Ammonium Muriaticum

Fullness in the abdomen.

Severe pinching in the abdomen, which is soon followed by a loose evacuation (immediately).

Pinching in the abdomen at every inspiration, which passes off again by expiration (thirteenth day).

Pinching all around in the abdomen and in the groins, as before the appearance of the menses, early after rising (eighteenth day).

Gripings, here and there, in the bowels, with sensation of flatulence, afternoons (eighteenth day).

Gripings and movings in all the bowels, the whole day (fourth day).

Violent cutting in the whole abdomen, at two o’clock at night; this rouses her from sleep (after twenty-four hours).

Pressure in the left side of the abdomen, as with the hand (nineteenth day).

Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, over the hip, when sitting, and when stooping while standing.

Frequent disappearing and recurring gripings in the lower abdomen, forenoons (thirteenth day).

Pinching and griping pain in the lower abdomen, with dyspnoea.

Pressive tension in the left side of the abdomen, near the ring, as if something were pressing out.

Pain in both groins, like severe gripings, with afterward extended to the navel, and disappeared after a few evacuations, evenings (first day).

Cutting and stitches in both groins, as far as the small of the back, with urging to urinate every half hour in the evening.

Tearing and tensive pain in the groin, when walking.

Distension, with a tensive sensation and grinding, in the right groin.

Indescribably vehement pain in the right groin; it often extends to the hip and the small of the back (fifteenth day).

Stitches in the right groin, and coming out behind the hip, when sitting (fourth day).

Sense of distension in left groin, which becomes somewhat painful on sitting (fifteenth day).

Pain, as from a sprain, in the left groin; it obliges him to walk crooked (third day).

Pain, as from ulceration, in the left groin, perceptible only when walking.

Stool and Anus.

Much burning in rectum during and after the expulsion of soft stools.

Itching soreness of the rectum, several pustules being formed by the side of it.

Increases of produces haemorrhoidal flux.

Much burning in anus during soft stool (eleventh day).

Tearing in the perineum when walking.

Stinging tearing pain in the perineum, in the evening.

Stool hard, crumbling, scanty; but, after dinner, the usual stool, followed by burning in anus (fourteenth day).

Evacuation consists of only two small pieces, passed with pressure, followed by a soft stool.

Stool, whose first part was solid, the last soft, with straining, followed by burning in the anus; afternoon, the usual stool; during menstruation (fourteenth day).

Hard stool, soon after taking a new dose (ninth day); on the next day stool, whose first part was hard, the last part soft.

Solid stool, the third or fourth days (only once a day); the fifth day, the usual soft stool.

Stool as usual (in two hours); a similar one follows in the afternoon.

Soft stool, with pain in lower abdomen (eighteenth day).

Soft stool, with excessive urgency, follows some rumblings in the umbilical region (in one hour after a new dose).

Soft stool, soon after taking; none on second day; usual stool on third day.

Two soft stools (first and nineteenth day).

Stool rather soft than hard (second and third days).

Soft stool, the first day, at an unusual time.

Soft stool, the first day, two and three times, and large amounts of urine.

Several soft stools, after each fresh dose.

Five half liquid stools, with pains around the navel (second afternoon), prover always inclined to soft stools).

Diarrhoea, twice, followed by pains in the abdomen (fifth day).

In the morning slight diarrhoea, whereupon the abdomen becomes internally sore, and pains as if beaten (eighth day).

Three soft, almost fluid, stools, with mucus (first day).

Pain below the navel, followed by the usual stool, with stinging in the anus; afternoon at four (even now, after twelfth day).

Soft, yellow stools, with great haste to go to stool; followed by tenesmus and burning in the rectum (fifth day).

Green slimy stools, in the morning (third, fourth days).

Glassy, touch mucus in stool.

Hard stool, covered with mucus.

Stool covered with mucus.

Occasional intermission of stool for several days (second, third, fourth, thirteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, twenty-second, twenty-third days), in the different provers.

No stool for two days, with constant colic, and sensation as if diarrhoea would come on (twenty-second, twenty-third days).

Urinary Organs.

Pinching and stitching pain in the bladder, as far as the urethra, when lying down.

Constant tenesmus of the bladder, after 4 o’clock A.M.

Desire to urinate, only a few drops of urine being passed; afterwards the urine was emitted regularly with the stool.

He can pass urine very slowly.

Diminished urinating (first day).

Scanty urinating (fourth and fifth days).

Urine less in amount and frequency (second day).

Urine increased (second day).

Urine increased (ninth day).

Urine increased, the first day, though she drinks less.

Frequent desire to urinate, and frequent micturition, early in morning.

Must rise at night to urinate, and passes an unusual amount (first day before menses), (sixteenth day).

Rises three times at night to urinate, and passes much urine (first day).

He constantly passes more urine that usual (seventeenth day).

Constantly increase urine, which compels him to rise at night.

Increased urging to urinate, at 10 A.M. (first day).

Copious urine.

Copious emission of urine, which has a stale smell, yet remains clear.

The urine, when passing, feels hot; its quantity is increased (the first day).

Reddish bright urine, with a loose, cloudy sediment (sixth day).

Clayey sediment in the urine, after one hour (fifth day).

Sexual Organs.


Frequent erections (after seventh day).

Stitches and beating in the left spermatic cord (fifth day).


Sensation in the female genital organs as after a nightly embrace, early after waking.

The menses appear two days too soon, with pain in the abdomen and small of the back; they continue at night, when the blood flows more abundantly (after seventeenth day).

Discharge of a quantity of blood with the stool during the catamenia.

Leucorrhoea, with distension of the abdomen, without accumulation of flatus.

Leucorrhoea, like the white of an egg, after previous pinching around the navel.

Brown, slimy, painless leucorrhoea, after every discharge of urine (sixth and seventh days).

Respiratory Apparatus.

Irritation causing hawking, whereby only a piece of phlegm is expectorated; with it a raw sensation; then a long-lasting sore feeling up behind the uvula; mornings (fourth day).

Hoarseness, with burning in the region of the larynx, the whole afternoon (after third day).

Could scarcely speak, and complained of burning pains in throat and chest.


Violent cough, in the evening, when in bed, during which water comes up into her mouth (third and fourth days).

Cough when breathing deeply, especially when lying on the right side.

Dry cough (thirteenth or fourteenth day).

Dry cough, mornings (seventeenth day).

Frequent dry, hacking cough (second day).

Dry, hacking cough, caused by tickling in the throat, which also continues when not coughing; forenoons (fifth day).

Dry cough, evenings, from six to nine, from tickling in the throat; it passes off after lying down in bed (third day).

Dry cough troubles her nearly the whole night, so that she cannot sleep on account of it (sixth day).

(A previous dry cough and dry catarrh become more severe, and lasts through the whole proving). (A constant, troublesome cough, which was seated before taking the drug, and during fifteen days of the proving, disappeared suddenly without expectoration, which follows first after several days (fifteenth day).

The cough is usually dry, mornings, and loosens in the afternoon; most frequently, with sticking in the left hypochondriac region.

Dry cough in the morning, with sticking in the forepart of the chest.

Cough nights when lying on the back, with sticking in the left middle false ribs, extending down to the last false ribs; he could not “cough out,” on account of pain, though the cough was loose; more severe on turning on to side (on fourth day).

On the following evening the cough returned, but without the sticking; each attack lasted only a few minutes.

Constant hawking, without expectoration.

Desire to breathe deep, and often to cough, with slight expectoration.

Cough from hawking some mucous expectoration.

Cough, with expectoration.

Cough, with some expectoration, early in the morning (first day).

Expectoration of tough mucus in afternoon.

Expectoration of blood for six days, after previous itching in the throat.

Short breath (after eighteenth day).

Threatening suffocation.

Sense of severe constriction of throat and difficult respiration.


Rattling in chest.

Burning at small spots of the chest (when walking in the open air), (shortly, and after thirteenth day).

Rawness in chest (evening at 8).

Tension, or compression as with a vice, in front, at the lower part of the chest, when standing; not affected by breathing (first day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.