Ammonium Muriaticum

Early after rising, sensation of heat, and a little sweat in the hands and odorous sweat of the feet.

Heat over the whole body, with redness of the face and sweat, when exercising in the open air (after twenty-fourth day).

Heat and sweat in the afternoon, then a little thirst.

Very profuse perspiration.

Sweat after midnight (after fourth day).

Sweat over whole body for several nights.

Sweat early in the morning, in bed, so that the shirt is drenches, without previous heat or chill.

Increased perspiration; every movement (so to speak) makes him sweat.

Increased transpiration; sweats on every exertion.

Fever-paroxysms begin with chill and heat, and end with sweat.

Sleep and Dreams.

In the morning constant yawning, without being sleepy (seventh day).

Early in evening, great sleepiness, with closing of the eyes; passes off when light is brought into the room.

She cannot fall asleep before 3 o’clock in the morning; she then sleeps until morning, and wakes with sweats.

She cannot fall asleep before midnight, on account of heat in the head.

Starting up, while one is falling asleep, evenings (fifth day).

Uneasy sleep, after midnight, with frequent waking up and turning from one side to another, amidst dreams.

Restless sleep.

She cannot get to sleep before 3 o’clock, without cause (first day).

She wakes up about 12 and cannot sleep more (seventeenth day).

At evening soon asleep (contrary to habit); sleeps well the first night.

Sleepless night, and, at 3 A.M. till 4, chilliness, then heat, and then sweat; all without thirst (thirteenth day).

Uneasy nights.

Sleep full of dreams (after third day).

Dreams the whole night, almost frightful and fearful (first day).

Anxious dreams, that her father and brother had come, and she could not get the cooking ready (fifteenth day).

Dreams that some one held her tightly by the hand and, in spite of her efforts, she could not get away; she would cry out, but could not; then she awoke anxious (seventeenth day).

He dreams that a horse bit his arm, which frightened him very much (fourteenth day).

Dreams that she saw a soldier shot, at which she cried and woke in anxiety (thirteenth day).

Dreams that she fell into the water; that she found a living child, and other anxious dreams (third day).

Dreams that he was in danger of falling into a flood; then he climbed into a tree, from which he soon fell (twelfth day).

Dreams vexation and fright, that she was lost in a forest (third day).

Dreams that she would take a long journey, but did not know the way nor kind of journey, and on inquiring the way, no one could give information, which made her feel very sick (third day).

Dream that the whole body is covered with rash; with good sleep (second day).

Lewd dreams about having had an embrace.

Voluptuous dreams (after fourth, fifth, twelfth days).

Conditions.- Aggravation.

(Morning), Stitches in vertex; burning in canthi; dimness of eyes; left nostril stopped; slight diarrhoea; green, slimy stools; irritation, causing hawking, etc.; dry cough; stitches in chest; very weak; constant yawning. (Early, in morning), Head feels dizzy, etc.; pressure in forehead, etc.; bitter taste in mouth; hawking of phlegm; grinding, etc., in stomach; frequent desire to urinate; cough, with expectoration; beating in left cavity of chest; right arm very heavy, etc.; itching in inside of lower arm; itching in tip of index-finger; itching around hip; sweat.

(Early, on waking), Agglutination of the eyes; sourish taste in mouth; sensation in female genitals, as after an embrace; tearing in bone of upper arm, etc.; rumbling in the sides of the abdomen.

(Early, after waking), Whole body feels contracted.

(Early, in bed), sweat.

(Early, when rising), Thighs contracted, etc. (Mornings, in bed).

Throbbing in right shoulder; sweat.

(Morning, after rising), Eyes burn.

(Early, after rising), Heat and fullness in head; downward pressure in forehead, etc.; boring in forehead; lachrymation; pappy taste in mouth; pinching in abdomen; pain in whole body; sensation of heat, etc. (Forenoon), Irritable and peevish; tearing in right temple; stitch in left temple; stitches in left side of head; sensation of body rising in left eye, which prevents sight; pain in upper part of face; tearing in right malar bone; coated tongue; bitter eructations, etc.; nausea, etc.; turning sensation in stomach; gripings in lower abdomen; dry, hacking cough, etc.; stitches come out of left chest; tearings in right index-finger; left foot goes to sleep; burning, etc., at several places; heat.

(Afternoon), Stitching in left side of forehead; stitches in vertex; tearing in upper border of right eye; fine stitches in left ear; tearing in root of tooth; unquenchable thirst; gulping up bitter, sour water; burning, etc., at stomach; stitches, etc., in region of right ribs; burning in right flank; rumbling in bowels; griping in bowels; hoarseness, etc.; cough loosens; expectoration of tough mucus; pressure in middle of chest, etc.; stitches in forepart of chest, etc.; stitches below right female breast; stitch in left chest; stinging, etc., in finger-tips, etc.; crawling in tips of fingers, etc.; tearing in tendons of left wrist; tearing in left index-finger; stitches in thumb-joint; tearing in right great toe; sticking in left great toe; sweat.

(toward evening), Throbbing in forehead.

(Early, in evening, after rising), Thirst.

(Early, in evening), Great sleepiness.

(Evening, when undressing), Itching in nape of neck.

(Evening, after lying down), Chilliness; heat in palms of hands.

(Evening), ill-humor, etc.; heat on right side of head; pinching in occiput; pimples on occiput; burning of eyes, etc.; tearing in right side of face; want of appetite; thirst; pain in both groins, etc.; pain in perineum; dry cough; pressure in chest; stitches in left chest; sensation of flea bites in left mamma; tension and stiffness in nape of neck; tearing in both sides of neck,; shooting, etc., in tips of fingers, etc.; right arm, very heavy, etc.; pimples on backs of hands; twitching in right little finger; twitching-tearing on external surface of right thumb; sticking in joint of thumb; stitches in hand; crawling in tip of thumb; tearing in surface of right thigh; itching of right sole; itching, etc.; over the whole body; itching on front of chest; chilliness; sweat, etc.; a little thirst; heat, without thirst.

(Evening, in bed), Violent cough; contraction in heel; cold feet.

(Evenings, before lying down), Itching here and there over whole body, etc.

(Night), Noise in right ear, etc.; obstruction of nose, etc.; dry cough etc.; sprained pain in back; bruised backache; itching between shoulders, etc.; pimples on backs of hands; itching around the hip; right foot feels gone to sleep.

(Nights, in bed), Heaviness on the chest; great heat.

(Before midnight), Heat in head; tearing in both shoulders; sweat.

(After midnight), Sweat; uneasy sleep.

(After 4 A.M)., Constant tenesmus of bladder.

(8 A.M)., Stinging, etc., in pit of stomach.

(10 A.M)., Increased urging to urinate; backache.

(1 to 5 P.M)., Throbbing in left thumb.

(4 P.M)., Pain below navel etc.

(8 P.M)., Tearing in all the teeth; rawness in chest; tearings in fingers.

(5, evenings), Violent shivering, etc.

(5.30 evenings), Some chilliness.

(6, evenings), Chilliness and shiverings.

(6 to 10, evenings), Twitching, etc., here and there, in calves.

(7, evenings), Coldness.

(9, evenings), Stitches in knee-joint.

(11, night), Pains in right upper arm.

(12.30 till 2, night), Stitch on surface of left hip.

(1, night), Terrific backache.

(2, night), Cutting in abdomen.

(3, at night in bed), Tearings, etc., in right heel.

(Open air), Burning in right eye; distinguishes nothing; eructations.

(Exercise in open air), Pressure upon left mamma; sudden faintness, etc.; heat over whole body, etc.

(Going from warm room into open air), Pressure in left side of chest.

(Walking in open air), Stitches in right ear, etc.; nausea, etc.; turning sensation in stomach, etc.; burning in chest; heaviness on chest, etc.; lancinations through the hands.

(On going to bed), Chilliness.

(Bending part inward), Pain in right middle finger.

(Sitting bent), Stitches below right female breast.

(After breakfast), sensation of fasting in stomach.

(Before chill), Thirst.

(After dinner), Beating in chest; tension under right mamma; sudden faintness, etc.

(Immediately after dinner), Nausea, etc.

(An hour after dinner), Hiccough.

(After every dinner and supper), Nausea, etc.

(Inspiration), Pinching in abdomen; stitch in left chest.

(Leaning part against table), Pain in left upper arm; pressure in left lower arm.

(Looking into garden out of window), Yellow spots before eyes.

(Lowering shoulder), Stitches in left scapula.

(Lying down), Pain in bladder; drawing tension in legs.

(Lying in bed), Pressure in left lower arm.

(Lying on right side), Cough, when breathing.

(Lying on back), Cough, etc.

(During menses), Tearing in right temporal bone; discharge of blood with stool; stitches below right breast; tearing in cords of right side of neck; weakness of the thighs.

(Motion), Vertigo; stitches, etc., in head; stitch behind right ribs; pain in whole body; sweat.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.