
Dull, pressive pain in the supraorbital region (first day).

Pullings every evening, from above the right eyebrow to the bottom of the right side of the forehead.

Dull stitches in the supraorbital region (the first and fifth day).

Stitches over the brows and in the frontal prominences.

A single darting drawing over the left eye and outward through the same (after four hours).

Pressive tension, sometimes pulsating, in the sinciput.

Dull pressive pain in the sinciput (second day).

Pressing outward to the temples, with periodic heat of the face, and flickering before the eyes (the first day). (Slight pressive pain in the right temple; sour food produces an inclination to vomit and lassitude).

Pressive pain in the left temple especially, appearing now and then.

Pressive boring in the left temple, soon thereafter a sticking, drawing outwards to the left eye, from above, out of the brow downwards, afternoon and evening (second day).

Drawing stitches over the right temple, not deep (the third day).

First transient, then severe stitches in the left temporal region, aggravated by every footstep.

Dull stitches through the left temple into the brain.

Pressive sensation at the crown.

Sense of weight on the vertex.

At midday, a pain, as of subcutaneous suppuration, on a spot as large as a half-dollar, on the right side of the top of the head (between organs 16 and 12, according to Combe), so that even touching the hair is very painful (afternoons); also in the evening, in another spot of the same size (the second day).

On the left side in the scalp, near the vertex, a feeling as if it had been beaten, so that pressure thereon is painful, but yet feels good (the fifth day).

Painfulness behind the top of the had, as of subcutaneous ulceration; the hair stands up more on this spot, continuing form midday, the seventh day; tenth and eleventh days, again a sensitive spot behind on the vertex.

Headache on the left side.

Pressure on the left side at the top of the parietal bone (after one hour).

Beating in the left wall of the head, at first painless.

Stitches in the right side between the forehead and vertex, from the top inward (the first day).

Leaping pain in the right parietal bone toward the vertex.

On the right side of the head, sudden blunt shootings form below upwards, in the evening and on the following morning, after trituration.

Pressure in the middle of the right half of the brain, after trituration.

Severe pressure in the occiput, after a pressing asunder.

Pressive ache in the angle of the right occiput (evening).

Dull drawing in the left side of the occiput.

In the occiput (and abdomen), beating at night, when lying down; stitches after stooping; external soreness.

An ache, like a pressure in the scalp of the occiput.

On combing the hair in the morning, a sensitive spot on the left side on upper part of the occiput; towards evening, on the right side of the had, on the top (twelfth day).

Frequent feeling of head in the scalp.

A sensation of numbness moving over the scalp, with warmth.

Dry hair (ninth and tenth days).


The eyes are glittering, somewhat reddened, prominent.An unsteady, anxious look.One is compelled to make the eyes small, with pain in the forehead.

Determination of blood to the eyes, pressing them outward.

Pain in the forehead, involving the orbits.

Pain deep in the orbits, as if in the muscles, worse on the right side.

A sensitive pressure in the orbits (first and second days).

Burning pain in the right eye, as if a fine current of hot air passed through, along the axis of vision (first and second days).

Over the left eye and through it outward drawing pain.

An outward drawing pain in the brow, extending to the left eye.

Heaviness of the eyes, with headache.

Tearing pain for some minutes, at the bottom of the right eye.

An increased congestive condition of the ordinarily somewhat reddened conjunctiva of the lids (the first day).

Pustules in the right external angle of the eye, surrounded externally and internally by many red vessels.

Pressure in the right eyeball, severe, but passing away, evenings, from light (fifth day).

Dim, cloudy vision, as if from want of sleep, for several nights.

It becomes dim before the eyes on writing (second day).

Flickering before the eyes, with heat of the face (after a few hours).

Scotoma; it flickered and turned before the eyes.

Yellow rings, moving before the eyes.

Shining bodies shoot across the eyes.


Heat in the inner and outer ear.Throbbing and sense of heat in the back part of the ear.Drawing, sticking pain in the left inner ear, which is after awhile also felt in the right.

A slight twinging kind of pain in the right ear (evening of third day).

A twinging earache and cramping pain in the right ear (fourth day).

Transient stitches from the left temporal region toward the ear.

On pressing the teeth together, a sensation of numbness behind the ear; it draws in the lower jaw, down through a back tooth (fourth day).

Towards midday, a drawing pain, from before backward, below the right external meatus auditorius, behind the lobules, in the mastoid process, and in the ear-passage itself (fourth day).

At times, a transient pain in the left external ear-passage, especially on pressing the teeth together (fifth day).

Frequent ringing and buzzing in the ears.

At nine o’clock in the evening, when reading aloud, frequent fine crackings in the right maxillary joint (first day).

Rustling in the right ear, which almost amount to cracklings, on moving the maxillary joint (after two hours).

Just after getting into bed, sudden explosion and clashing in the left ear, as from the breaking of glass; the clink of the bits of glass was heard at the bottom of the head, and extended thence toward the right ear.


The nose is very red without redness of the face, in the cold open air (the first day).In the evening, coldness of the tip of the nose, sensible only to the finger touching it.Early in the morning, in bed, great dryness in the nose (third day).

Nose-bleed early in the morning, a few drops (second day).

Some blood is blown out in the afternoon (fifth day).

After waking, while yet in bed, the right nostril bleeds a dessert spoonful (eighteenth day).

Nose-bleed, now and then.

It stops bleeding of the nose (Schroeder).

Ineffectual inclination to sneeze (after ten minutes).

Fruitless attempts to sneeze (morning of second day).

On sneezing, stitches in the umbilical region.

Sneezing, and watery mucus, like fluent coryza, lasting till toward evening (third day).

Coryza, the whole of the fourth day; worse in the afternoon.

Sensation of coryza and husky voice.

Coryza, with pains in the nose.

Coryza, with burning in the nose.

Coryza and soreness in the right nostril (fifth and sixth days).

Inclination to coryza at times (thirteenth day); thin nasal mucus (fourteenth day).

Fluent coryza, with sneezing (fifteenth day).

Coryza; whereupon the distressing vertigo disappears.

Dry coryza (second day).

Pain in the forehead pressing down into the nose.

Pain in the nose, especially early in the morning, and never except on motion (thirteenth and fourteenth day).

Sensation of burning, like fire, in the left nostril.

A sensation in the nose, as if it would commence bleeding (the first day).

The right wing of the nose is scurfy and sensitive on its inner surface, fourth and eighth days; and again somewhat on the twenty-first and twenty-second days.


Pale over night (as if up all night), sickly look (sixth day).He is very sensitive to the coldness of the weather, has a very pale look, sunken, and sickly (thirteenth day).Pale, wretched color of the face (first to third day).

The countenance is sickly, suffering, and pale (tenth day).

Increased warmth and redness of the face; wide-awake, excited (after half an hour).

Turgescence of the skin, especially of the face; it is very red, and its temperature is increased.

Periodic heat of the face, with pressure in the temples.

Burning heat, especially in the face.

Confusedness and painfulness of the whole left half of the face, proceeding from an inflamed spot in the mouth, and from the forehead (fourth day).

Redder lips than usual.

Dry and cracked lips.

Dry lips; the dried epidermis has a white appearance if it is not frequently moistened by the tongue (second and third days).

Dry lips; the epidermis is white, scaly; he continually licks them with the tongue (from the sixth to the eighth day, and on the day).

Dry lips, an hour after dinner, together with dryness in the mouth; the lips are parched and white, without thirst; better in the evening (fifteenth day).

Dry lips, scurfy, swollen, and painful (ninth day).

Dryness of the lips; they are very red and hot, sometimes trembling.

The under lip is swollen, with a thick-skinned long vesicle, in the red part of the lip where it turns inward, of the size of a flaxseed, smooth, yellowish, covered with hard skin; it makes the whole part of the lip thick (sixth and seventh days).

Spongy scurf upon; the lips, which exudes moisture, looks ugly (tenth day); on the eleventh day the lips are very dry, the spongy scruffiness is moist.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.