heel.

(Scratching), Sensation of flea bites on left mamma.

(Sitting), Stitches in forepart of chest; beating in left cavity of chest.

(Sleep), Weight in abdomen.

(Long walking), Twitching in left popliteal space; contracted feeling in whole body.

(After washing), Burning in canthi; mist before eyes.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.