Ammonium Muriaticum

Slow, fine stitches in the lower leg, just below the knee, on the inner surface, while sitting (thirteenth day).

Sore stitches in left calf, while sitting (fourteenth day).

Stinging pain in left calf, after four hours’ walk, when at rest (third day).

The ankle-bones are very painful when walking and stepping on them; they feel bruised and contracted.

Spasmodic contraction or tearing below and around the right inner malleolus, on sitting (fifteenth day).

Throbbing and beating, as from an ulcer, in left external, malleolus (ninth day); on walking (and on eleventh day (, also in right foot.

Frightful ulcerative pain in right heel, relieved by vigorous rubbing (nineteenth day).

Frequent tearing and ulcerative pain in right heel, so that she must cry out; nights, at 3 o’clock in bed; relieved in no position (sixteenth and seventeenth days), Spasmodic, painful contraction in right heel, evenings in bed (fourteenth day).

Tearing in the external border of the foot, when standing; it passes off by motion (seventh day).

Sensation in the right foot as if it had gone to sleep, at night; and also in the left, the next forenoon (nineteenth and twentieth days).

Cold feet, in the evening, when in bed; it takes her a long time to get them warm (fourteenth day).

Pain is excited in a paralytic foot, which had already been much improved.

Itching of the sole of the right foot, in the evening (second day).

Tearing in left great toe, while standing (fifth day).

Tearing in external surface of right great toe, while sitting (fifteenth day).

Tearing in right great toe (afternoons on sitting) (twenty- sixth day). sticking in right little toe, on standing and walking (fourteenth day).

A slowly increasing and decreasing sticking in left great toe, afternoon.

Pinching itching of the forepart of the right big toe (seventh day).


Much affected.

Weakness, inactivity, general depression (in fever).

Very weak, mornings.

General weakness, sluggishness, and dejection of whole body.

Sudden faintness and weakness after dinner, when taking exercise in the open air (nineteenth day).

Weakness, with sense of severe constriction of throat and difficult respiration.

He appears to be constantly affected with orgasm of blood.

Orgasm in the whole body, with anxiety; in the beginning of the proving period she feels more warm than cold.

Early in the morning, after waking, she feels contracted in the whole body, so that she was scarcely able to walk; the pain went off by long walking (nineteenth day).

Painful twitching, or jerking-tearing, here and there, in the calves, on a spot size of the hand; also, on right temple, on arms, between right index and middle fingers, where the pain most severely throbs and beats, as if it would suppurate; evenings, six to ten, on sitting; pain first disappears on lying in bed (fifteenth day).

Pressive burning and stinging at several places, here and there, forenoons (third day).

Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, then in the right chest, then in the right scapula, and lastly, in the small of the back, accompanied by chilliness and sleepiness during the day.

She appears to be better in the open air.

All the bones of the body are painful and feel bruised, when slumbering or sitting still.

Pain, as from bruises, in the whole body, especially in the back, with tearing in both shoulders and in the back, early in the morning, after rising, and worse during motion (after twenty- fifth day).

Coffee seems to restrict the action of the drug.


Fine rash over the whole body for two weeks (after sixteenth day).

Constant subcutaneous formication all over the body.

Very fine miliary eruption (sudamina), following profuse perspiration.

Psoric eruption over the greater part of the back and lower extremities.

Itching, here and there, over the whole body, evenings before lying down.

Itching and biting over the whole body; cannot scratch enough, evenings.

Itching, evenings, on front of chest, on left forearm, where on little pimples appear, which disappear over night (second day).

Itching over whole body, evenings, before lying down; it lasts some time after lying down, with small pimples, here and there (tenth day).

After itching and scratching on forepart of the forehead some pimples, which soon disappear (sixth day).

Itching pimples on the right side of the occiput, in the evening; at night they pass off (after nineteenth day).

Painful pimple on the antihelix of the right ear.

Eruptions on the face.

A vesicle, without sensation, on left side of face (eleventh day).

Herpes, in the face, dry and tattering.

Excoriated spots in the right side of the upper lip, with burning soreness (second day).

Chapped lips.

Dry and wrinkled lips; they become chapped, and she had to moisten them constantly with the tongue.

Itching pimples around the upper lip (second day).

Blisters on the upper lip, which become inflamed and ulcerated (alter second day).

Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, with a burning pain.

Vesicles at the tip of the tongue, which burn like fire, and disappear in an hour (third day).

Blisters of the size of peas, upon the right shoulder, tensive and burning, and forming a kind of scruff, after two days (after second day).

Itching and burning in left lower arm under the bend of the elbow (thirteenth day).

Itching of the inside of the lower arm, early in the morning, and pimples in the bend of the elbow (thirteenth day).

After scratching the internally itching side of the left lower arm small pimples are formed there, which soon disappear again (fourteenth and fifteenth days).

Pimples on the right lower arm, which force him to scratch continually, on account of violent itching.

Small vesicles on the wrist-joint, which first vehemently itch, and then burn, when scratched (after twentieth day).

Large vesicles, with a hard base, first itch, then burn; new vesicles appear daily, while the first ones, after a few days partly disappear, partly become scurfy from scratching; they remain long inflamed; on and about the right wrist, though mostly on it s upper surface (nineteenth day).

Tolerably large nodes, deeply seated in the skin, appear around, and also below, the right wrist; they itch violently at first; after scratching they burn and become inflamed, and seem about to suppurate, but disappear without doing it; only those that are much scratched form reddish-brown scurf after a couple of days; while inflamed the place is also swollen (twelfth day).

Itching pimples on the dorsa of both hands, in the evening, and at night, attended with desquamation of the skin on those itching places, on the following morning (after twentieth day).

Peeling off of the skin between the thumb and index of both hands (after fourteenth day).

Vehement, long-lasting itching in the tip of the index- finger, which cannot be stopped by scratching; early in the morning (twelfth day).

Violent itching around the hips, at night, early in the morning; also of the thighs, legs, and around the bend of the knee, with rash-pimples.


Coldness, evenings, at seven, with some thirst; lasts two hours (sixth day).

Evenings, at five, a violent shivering creeps over her, for three and a half hours, without subsequent heat (first days).

Chilly and shivering the whole day, especially evenings, also nights; she dares not uncover herself, on account of chilliness (seventh day).

Chilliness, evenings; coldness runs down the back, for a quarter of an hour (nineteenth day).

Chilliness, evenings, at six; goes off after lying down, with thirst during it (twenty-fourth day). Chilliness, evenings, after lying down, and as often as she wakes, without thirst (twenty-first day).

Chilliness, evenings, after lying down and the whole night (twenty-seventh day).

Chilliness and shivering, evenings, at six, and the next morning at seven; sweat, morning, in bed; all without thirst (twentieth day).

Chilliness somewhat, evenings at 5.30, in a warm room; then sweat before midnight (third day). chilliness, then alternating heat; then sweat, evenings, without thirst (first day).

Frequent attacks of fever, followed by chills and heat, with bloated red face, and thirst during the chills and the heat; the intervals when there is no fever last about half an hour. More heat (warmth) than coldness during the last period of proving (after seventeenth day).

Heat over the whole body in a warm room, and after quick motion; this heat is accompanied by redness of the face and a sensation of stinging heat, which is especially external over the whole chest.

Heat in forenoon; thirst early in the evening, after rising.

Frequently dry heat in the head, upon entering the room, followed by a little thirst in the evening (nineteenth day).

Heat in the whole body, as if sweat would break out (after fourteenth day).

Frequent flashes of heat, with subsequent sweat (thirteenth day).

Great heat when in bed at night then sweat, early in the morning (eighteenth day).

Heat in the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and in the face, in the evening, immediately after lying down (with thirst); afterwards sweat (twenty-third day); fourth evening, heat without thirst.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.