
(After midnight), Bellyache and diarrhoea; sexual desire at 1 A.M.; chill at 1 to 2 A.M., disappearing toward morning; at 2 A.M., stool, awake, with a urgency to urinate; after 2 A.M., palpitation, in bed; at 3 o’clock, swelling in the throat; awake at 3 A.M.; with dreams; for a thin stool; stool, with chilliness; at 4 A.M., stool; sexual desire; sleepiness, from midnight until 5 A.M.

(Open air), Pain in the soft palate, after skating; red nose in the open air; averse to walking in the wind.

(Just after getting into bed), sudden explosion and cracking in left ear, etc.

(Bending body forward), Stooping aggravates the headache; stooping forward increases pain in liver; pain in breast-bone; burning in the neck; stitches in the middle of the “croup,” when stooping.

(Cold), Cloudy weather causes ill-humor; very sensitive to cold weather; less endurance;of cold; fresh cold air increases the headache; raw voice returning in the open and cold air; pain in abdomen as from taking cold.

(On chewing), The palate painful, etc.

(Contact), Pains in head; pullings, etc.

(Darkness), Headache.

(After dinner), Small stool, etc.

(Lying), Lying on the abdomen, with cuttings around the navel, but not relieved; on account of pain in back, cannot lie on back, only on side; on lying in a warm room, cold legs; on lying down (and awhile afterward), a throbbing in the head, (Motion), Exercise increases the headache; pain in the nose, only on motion; nausea; the cutting abdominal pains; pain from flatulence; the pains from the stomach to the chest; on motion, particularly of the arms, pain in the breast-bone; cracking of the cervical vertebrae; pain in the neck; the great toe feels as if sprained.

(Morning the arm), The arches from the arm to the chest pain.

(Pressure), The abdominal pains; abdomen sensitive to touch; seems to aggravate the symptoms.

(Pressing the teeth together), Sensation of numbness behind the ears; pain.

(Raising the body), On rising up from lying, the abdominal muscles pain; on rising up from stooping, jerks in the chest; on rising in the morning, pain in chest as if sprained.

(Rest), Beating in the abdomen and palpitation; pains across the loins; in the midday rest, cold feet.

(Sitting), While sitting, pulsating in the anus; while sitting, more pressing in the loins; heaviness in the loins; after sitting, stiffness in the loins.

(Spitting), Raw pain in larynx.

(Standing), Pain in liver.

(After stool), Pain in anus.

(Stretching the body), Pains in the abdomen; sticking, drawing in chest.

(Stretching out the hand), Pain therein, as if too short.

(Walking), On walking, it shakes in the head; jerks in the left hypochondrium; stitches in the anus; cracking of the hip- joint stitches in right knee-joint; pain in left ankle-bone; shivering; vertigo on going upstairs and turning quickly; at every step, the stitches in the temple are much worse; on making a misstep, pain at the pit of the stomach; on bodily exertion, pain in chest.

(Warmth), Headache.

(Writing), Drawings in the left forearm.


(Afternoon), Easy passage of flatus.(Evening), Unhappy mood better; conciliatory mood; inclination to work; not vexed; aroused; happy mood; dryness of lips; chilliness; hands and feet again warm.(In cool air), Headache.

(Open air), Feels better; especially the headache and ill-humor abate; exercise in open air relieves; all the symptoms disappear or are ameliorated on exercise in the open air;walking in open air relieves pain in bowels.

(Bending body forward), Pains in a abdomen compel him to sit crouched together; crouching relieves cuttings in abdomen.

(Light), Headache.

(Motion), Drawings; burnings in the neck; sacral pains.

(Pressure), Beaten feeling in head; he is compelled to press on the abdomen, which relieves him; relieves.

(Rest), Must sit still, else he would have to vomit.

(Sitting), Must sit down and sleep, with anxiety of the chest.

(Stretching out straight), Pain in breast-bone.

(Walking), Better than when sitting; pain in loins; cold feet become warm; hands less so; relieved by going about.

(Warm weather), Chilliness.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.