
Small stool of yellow mucus.

Small, brownish, slimy, half-fluid stool.

Two liquid stools (after fifteen grains); (second day).

Copious evacuations of the rectum, with severe purging (Schoeppe).

Watery stool (after large doses).

Watery, long-continued diarrhoea (Vogt).

(Evacuations are not watery).

Copious watery evacuations form the bowels mixed with blood.

Yellow, pappy diarrhoea, and pain in the umbilical region, increased by pressure.

Fluid stool, with griping (Cullen).

She is wakened after midnight, with gripings in the bowels; diarrhoea yellowish-green, with pains before and after.

Pappy stools, after abdominal cuttings.

Diarrhoea the next day, and dry coryza.

Diarrhoeic evacuations, with pain in the hypochondria, and chilliness.

Diarrhoeic stools, with burning in the rectum.

Passage of blood, with diarrhoea (Vogt).

Blood, with watery stools.

Thin or soft stools mixed with blood entirely ceased the first two days; they then return less often, and after four to six days are of a natural consistency.

Stool at an unusual time, ten hours later, and pappy (first day).

Stool twice (entirely unusual), more pappy (second day).

Urging to stool at nine o’clock in the morning; after half an hour, a small, thin stool, then griping in the bowels for a few hours, as after taking cold, and subsequent headache; the next day, without repetition of the dose, stool repeated at the same hour, pappy, and less then the urging seemed to indicate, with subsequent pain in the bowels; the third day, slight urging to stool the whole day, until the ordinary urging to stool follows at evening (after the 1/10th taken five times).

Yellow diarrhoea, towards morning.

Copious, pappy evacuations, mornings (second days).

Diarrhoeic stools (on the morning of the seventh day, after daily doses of a small quantity).

Easy and copious stools in the morning.

At nine and ten in the evening, a diarrhoeic stool, then again the next day, more frequent in the forenoon, very thin, very yellow; everything that the child had eaten could be seen therein (from sucking Aloes).

Two pappy, yellowish stools, with much passage of flatus (the same evening after taking the 1/10th, at ten o’clock in the forenoon).

In the evening, a diarrhoeic stool (second day).

Eight hours after taking it (at five in the evening), again, indeed, a small, thin stool, something entirely unusual, followed by more fullness and pressure in the anus.

After the morning stool, the feeling many times as if he ought to go again; at four in the afternoon, a thick, pappy, natural stool, with sensation as if it were solid (second day).

In the morning, before eight, after breakfast, a disconnected, soft stool, with pressing, passing flatus and eructations; at ten o’clock in the evening, another stool, soft, disconnected, and copious (sixth day).

A stool at 3 P.M., and nine in the evening (eighth day).

A stool at six and eleven o’clock in the evening (ninth day).

A stool at six o’clock in the morning, after getting up, small, thin, pappy, easy; the same again at noon, and at three in the afternoon, with sputtering, that is with gushing flatus and thin faeces; just the same in the evening at six and before ten o’clock; could have gone still oftener (tenth day).

At nine o’clock in the forenoon, a second stool, small, yellowish, shining, with much sputtering flatus, with some tenesmus; he dreaded lest he should let faeces and urine both go together; while he would force out, yet at the same time he held back; at eleven in the forenoon again (eleventh day).

A stool at three and six o’clock in the afternoon, and nine and eleven in the evening; with the last much loud flatus, with very little cases (eleventh day).

At seven in the morning, immediately after rising, another stool as yesterday; five times through the day; sometimes only flatus with little faces, also many passages of flatus besides; could have gone oftener (twelfth day).

Stool five times up to three o’clock in the afternoon, then again five times; continual passage of much flatus, wherewith he must fear that a stool will escape with it; in the evening, he could pass flatus, loud and strong, without being obliged to fear t his (thirteenth day).

A stool at eight in the morning, the same at noon; then, indeed, twice just as liquid, though less flatulence (fourteenth day).

On passing water in the morning, a second at eleven in the forenoon, a third stool, with flatulence (third day).

On rising, he must immediately go to stool, thin, and so, indeed, three times; much flatus besides, wherewith some stool easily escapes involuntarily (fifteenth day).

Four copious stools, sometimes appear undigested (sixteenth and seventeenth days); in the forenoon, copious, fluid stools within three hours, after hasty urging, grayish-yellow, undigested, with much growling about in the abdomen (eighteenth day).

At seven o’clock, a third stool, with straining, when he thought he had finished still more came; at eleven, in the forenoon, a fourth stool (fourth day).

Two movements of the bowels (eighth day).

After dinner, small stool followed by an aching in the lower abdomen for several hours, as if another stool would follow.

Cold feeling, with a soft stool (eleventh day).

Straining as for a solid stool, which was then soft or liquid (fourteenth day).

Thin stools, mornings, till the twentieth day.

At three in the morning, he awakes with hasty urgency to stool, dull gripings; moving about in the abdomen; thin, pappy evacuation; afterwards a feeling as if more ought to come (second day).

After waking, at three o’clock, a regular stool, with passage of urine (fifth day).

Only one stool in the morning; urine normal (fourth day).

After a remission, from two o’clock at night until the next day, after dinner (thirty-six hours), a stool, and better humor (evening of eleventh day).

At three o’clock in the afternoon, a thin, pappy stool, with dull pains in the abdomen (twenty-third day).

Stool after breakfast.

He must go to stool soon after a meal.

Two hours after a meal, an unusual stool.

On standing, sensation as if a stool would pass.

Immediately on rising, a thin stool.

The afternoon stool small, little, soft pieces, with flatulence (third day).

Stool in the morning after rising (sixteenth day).

A stool at two o’clock in the night, solid, toward the end pappy, diarrhoeic (tenth day).

At first hard, then fluid stool, which seems to be very hot.

The first part of the stool is hard, the latter part thin, pappy; very often for many weeks.

At first hard, then, towards the end, diarrhoeic.

Late in the evening, a copious evacuation of the bowels, though more solid, occurring in addition to the usual forenoon one (first, and the same on the third day).

Copious evacuations difficult, and after long and repeated exertion.

Scanty, crumbling evacuation, with a feeling as if more ought to come (after one hour).

Feeling with the stool as if the bowels were indolent.

With a pappy stool, feeling as if it were solid.

At two o’clock in the afternoon (an unusual time), a stool too small, in disconnected small pieces, with much offensive flatus, two hours after dinner, during a disturbed state of mind, which was still increased after the stool (after three hours).

A stool at ten o’clock in the evening, thirty hours after the previous one, less than usual, with the feeling again as if it came indolently; it does not present itself in a right way (fourth day).

There is a daily stool, indeed, but yet it is difficult to pass; it distends the rectum at first.

The stool ceases after a small quantity (1/30th).

Hard stool (fifth and subsequent days).

No stool (fourth day).

No stool (thirteenth day); solid and indolent stool (fourteenth day).

Two days’ constipation follows a pappy, diarrhoeic stool.

Hard, lumpy stool, then obstinate constipation.

Constipation, with indolence, and loss of irritability of the abdominal organs (Fechner).

The stool is wanting; and an unendurable condition of mind.

Cessation of stool (eleventh day).

Constipation, and straining at stool (Honigberger).


Urinary Organs

Passage of blood from the urethra.Discharge of blood from the urethra (Borichius).At times, painful burning in the neck of the bladder on urinating.

Burning on urinating (Richter), (Wickard), (Schreger, Fechner).

Burning and urging on urinating, and general agitation (Wickard).

Rising to urinate (seventh day).

Wakened to urinate at 2 o’clock (fifteenth, sixteenth, and following days).

Wakened many times by urgency to urinate.

Urgency to urinate on waking.

Frequent urging to urinate.

More urgency, less urine (first day).

Increased urgency through the day, with no increase of quantity (fifth day).

One is driven to urinate so quickly that he can scarcely retain it (forenoon at 11 o’clock, third day).

More frequent, quicker urgency in the afternoon, with smaller quantity than in the morning (third day).

Increased quicker urgency, and more copious discharge (seventh day).

Must run quickly urgency, on rising at 5 o’clock, then at 8 and 9.30, with no increase of quantity (third day).

On rising, quicker urgency to urinate (fourth, sixth, and eighth days, evening of twenty-third day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.