
Dyspnoea and dull stitches in the lower part of the chest.

Every stitch is scarcely an inch long and very severe.

After a few minutes, its place is changes, it seems more in front and higher up; twenty to thirty minutes later, similar stitches in the right chest in the same place, though less severe (after three to four hours).

Pressure on the chest as if she would choke.

The anterior portions of the chest and the sides up into the axilla are painful to the touch, as if beaten, as if the pains were seated between the bones and the flesh.

The forepart of the chest is also painful on deep inspiration.

The abdomen is also painful in the same manner, especially the umbilical region, painful of itself, and worse on touch, still more in the deeper tissues, or in the intestines themselves, and, for the most part, in the morning.

The abdominal muscles are painful for many days on rising up from lying.

On moving the arms, the muscles which go from the chest to the arms are painful at their costal attachments (continuing eight days).

Weakness of the whole chest, now and then (second, third, and following days).

Weakness of the chest on bodily exertions (fifth and eighth days).

Weakness of the chest.

Severely pressing pains behind the upper part of the sternum, alternating with the same pains under the right ribs.

Immediately on rising, sensitive, pressive pains, as if sprained, behind the middle of the sternum, only on moving the arms, on stooping and crouching together, relieved by stretching the chest out straight and throwing it forward (whole of thirteenth day ).

Pressure behind the sternum.

On bending to the left side, short pinching stitches, deep within at the back part of the left chest and under the left nipple; at one time impeding respiration, at another permitting deep respiration. Severe stitches in the forepart of the middle of the left chest, in the region of the sixth rib, so that, on attempting a deep respiration, he must give it up (evenings at nine; fourth day).

Stitches in the right side of the chest, under the mamma.

Stitches through the left chest.

Stitches from the liver into the chest, interrupting the respiration.

Pains from the epigastric region into both sides of the chest.

Sticking pains through the left chest when crouching on account of pains in the abdomen.

On stretching in the morning a sticking-drawing in the left chest, from the region of the sixth and seventh ribs, only superficial but preventing respiration (fifth day).

Pressive pain in the right ribs, under the axilla, extending into the region of the right shoulder, towards the back.

Neck and Back

Goitre (a. a)..On the right side of the neck, it feels sore on motion, as if one of the muscles were drawn and painfully stretched (sixteenth day).Cracking of the cervical vertebrae on moving them, morning at eight o’clock (second day).

On sitting, in the forenoon, drawing, tensive, burning on the right side of the nape, as if in the muscles; it disappears on motion (second day).

On sitting, in the afternoon the same tensive drawing; on stooping, burning (morning of third, and afternoon of fourth days).

Tension and compression in nape of neck, behind both ears.

Drawing pain in the right side of the nape, only on moving the neck, after rising from the midday rest (first day); the same pain on motion tensive, almost burning (eleventh to nineteenth day).

Pain under left shoulder-blade, coming form precordial region.

Dull, sticking pains under the shoulder-blade (second day), and outward pressing pains (third day).

Dull, sticking pain and squeezing between the shoulders, more on the right side, continuing through the night and following day.

Bruised pain in the whole back, between and on the shoulder blades, as after long stooping (second day).

Very little appetite for many days; on one afternoon a very great one, ate two large portions at evening.

In the following night, pain in the region of the last dorsal vertebra, as if seated in the spinal cord; could not lie on the back, only on the sides; now stretched out straight, now with the thighs flexed on the body.

On rising, it disappeared (twenty-first day).

Pressure and drawing in the right kidney region (second day).

Severe pains in the kidneys.

Pains in the back and heaviness in the uterus (Trousseau).

Shooting pain in the small of the back, toward the anus, hips, and lower abdomen.

Lumbago, alternating with headache.

Stitches in the spleen drawing into the loins, at night.

Stitches into the loins.

Pains in the loins on awaking with lassitude.

Pains in the loins with the appearance of the menses; with ill-humor; alternating with headache; and discharge of blood form the anus. Drawing and burning in the sacral region (Richter).

Sacral pains (sandelin).

The sacral troubles are increased.

Morose and ill-humored for several days; on the fourth day, severe drawing sacral pains, which spread over the whole pelvis; they filled him with ill-humor; they were aggravated, evenings, and continued for eight days, (two grains triturated with sugar of milk).

Sacral pains, on rest and motion (second day).

Sacral pain on rising in the morning; during the day it is drawing about in the sacrum, with the feeling of heaviness therein, especially on sitting (second day).

A heaviness in the sacral region which involves the pelvis and acts on the rectum, loading it (third and fourth days).

A dull, heavy sensation in the sacral region (first and following days).

Pressing and heaviness in the sacral region, especially on sitting, relieved by motion (continues over eight days).

Completely stiff in the sacrum after sitting, the rising up is difficult for him; then it feels like a load in the sacrum and pelvis (third to fifth day).

Burning, biting, and sticking on the sacrum, between the skin and flesh, as of a mustard plaster (afternoon of third day, after the nausea had disappeared).

Stitches in the right sacral region.

Clucking in the region of the coccyx, periodic, lasting several minutes (first and second days).

Pain in the coccyx, as if he had fallen on it.

Upper Extremities.

Outward pressing pain in the shoulder (first day); in the left shoulder (second day).Dull, sticking pains from the shoulder into the ulna (second day).Cracking in the left shoulder-joint on moving it (morning of fourth day).

Sweat in the axilla.

Heaviness of the right arm (second day).

Pressive or paralytic drawing in the right upper arm, near the shoulder-joint, in rest and motion (third day).

Furuncle on the upper arm.

Pains in the elbow.

At night, in bed, pressive pain in the right forearm; it began in the middle of the forearm, and ended in the wrist-joint, where it seemed as if it would press the bones of the wrist asunder (ninth day).

Paralytic drawing in the anterior part of the forearm (third day).

Sensitive, jerking-drawing, as in the flesh, from the left forearm into the palm of the hand, six to eight times, in quick succession, on sitting still and writing (3 to 4 o’clock P.M., third day).

Pains in the forearm ending in the wrist-joint.

Pain pressing asunder the wrist-bones.

Weakness of the wrist-joint.

Drawing into the palm of the hand.

On stretching out the left hand it feels as if the nerves were too short, and were dragged like an electric shock.

In the left hand and forearm, the sensation as if internally asleep; now and then an internal jerking and twitching without pains (third day).

The left hand falls asleep, forenoons, on sitting in a wagon (third day).

Cold hands.

Cold hands, warm feet;; evenings.

Swollen hands in the evening, eight to ten o’clock, with hear and tickling-itching, especially in the balls of the thumb, compelling vigorous rubbing, feels as if frozen (thirteenth day).

Sensation as if a hair lay on the back of the hand, also on the back of the fingers; many times.

A peculiar sensation on the last phalanges of the left hand, particularly, as if the hairs there slowly rose up; it seems to him as if a hair lay on the fingers (seventh day).

Transient stitches in the metacarpal joint (second day).

Habitual, sensitive drawing in the metacarpal bones and joints of the right middle finger (3 P.M., first day).

In the; metacarpal joint of the fourth finger, a frequently recurring sticking and drawing pain (first day).

Painful drawing and stiffness of the left middle finger, seated especially at the metacarpal joint (first day); jerking- drawing pain in the metacarpal joint of the left fourth finger (second day); pains and stiffness in the right (third day).

Extremely painful tearing stitches in the second joint of the left fourth finger (ninth day).

Pain as if sprained or taken cold in the last joint of the left fourth finger (ninth day).

Aching in the lower condyles of the first phalanges of the right hand, evenings.

Fine stitches in the finger-joints (seventh day).

Stitches in the finger-joints.

Drawing in the joint of the left thumb (soon after taking it); then in the forenoon and the midday rest (first day).

Habitual drawing pain, as if sprained, in the left last joint of the thumb (had been sprained three months before), (fourth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.