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Aloe homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Aloe socotrina, Lam.Natural order: Liliaceae.Preparation. The fiery red gum is to be triturated.


Amorous thoughts present themselves, which are very annoying (first day).Before taking it, the disposition is apprehensive, speculative, amorous; after taking it, quite, immovable, contented, joyful, reflective; mind is more self-sufficient, more inclined to labor; no sleepiness after a meal (first to third day).Contented, happy humor in the evening, as well as all the following day (fifth day).

Towards evening, uncommonly aroused by inspiring, joyful news (fifth day).

Merry self-contented; fraternized with the whole world (fifth day).

At evening, in a happy mood, he feels completely happy and contented.

Great serenity and good humor (in a patient).

The child is very much enlivened and vivacious, it plays and prattles uncommonly, with much mischievousness and laughter (from sucking Aloes).

Contented with his station in life; it involuntarily occurs to him, that he is really much better off than many other people (seventh day)(10).

Quiet and serene humor (curative effect).

In the forenoon, he is disposed to become reconciled, where he would not otherwise have been so (second day).

Despondent, with flatulent distension.

Anxiety, anguish, and ebullition of the blood.

A certain anxiety (after one scruple).

Anxiety produced by vertigo.

Anxious startings up.

Great anxiety, timorousness, restlessness, dread of death, and great anguish, so that she cannot stay anywhere.

Oppression and apprehensiveness.

After a nocturnal emission of semen, fright at the rattling of the windows by the wind (fourth day).

Little inclination to labor; discouraged, apprehensive about his success (fourth day).

Irritable, he cannot endure the visit of many people, they are repugnant to him (twenty-fourth day).


(Immediately, strong exhibition of will; he quarrels with every one who contradicts him; it seems as if he would permit himself to be torn in pieces, sooner than give up his will).

The weather is cloudy, cold, rainy (in December), and his humor morose, thoughtful, discontented (fifth day).

Ill-humor; peevish about himself, so that he insults and blasphemes; worse afternoons, (third day).

Very discontented and unhappy mood, since the forenoon, with confused head and lack of inclination to labor; better in the evening (twenty-fourth day).

Moroseness (first day).

Peevish towards himself without reason (second day).

Peevish and morose (second day).

Ill-humor and incapacity for labor, with peevish restlessness (third day).

The child is hard to please, and cries on the least provocation.

A condition of mind that is intolerable, and without stool (ninth day).

Ill-humor, peevishness, and anthropophobia, with cuttings in abdomen.

During pain, everything disgusts him.

Indifference and sleepiness evenings.

After meal, no sleepiness, but a forbidding and unconcerned humor; about half-past three, he is better and much inclined to joke, continually mocking the remarks of others; in the evenings is inclined to work (twelfth day).

Lassitude, alternating with great mental activity; eighth day.

Immediately after a meal, he sat down by himself, without speaking, without any desire for mental or physical exertion; meditating, wrapped up in himself, as after a sickness or a fit of anger, which still gnaws internally, which one cannot express.

Nothing can engage his attention, he is averse to and disgusted with everything.

From one till after four in the evening, already an opposite condition sets in; he is not at all angered about an accident which otherwise probably would have angered him.

Great restlessness and excitement (second day).

Inner restlessness and excitement (third day).

Excitement of mind and body, afternoons (third day).

At an early hour, quick, complete awakening, with inclination for mental labor, good appetite (second day).

He believes on awaking that it must be later.

In the afternoon, he works with a will, without a midday nap (fourth day).

In the morning, good appetite and inclination to work (fifth day).

Much inclination for continued labor (first day).

Especially inclined to mechanical labor (first day).

In the forenoon, he is much excited, works hastily and yet well (fifth day).

Inclined to work, with pain in the forehead.

Excited, nights, with warmth and redness of the face.

Head confused, and indisposition for every employment.

Labor already begins to be tedious to him (third day).

Great laziness in the middle of the day (second day).

Much exhaustion and laziness (seventh day).

Disinclined to move (second day).

An anxious restlessness deters him from mental labor (first day).

Great disinclination to mental labor (second day).

Speedy fatigue from mental labor (second day).

Disinclination for much mechanical or intellectual labor; instead of this, great disposition for desultory thinking (fourth day).

Exhaustion, alternation with activity.

Smelling camphor relieves the troubles quickly and considerably.

There even follows for awhile inclination and ability for mental labor, which requires clear thinking.

After an hour, however, all the troubles return (eighth day).


Painful confusion of the head every morning. Confusion of the head; the first day; the second day.Confusion of the head and discontent.Confusion and heaviness.

Murky pain in the head and forehead.


Paroxysms of vertigo.

Vertigo, as if everything whirled about with her, worse on going upstairs and turning quickly.

Very peculiar vertigo each day, after taking the third trituration; during motion, he feels as if the ought to lie down; while standing and waling, an inner sensation which makes everything seem insecure, and which makes him very anxious; then nasal catarrh, first on the left side, then on the right, with copious secretion of mucus, which soon becomes thick; afterwards, no more vertigo.

While sitting, after meal, he feels as if he sat upon a high chair; a kind of vertigo (the fifteenth and subsequent days).


Headache, after griping of the bowels, and after stool.

Headache in the morning, following an incomplete evacuation of the bowels, lasting until a second stool follows, a few hours after.

The whole head feels affected.

Periodic headache, alternation with pains in the loins; with sacral pain.

Headache relieved by cold applications.

Headache, worse in warm, better in cool (air).

(Headache from the heat of the sum).

After eating, the headache is better for awhile.

Headache worse in the dark, ameliorated in the light.

Headache aggravated by motion, especially by stooping (the first day).

Pains on contact.

Attack in the head, with nausea, as from indigestion.

On rising before five in the morning, the head feels completely aroused; an excited condition of the whole brain (sixth day).

The brain is again somewhat excited on the eleventh day.

On rising, the brain is aroused and excited (twenty-first day).

Tension in the head.

Continued and severe congestion of the occiput and sinciput, whereby the eyes are pressed out.

Congestion of the head.

Disposition to congestion of the head, in lunatics, (Trousseau).

It often produces congestion of the head, if administered with existing hemorrhoids.

Tearing in the head, here and there.

After 11 o’clock A.M., sense of dull pressure throughout the whole head when walking, a shaking as if the brain lay loose therein, considerably aggravated in fresh, cold air, also on laying the head down, then and awhile after rising up, a beating, thumping pain, like pulsating, especially in the occiput; better awhile after eating (the first day, after having taken the medicine five times, less the second day; disappearing the third day).

Sensation as if the head were widened, being pressed out on all sides (after four hours).

Sluggish, drawing, sensitive pain in the head, more externally (the first day).

Throbbing headache, 1/100.

Throbbing in the middle of the brain.

She received a shock from the arm up into the head; thereupon the sensation of a wind form the head into abdomen (Kerner).

Pressive pain in the forehead, from the third to the fifth day, thereafter relief.

Confusion of the sinciput, especially with chilliness.

Downward and inward pressing pain (down towards the nose), in the middle of the forehead (in a mesmerized person).

Dull headache across above the forehead, with heaviness in the eyes, and nausea.

A dull, pressive pain in the forehead, in the afternoon.

Headache in the forehead and on the vertex, as from a weight (fourth day).

Headache in the forehead, with abdominal symptoms.

Pressure in the forehead, immediately after licking Aloes (in a girl nine years of age).

Painfulness of half the face, arising from the forehead.

Pressive pain in the forehead, involving the orbits (the third day).

Dull drawing and sticking over the right side of the forehead; the head feels murky; it compels one to make the eyes small; at the same time, the desire for labor continues longer (fourth day).

Pain on right side of forehead.

Pain in the forehead, pressing outward towards the temples; appears soon after taking Aloes, and continues.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.