
Enteritis from its long-continued use (Green how).

Inflammation and ulceration of the intestinal mucous membrane.

Chilliness of abdomen.

Cuttings in the abdomen, after a powerful dose (Schreger).

Excessively painful cuttings in the intestines during a meal, preventing further eating.

Copious cutting in the abdomen, with watery, long-continued diarrhoea; not seldom, also, with passage of flatus; tenesmus and inflammation chiefly of the lower part of the intestinal canal (Vogt).

Cuttings in the abdomen, as from taking cold (by a mesmeric woman).

Drawing, cutting pains, through the abdomen, the whole day; with ill-humor, fretfulness, anthropophobia, not disposed to go into the open air, although it is even made better thereby.

Cutting in the abdomen is very severe, after eating food containing some vinegar.

In the afternoon, slight cutting in the upper abdomen which, by means of motion, especially by stretching the body outwardly, is increased; it is relieved by sitting bent (first day).

Fine cutting in the upper abdomen.

Cutting pains in the small intestines (second day); (first day); (second day); (first and second days).

Cutting and gurgling in the small intestines (second day), cutting pains (third day).

Sense of fullness in the bowels; in the abdomen (second and fourth day).

Congestion of the abdomen.

It causes ebullition of the blood in the organs of the abdomen (Gesenius).

Anxious feeling in the abdomen (Richter).

Griping, and three soft stools through the day, before the menses.

Griping of the bowels, with diarrhoea, after midnight.

Griping of the bowels, as after taking cold.

Griping in the abdomen, as after taking cold, from 10 to 12 o’clock A.M., after a thin stool (first and second days).

Griping before going to stool.

Griping in the abdomen before, with, and after the stool; with the stool loud flatus (sixteenth day).

In large doses, Aloes produces small stools, but very troublesome abdominal gripings (Hahnemann).

A twisting and griping pain in the upper abdomen, soon after dinner and supper (first day).

In the morning, after waking, aching in a large spot in the middle of the abdomen; thereby is compelled to lie bent, and to press upon the abdomen, which relieves it.

After rising, the pain passed into mild cuttings, and he had two naturally colored pappy evacuations. (On the morning succeeding, an afternoon dose of five grains).

Aching in the bowels, partly across the upper part, partly in the middle, going downward.

If she lies upon the abdomen there seems to be a stone therein, and it hurts.

On lying on the side, the stone seems to be in the side.

She sweated very much through the night, and on the next day was taken with dry coryza and diarrhoea. (From rubbing the tincture on the abdomen).

Painful sensation in the abdomen; yellowish diarrhoea towards morning; dull pain across under the ribs, with distension, as if it were too narrow; therewith, some headache in the forehead (from two grains, immediately).

Painfulness in the whole abdomen, especially in the sides and in front, down along both sides of the navel, which parts also cannot endure being touched; on making a false step on stone pavement, it hurts very much in the pit of the stomach (many days).

The abdomen is painful to pressure (first day).

Abdomen very sensitive to touch.

On lying on the abdomen, feeling of a stone in the abdomen; on lying on the side, in the side. (Slight throbbing, like palpitation, in the abdomen, during rest, especially nights, lying down; sometimes, also, in the occiput) (after four weeks).

Crawlings in the abdomen.

Pleasant crawlings in the bowels, and diarrhoeic stools.

Pricking in the intestines before stool.

Sensation as if he had taken cold in the bowels, after the morning stool (third day).

Dull abdominal pain, as after taking cold, morning and evening repeatedly, still without inclination to stool (twenty- third day).

A feeling of weakness in the abdomen as if diarrhoea would result; not till after eight hours, a copious evacuation, amid the passage of much flatus.

The pain in the abdomen compels one to bend the body, which nevertheless aggravates the sticking pain through the left breast (third day).

The abdominal muscles pain, when rising from a recumbent posture, with pressing to stool.

Blotches on the abdomen.

Transient moving about and writhing in the intestines (second and third days).

Moving about in the bowels, with continued urging to stool.

Moving about in the bowels towards the lower part, especially the lowermost parts.

Soon after supper, growling moving about in the abdomen, as if griping of the bowels would take place (sixth day).

There is moving about in the bowels, frequently audible to him; swashing and gurgling (twelfth day).

Sometimes growling, moving about in the bowels (tenth day).

Moving about of flatulence in the abdomen (second day).

Rattling in the abdomen, mostly in the hypogastrium, as form movements of the uterus.

Flatulence moving about in the abdomen, which is distended (first day).

In the evening, copious passage of flatus, every time after distension, moving along the colon (seventh day).

Gurgling in the bowels, and rumbling or blustering.

Growling in the bowels, with constipation.

Growling in the abdomen before a thin stool.

Gurgling in the abdomen; in the small intestines, with cuttings.

Growling of flatulence (first and second days).

Growling here and there in the abdomen (fourth day).

It drives away flatulence.

Passage of much flatus.

Frequent loud flatus without smell (during the tenth day), (morning of eleventh day).

Discharge of a good deal of flatulence.

Passage of flatus after every meal (third day).

In the midday repose, flatus with little smell (first day).

In the evening, copious passage of flatus (third day).

Frequent and loud flatus (evening and morning of third day).

Offensive flatus with the stool.

Very offensive burning flatus.

Throughout the whole day passage of much offensive flatus.

In the evening, much offensive flatus, loud and still.

In the evening much offensive flatus, with relief (first day).

After the midday nap, much offensive flatus, just the same toward evening (ninth day).

In the evening, loathsome-smelling flatus (third day).

After dinner, much offensive flatus (sixth day).

Copious offensive, or inodorous flatus (third day).

Offensive-smelling flatus after eating (fifteenth and eighteenth days).

After the stool, much loud, long, lazy flatus, with an uncommonly strong, loathsome, offensive smell, which diffuses itself very rapidly (nineteenth day).

The whole day very much offensive flatus, mostly in the morning.

The harder and more delayed the stool, the more copious; the more copious and easy the stool, the; more seldom (twenty- third day).

Passage of hot flatus (first day); burning in the anus.

Relieved by the passage of hot flatus upward and downwards (third day).

Copious passage of hot flatus (eighth day).

Only wind from an attempt to go to stool.

Much flatus and little faeces.

Much wind with evening stool; between the stools.

Easy passage of flatus, with inclination as for an soft stool (5 P.M)..

Vigorous passage of flatus, evenings.

Very copious passage of flatus, during the whole night.

Inflammation of the lower portion of the intestinal canal (Vogt)..

Pains in the hypogastrium as if the menses were coming on (in a nursing woman, delivered two months before).

Cramps in the hypogastrium and right groin, passing beyond the right thigh, and beyond the knee.

Rumbling and pinching in lower abdomen.

Great tension and peculiar sensitiveness of the lower abdomen.

Unendurable tearing and tension deep in the bowels, sometimes single, transient stitches through the abdomen.

Heaviness in the hypogastrium; in the rectum.

Dragging down in the abdomen.

It produces local plethora in the hypogastric region (Hahnemann).

Sharp pain drawing down through the flank into the middle of the thigh (after three to four hours).

Determination of blood to the large intestines and uterus (Arnemann).

Stitches form the rectum up into the abdomen.

Affection of the lower end of the intestinal canal and of the pelvic organs (in very many cases, after its continued use for a longer or shorter time).

Periodic drawing in the right inguinal region.

Shocks from the hips towards the inguinal region, preceded by chilliness.

Pain in the loins, involving the pelvis.

Pain, as if tired, in the inguinal region.

Pains in the groins and abdomen (Hong).

Pain in the groin, and heaviness in the uterine region.

Sticking pain over the arch of the pubis (fourth day).

Stool and Anus.

Severe burning in the rectum.Sensation of heat and burning in the rectum.Heat, soreness, sense of heaviness in the rectum.

Heat in the rectum and anus when the faeces pass.

During slight distension of the abdomen and pleasant crawling of the bowels, three diarrhoeic stools; the last with burning in the rectum, hemorrhoidal pains, and much flatus (after seventeen hours).

In most cases, troublesome heaviness in the lower part of the abdomen, and active irritation at the end of the intestine; sometimes copious evacuations of blood, as if they were really hemorrhoids, when they had not previously existed (Trousseau and Pidoux).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.